I've been stacking hard caskets for about 4-5 months now and was interested to see what I would get from spam clicking all the caskets on the beta. Here is the loot tab from 11k hards https://gyazo.com/d9b0efbf3807fabfd3eb1d62cc099e04 and the hard log from 16,791 hard clues overall https://gyazo.com/333a447303feb9fe96186cd29abdd038 Feel free to ask any questions, I will be opening all my hard caskets on the 28th of September at the Clue Chasers Discord event :D
Total loot from the caskets was: 8 Barrows, 4 Shadow, 4 backstabs, 20 gilded pieces, 6 3rd age pieces, 124 medium caskets and 768 masters. I didn't reroll anything as it would have taken too long to open.
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