

15 Nov


Originally posted by Dry-Fault-5557

u/JagexHooli what happened to posting the MTX concepts three weeks ago?

Honestly, that response was an outright mistake and goes on my 'Do Better' sheet. The intention and confidence matched where we were at the time, but a follow up that looked assured suddenly became complicated.

My goal was then to get a firmer date agreed the week after, then this week for the survey blog post... but we're still not there yet. One of the things we've learned in the working group is this is a more extensive, complex process in general - let alone where/when a consultancy fits in (and how, based on what direction things start to fall in).

I am hoping we can release a 'semi-update' on what's been going on behind the scenes as soon as we can. The MTX exploratory work has been progressing with the working group - and that last survey in particular has opened a ton of questions, insights and potential designs that are being explored.

I've seen some concerns about wanting to hear certain answers and stuff. A lot of the complexity is coming from som...

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28 Oct


Originally posted by rafaelloaa

The new "__ Provisions Officer" achievements do not progress if the resource in question is teleported by porters/GOTE.

Thanks for reporting this. We've passed it to the team and it's being looked into.


Originally posted by EskwyreX

Quite a few journey achieves relating to quests aren't finishing for my group. So we're unable to access group storage. All 3 of us have done Cooks Assistant, but the achievement isn't recognizing that.

We're looking into this now - thanks for reporting.

22 Oct


Originally posted by LordFlyMan

Will there be a Mods / Jagex GIM group? I’d love to see you guys doing a casual GIM with RSGuy hopefully making a nice lil series to go along with it? 🤞😁

There's an awesome video being edited right now where Mod RSGuy and 3 other J-Mods race to Dragon Slayer - including a wild Mod Raven no less!

21 Oct


This is so awesome. You nailed this cosplay Pickles.


Originally posted by Dry-Fault-5557

What's the latest on the Pip's letter? Coming up to two weeks overdue soon.

Thank you for mentioning this! The overdueness is on me, sorry about the hold up - got knocked out sick for over a week recently and the rest of the CM team were stacked with other work.

We should be good to post it this week. I hope you'll find it a valuable update, though it is a little less concrete in terms of sharing our Player Consultancy timelines than we intended if I'm honest about it.

The team have been making a lot of progress, but we've found the timelines will be super bespoke to whatever initial direction(s) we open the public Consultancy around. Different concepts may even require different Consultancy approaches too.

So, it'll be a bit lighter in places than we'd hoped I'd say. But, we'll also be opening some early doors on how to get involved and sharing more about what's going on / where we are.

(As a note, it won't be a letter from Pips. It'll be from the team working on the MTX review / consultancy)...

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27 Sep


I may or may not have made sure we sneakily fixed this.. (Thank you!)


Originally posted by tttriple_rs

Lmfao. How about focusing on the bit of players you have left FOR ONCE?? Everything y’all do is to “try to win them back”, and you neglect us, the current base.

It's balanced as I mentioned. Good example below: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/1fqmip0/comment/lp6h2ll/


I posted something similar in the main thread, but I do want to repeat some of it here.

We aren't polling anything. This is conceptual questioning of things that fall more outside 'purchasable direct and accelerated XP' like the question asks to learn from it.

If you hate those three concepts, please do rank them at the bottom. That's why the question is designed this way.


Originally posted by iTzCodes

You guys must have not liked the first survey which everyone could be apart of, I dont see why we are doing an exact same type of survey for mtx when you just got the answers months ago lol. Grasping at straws here.

Have you gone through the entire survey? Other than the first 20 questions being very similar (which is about understanding you as a player), the rest go a lot deeper than the Player Value survey. If you bailed out because it looked similar, it's worth continuing through.


Originally posted by toddhoppus

The fact that you guys are including things like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/s/ndKxW3HszO into your questions is all I need to know.

Any of these questions are conceptual for the basis of learning. So you need to put in a variety of things, including things that have/could exist and technically fall outside purchasable direct and accelerated XP (which is the related thing in that question) to find how people feel.

Ranking questions are good for understanding best of, worst of. We're not polling anything.

