about 1 year ago - /u/JagexRyan - Direct link

Hey all,

Just a quick update on the latest round of beta feedback, and what we're looking to address so far.

More information on what's included in the latest beta update: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/18ia8d8/combat_beta_update_2/

Melee rewrite

  • Reinstate the auto-attack from the live game
  • Address incorrect hit timings (e.g. EZK)

Special Attacks

  • Investigate and address issues with ECB and adrenaline not consumed outside of combat

Bow of the Last Guardian

  • Reinstate the ability for the 'Perfect Equilibrium' attack to critically strike
  • Investigate moving where the 'Perfect Equillibrium' attack is launched, so it doesn't double dip with critical strike damage

Dark Shard/Sliver of Leng

  • Increase the % chance to apply 'Primordial Ice' stacks
  • Increase the adrenaline generated when applying a 'Primordial Ice' stack
  • Weight the % chance to apply 'Primordial Ice' stacks more in favour of the main-hand (e.g. MH:OH | 2:1 -> 3:1)
  • Reduce the cooldown of the 'Icy Tempest' special attack
  • Increase the damage of the 'Icy Tempest' special attack and deal an additional hit to the target (simulating the behaviour of 'Hurricane')


  • Shelve the proposed perk changes and implement an alternate proposal

See https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/18j0q7n/equilibrium_2_beta_boogaloo/ for more details


  • Revert the adrenaline required to activate from <=50% back to <=60%

UI Improvements

  • Improve the visibility of the action bar slot interaction highlight and increase its hang duration

Note: This is not everything that we will be addressing but simply a quick update to keep you informed on what is currently in-progress.

As an additional note, the focus in the New Year after the next Beta update will be specifically on the balance of more specifics within each style such as individual abilities or weapons as we push forward towards getting these changes to the live game.

Merry Christmas, and have an awesome New Year!

Mods Ryan and Sponge

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/JagexRyan - Direct link

Hey all,

Just a quick update on the latest round of beta feedback, and what we're looking to address so far.

More information on what's included in the latest beta update: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/18ia8d8/combat_beta_update_2/

Melee rewrite

  • Reinstate the auto-attack from the live game
  • Address incorrect hit timings (e.g. EZK)

Special Attacks

  • Investigate and address issues with ECB and adrenaline not consumed outside of combat

Bow of the Last Guardian

  • Reinstate the ability for the 'Perfect Equilibrium' attack to critically strike
  • Investigate moving where the 'Perfect Equillibrium' attack is launched, so it doesn't double dip with critical strike damage

Dark Shard/Sliver of Leng

  • Increase the % chance to apply 'Primordial Ice' stacks
  • Increase the adrenaline generated when applying a 'Primordial Ice' stack
  • Weight the % chance to apply 'Primordial Ice' stacks more in favour of the main-hand (e.g. MH:OH | 2:1 -> 3:1)
  • Reduce the cooldown of the 'Icy Tempest' special attack
  • Increase the damage of the 'Icy Tempest' special attack and deal an additional hit to the target (simulating the behaviour of 'Hurricane')


  • Shelve the proposed perk changes and implement an alternate proposal

See https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/18j0q7n/equilibrium_2_beta_boogaloo/ for more details


  • Revert the adrenaline required to activate from <=50% back to <=60%

UI Improvements

  • Improve the visibility of the action bar slot interaction highlight and increase its hang duration

Note: This is not everything that we will be addressing but simply a quick update to keep you informed on what is currently in-progress.

As an additional note, the focus in the New Year after the next Beta update will be specifically on the balance of more specifics within each style such as individual abilities or weapons as we push forward towards getting these changes to the live game.

Merry Christmas, and have an awesome New Year!

Mods Ryan and Sponge

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/JagexRyan - Direct link

Originally posted by GamerSylv

So the "basic auto" wasn't popular for Melee?

In it's current state, and after discussions with various players, we don't feel that it's ready to go live yet. This is perfectly okay though, as it's exactly why we're running the beta!

We're going to spend some time in the New Year looking at alternate/better ways of improving the auto-attack/basic attack functionality without necessarily just making all styles utilise what Necromancy has.

It's one of those features that Necromancy uses that doesn't necessarily translate as well to other styles based on how they currently function (vs something like the 'Hit chance -> Damage potential' system which translates very well).

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by GamerSylv

So the "basic auto" wasn't popular for Melee?

