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almost 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Oh man...

I've seen this personally so much while I was at Jagex, let's list some examples.

  • /u/Darkhearted_Raven a man who I saw personally in 2016 stay behind late nights to give Sliske's Endgame the polish a quest like that it deserved to then get absolutely ripped to shreds because of people not being able to figure out the Maze because they couldn't get their comp capes back.
    • To quote one comment... "You should be fired just before Christmas so it hurts you more"
  • /u/JagexPi who like Raven worked tiredlessly on the Bounty Hunter rework back in 2016 and got absolutely shredded by PvPers and also received threats, I ended up writing a huge reply to people on this because it really angered me.
  • /u/JagexOsborne, during the RunePass stuff back in 2018(?)
  • ex Mod Dolan because he changed the inventory icons for NXT

These are just some examples that I can recall, but I'm sure if I looked back at updates we've released I could pick out more.

There's a fine line between criticism and then asking for a Jmod to die or lose their job, that's where it gets too much and when you're someone who's invested a ton of time into content it can really get to them.

I had absolutely countless conversations with developers and made sure to always find comments praising their content where possible.

I know for a fact Jmod interaction is lacking as much because of a fear of negativity, heck just before I left I'd still try to reply to posts about bugs/issues but I'd still get people saying "why aren't you saying anything on the MTX statement?"

I do feel sorry for them to an extent because I know they're all passionate, but when there's dominating issues outside of their control sometimes they can't even reply.

Anyway, I've rambled enough here.