So for example - if you're concerned about items like that, ranking at the bottom is clear signal. If we see a ton of answers ranking it low, it's a clear signal that's not a popular direction. Even if it doesn't end up at the bottom, it doesn't mean it even would be a direction either.

We have to be able to have a dialogue on finding lines, preferences, likes, dislikes in a variety of formats.


Originally posted by taszor_im

Well, two of my ironman accounts got the email.

Yup, this is going to never-spenders as much as it is anyone who's ever spent in RuneScape. Balanced representation is the name of the game.


Originally posted by Sion_Wyn

Got sent the survey to the emails of 2 of my inactive accounts and not the current 2 that have an active membership on, very interesting

Makes sense - we are very much hoping to get perspectives of Lapsed players as part of this and it's one of the groups we targeted. Any inactive characters will likely be in that pool.

(I should mention there are some active groups invited as well - we're looking for a balanced distribution of player types as best we can).


Originally posted by getabath

They should have went with this, I have this in my lobby screen aswell. NO EMAIL

Jagex fix your shit

Emails might take a while to distribute as well. As Ryan mentioned, if you are invited, it will show in your lobby screen also.


Hey 'Scapers. Posted this on the website but wanted to also share this here.

We've just emailed a new MTX-focused survey to various players within the community. Given many of you are brilliant at being vigilant on clicking unknown links related to RuneScape - and because we're using a new tool called QuestionPro for our surveys that you may not have seen before - we wanted to let you know this was a legitimate survey.

What is this survey?

Building on the original Player Value Survey, this survey is being emailed to selected player groups to dive deeper into aspects of our additional MTX offerings.

This vital step is all about ensuring a deeper understanding the diverse range of perspectives and playstyles that exist within RuneScape. Through the questions, we're probing into some our considerations for a future direction - and across the varying communities that will be represented, understanding how potential changes may positively...

Read more External link →

19 Sep


If you haven't caught it, Mod Pips letter on the 21st August has the latest: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/the-future-of-player-value-in-runescape--a-message-from-mod-pips-

There's plenty moving behind the scenes on this, with more communication to come this month. Just to be really clear though, that communication will be about the consultancy - not any firm decisions or announcements.

Working with a variety of players through various forms of feedback / consultancy is what will lead us to any improvements or major changes.

02 Sep


Originally posted by Winter-Storm2174

It's simple why they haven't released them. They want to find a way to monetize them without causing an uproar. This is what would make most sense from a business perspective. These capes are highly sought.

Definitely not any sort of monetization discussion happening around these.

We just haven't found the right opportunity to release them in a way that feels right vs their original gameplay effort in FSW. We just don't want to do anything that massively undercuts the time people put into that mode (even if they chose to sell them in that short window afterwards).

As an example to be open about it - at one point last year, there was consideration of an RS Mode (like a FSW2 or something different). They were held for that as a potential great way to re-introduce them, but that plan was scrapped to make sure the bulk of our development effort went into Necromancy.

What I can promise you is that I am the first person to bang this drum in every Roadmap planning meeting we have and the team have not forgotten them. It's regularly discussed and we will get them out. But we need to do it right.

28 Aug


Hey, thanks for spotting this.

I checked with the team and you absolutely can still buy Premier Membership for 20 Bonds. I've notified the team so the FAQ gets updated to clarify this.

21 Aug


Originally posted by Zepertix

Just a PR article that didn't really say anything besides "don't freak out in any direction." I feel like this could have been stapled to the survey tbh.

Sorry, we just didn't really learn anything from this. There isn't even the faintest outline of *how* any of this is going to be done :/ I'm not mad or upset I just don't know what the takeaway is supposed to be as a player. I love this game and the team that designs it, I just hope that this leads to tangible positive change. My feelings, opinion, knowledge, or optimism just hasn't changed at all after reading this.

That's totally understandable! All Pips' is trying to convey is to say the survey meant something, we're going deeper into this process of looking at our MTX options in RuneScape and we're taking it seriously.

And, at least how I feel reading it, walk you through some of the realistic things we have to consider as we go through this.

We just don't want to go dark and say nothing while we pull that next stage together. There was a lot of speculation that deserved an answer.