about 3 years ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Thanks for all the feedback on the problems with fighting for kills at the Senntisten Asylum.

Mod Shogun and co are working on a hotfix to deploy asap that will add instancing to the Asylum. This is something we're definitely looking to do to help with the huge demand we're seeing in the early days - whether or not it's a permanent instancing is very much TBD.

We'll let you know as soon as it's out there.

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

#RSHotfix: Mar 1, 15:40 Game Time

The Senntisten Asylum is now temporarily instanced with a 6 player cap. This should help alleviate kill competing while demand is high.

We'll be monitoring your feedback to this change. Please do let us know what you think!