It's hard to judge because the current abilities weren't designed around it -> if we move forward with it we'd need to rework a fair number of their basic abilities to be more unique as in a simplified view right now they're 'just' damage.

Now that we've got some feedback on the system we're happy to pull it back out (and if we want to move forward with it: iterate on it and improve melee's basics to be more interesting alongside basic attacks (and make basic attacks more interesting))

We don't want to just leave it in half-baked as it'll warp other feedback

EDIT: just seen Ryan responded -> apologies for spam

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexRyan - Direct link

Originally posted by ZJK_RS3

You and mod sponge are doing a great jobs but I can see there alot more stuff that needs to be done for beta to come to live game but is there any info on elite tectonic getting set effects next year

Since you mention 'a lot more stuff that needs to be done for beta to come to live game'...

What do you think should be included before changes come to the live game?

I ask as we feel that incremental changes to the live game will be better than doing nothing. As it can end up resulting in trying to find a 'perfect' state which can push things back further and further.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexRyan - Direct link

Originally posted by RS_Holo_Graphic

if we move forward with it we'd need to rework a fair number of their basic abilities to be more unique as in a simplified view right now they're 'just' damage.

When, if at all, will changes to abilities and combat style reworks be available to test?

When the Beta was originally announced, this was pretty much given as the very reason for having the Beta. Now, maybe that was a misunderstanding or the scope changed, but we've all been kind of holding our collective breath waiting for the promised "Rework the other skills based on Necromancy" changes. Stuff like basic attack abilities, builder-spender gauges, ability chains, synchonized cooldowns to create logical rotations... that sort of thing. I completely appreciate that a code cleanup needed to happen for combat overall, I'm just wondering when the truly compelling meat and potatoes of a combat beta test is scheduled to happen.

I think it's a bit of a misunderstanding.

A number of the Necromancy features that we mentioned exploring for the other styles are, at a foundation level:

  • Hit chance -> Damage potential (no more missing, just reduced damage per hit)
  • Modern critical strike system (% chance to critically strike and +% critical strike damage)
  • Hit cap increased from 10,000/12,000/15,000 -> 30,000

Then when we get to more specific Necromancy style features, they are much more complex to implement into each style without overhauling them from the ground up:

  • Modernised 'Basic Attack' (replacement for the hidden auto-attack)
  • Cleaner visuals (hitsplats line up with hits and animations don't overlap)

The beta currently has the foundation changes for Melee, Ranged and Magic which are very impactful changes on their own but also set us up for the future. They do raise a number of issues to the surface that need to be addressed though which is what we're iterating on at the moment.

Redefining the identity of a style and updating the entire tool kit is a much larger project. Arguably even bigger than making a style from scratch as you have a lot of dependencies to be considerate of (ability upgrades from content, various array of buffs spread across 20+ years of content), and requires more than just designers/developers (artists and animators).

This is definitely something we want to look at but it's not what the focus is right now.

I hope that clears a few things up for you, but please ask additional questions if you have any!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexRyan - Direct link

Originally posted by Kilsaa

Really like the channel bar but it feels a bit out of place in it's current state, IE its position on screen.

Any way that, in future, the bar can be bound to the position of the character? Similar to how the HP Bar/Adrenaline Bar/Necromancy orbs are?

edit: Also when will these changes be up to test out?

If you enter 'Edit mode' from the menu, you can move it to a location that better suits you.

The changes mentioned in this post will be available in the next beta update which won't be until the new year.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexRyan - Direct link

Originally posted by MeleeUnsolved

I'm confused on why you would revert limitless? It felt really nice to not have to accidently waste it when slightly above 50%.

A good amount of players mentioned that it was useful when you're using adrenaline consuming abilities (Thresholds, Ultimates and Special attacks) as they would always consume >=10% which meant that if you're over the threshold right now, they were used to be able to press it in advance (i.e it doesn't matter which order you press the buttons in).

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexRyan - Direct link

Originally posted by IStealDreams

Why is EQ changes being shelved? Wasn't that a massive issue with squished damage values? Are we just gonna be left with useless perks now, instead of being reworked into Deadly?

Nope, that's what we're planning to do.

Sorry if my post wasn't clear. I was stating that the Equilibrium changes that are on the beta would be sheleved, and we will look to replace them with the alternate idea that Sponge has spoken about (Deadly).