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over 5 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Roughly speaking the odds are:

For the genders alone: 1 in 16
For the names: 1 in 810,000

So for them both, that would be: 1 in 12,960,000

Assuming my maths is right, which let's be fair it probably isn't (long day).

over 5 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by DolphinatelyDan

I love you granny


over 5 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by CatsAndFacts

You're a beautiful man.


over 5 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by Jaffa_girl

Oh wow... :D Should I go do lottery? Thanks for the math! :p

It depends whether you believe luck is a temporary buff that lasts for a set duration, in which case you should probably get a ticket, or it's a one off flag that is unset once used. In which case your luck is likely gone now.

over 5 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by MikeAtGaming

Hey Raven, just wanted to say that my pre-release igneous jadinko was also a male named Peter. Could be chance of course but we're starting to get into a programming error territory. Fortunately I got another one after and it was a female named Olivia, so I think it is just an issue with pre-release animals which there isn't much that can be done at this point about it.

The pre-release animals don't work like that, so I'd be very surprised. None of the data is on an unchecked animal until you check it. It's at that moment that it becomes a named and special thing. It runs the same code as all the other animals, so it's likely just an artifact of random chance. There might be slightly more chance of it being called Peter as well, which might be why.

over 5 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by maczampieri

Hey Mod Raven, do we know when you guys are releasing the drop rates for dino eggs? Thanks!

I had no immediate plans to, I'm not generally a fan of giving out the hard probabilities as it doesn't really do anything except for when a person goes "but I have done X that should guarantee me a drop!" which of course is not actually how probability works.

Give it a couple of weeks and then poke me on twitter and I might change my mind.

over 5 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by MikeAtGaming

Yea I assumed, just kinda weird. The thing I think of is having a fixed seed on the rng, but if you think it's good then it's all just a crazy coincidence.

Yeah I think it's just pure coincidence in a comical fashion, I'm not too concerned. The important things (traits) are all different anyway, so even if it were true it's a trivial issue that's already solved itself (unless we're only seeing Peter's in which case let me know).