about 1 year ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

\"The Well of Souls is a beacon, a guiding light to all the vagrant dead. My ritual site is yours now, apprentice. I am done with it.\" - Rasial, The First Necromancer.

Rasial, The First Necromancer, has enthralled the souls of the underworld. The City of Um, residence of the undead, is a wasteland. As the hero of this story, it's going to be up to you to risk it all to free and partner with the undead - and put a stop Rasial's plans to destroy the cycle of death.

Rituals, our non-combat skilling pillar of Necromancy, is how you will free these undead souls from The First Necromancer's grasp and restore the City to it's former glory.

Check out our blog on the topic of Rituals here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/rituals-necromancy-insights

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

\"The Well of Souls is a beacon, a guiding light to all the vagrant dead. My ritual site is yours now, apprentice. I am done with it.\" - Rasial, The First Necromancer.

Rasial, The First Necromancer, has enthralled the souls of the underworld. The City of Um, residence of the undead, is a wasteland. As the hero of this story, it's going to be up to you to risk it all to free and partner with the undead - and put a stop Rasial's plans to destroy the cycle of death.

Rituals, our non-combat skilling pillar of Necromancy, is how you will free these undead souls from The First Necromancer's grasp and restore the City to it's former glory.

Check out our blog on the topic of Rituals here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/rituals-necromancy-insights

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Originally posted by 5-x

Glad to see the ritual chest and ritual focus storage box got new unique graphics from what we've seen in previous teasers. It helps to tell them apart.

Hopefully the pathing between the reciting spot and the boxes has been considered and optimised.

Next, you'll need to proceed to clean all the Glyph stones (a simple click to clean!)

Broomstick on the toolbelt?

Very insightful blog.

I don't believe there is any obstacles in your way from the Reciting spot to the storage, you can see in the top down image how close they are to one another.


about 1 year ago - /u/JagexTimbo - Direct link

Originally posted by AnthonyK0

From the image it looks like you can use any type of bone you want at any level is that correct?

And i assume “better” bones have a higher output?

If thats the case then I don’t need to worry about getting any of the lower level bones?

That's not correct, you can only use bones/big bones/baby dragon bones/wyvern bones (and 2 new items ) in a lesser communion ritual. You unlock higher tier communion rituals at higher levels where you can use higher level bones.

Higher level bones do reward more souls however.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by ShinyCapeRS

How Afk are we talking? 5 min + hopefully along with the new lobby timer would be nice.

The later Rituals take a longer time to complete.

They are AFK in the sense that no interaction is required - but you'll be forgoing opportunities to gain extra XP or materials from the events that happen. It's very much a choice between 'optimal' or AFK rather than participate or fail.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexTimbo - Direct link

Originally posted by stumptrumpandisis1

It sounds like you basically have to do rituals? You can't just train with combat like you can train with just skilling?

To add on to what Doom has said, all items concerning rituals are tradeable which means you can pay to advance through rituals faster if you'd rather get it done quickly. Combined with alteration glyphs, this can make rituals more rewarding/AFK also.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Charming-Piglet-1594

Meh. Doing rituals in one location to 120 sounds kinda wack. One of the things that worked amazingly with archaeology was all of the different environments you progress to as you leveled up. Any way we can get different ritual spots in the future?

If there was demand for it, we could certainly consider it. The idea is Necromancy will keep evolving and we'll see what players are looking for to guide us.

The variety in Necromancy comes from travelling to Um and across Gielinor training, questing etc - likely going to places you haven't been in years as well as the City (which becomes more alive - insert unalive joke here - as you level too).

Whereas Archaeology was more on an insular 'content' focused Skill, Necromancy has a lot of investment in systems and bringing something that works across 22 years of content. It's a different kind of Skill release in that respect, but with the same huge amount of effort behind it.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by 5-x

Oh and I have one more question:

The ritual rewards chest persists on logout like the elite dungeon drop chests, correct? For the skills sake I hope it's not one of those "your rewards get banked/lost on logout" type of things.

Yes it does.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Tkf530

Is there a bank chest by the ritual site?

There isn't a Bank Chest at the Ritual Site.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by SeaProgram2836

Have they confirmed a 2800 or 3000 total level world anywhere?

I'll ask about this - I've not heard it mentioned but that doesn't mean it hasn't been thought of / considered.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

One added note on this -

Every Thursday in July, we'll be dropping additional Necromancy Insights. This one was a bit of a bonus one, as we wanted to give Rituals their time in the sun and detail them more - but future releases have videos alongside the blogs.

Expect plenty more looks at Necromancy in it's near final form - it's looking even better than the First Look footage!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by EskwyreX

How will Necromancy stack up in terms of damage compared to the other 3 with it being the first 120 combat style? Elder overloads will boost it to 145 which seems kinda insane

Necromancy is treated a little differently in the sense of comparing 99s to 120 across Combat Styles. It's one of those times we put the design of the experience first to make sure it had that lengthy, beefy levelling experience that people loved about Archaeology.

120 will be comparable to 99s in the other three Combat styles in many respects, though obviously it may be more or less optimal than other styles depending on the situation.

99 Necromancy will still be a powerful level to have, but 120 is more about peak potency.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by TJnr1

Oh, I guess they're the first necromancer then! Spoilers? Or have I just been living under a rock?

We revealed their name and gave a first look at them in the Cinematic Release Date Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpGFbcxzJ-k

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by SoloMattRS

Will Necromancy have any AOE potential?

It does. It starts fairly low, but gets bigger the more you progress (depending on the Talents you choose).

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexTimbo - Direct link

Originally posted by ArchiePet

Still haven’t seen it confirmed yet so I’ll ask again… do rituals award constitution XP also? Or purely Necromancy XP? u/JagexDoom u/JagexTimbo

Rituals do not award Constitution XP.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexTimbo - Direct link

Originally posted by stxxyy

Maybe unpopular opinion... But after all these insights I feel like there is very little left to discover? Why kill the mystery? We'll know a lot about the skill before it comes out, which honestly, for me, totally kills the hype.

I appreciate that there's different types of players who have different thresholds of spoilers or discovery. We're trying to tread a fine line of explaining mechanics without too much detail but leaving lots of surprises and aspects which make a skill release exciting.

Narrative, fun intricacies between systems, easter eggs and a bit of that new skill flair will be left for the skills release. There's plenty we won't talk about which will still give you that discovery of mystery (hopefully).

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexTimbo - Direct link

Originally posted by AllenAndre

Do we get souls while training it thru combat?

You cannot earn souls via combat although that is the only way to earn talent points.

Souls are earned primarily from rituals although there are some one-off awards of souls throughout the skill.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexLuma - Direct link

Originally posted by TheNickelGuy

Can we get any clarification on if multiple bones are used for later rituals, or is it always a 1:1 soul rate?

The 5k of each bone I bought seems a little overboard if its 1:1 🤣

it's not a 1:1 bone:soul rate, but it is a 1:1 bone:ritual rate

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexLuma - Direct link

Originally posted by Brykirie

Play testers had it from a shop. I imagine it's an upward trend of basic shop supplies > low ritual > middle tier reagents > high tier ritual > final reagents.

Think similar to supers > extremes > ovl

this is it :)

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by JagexTimbo

I appreciate that there's different types of players who have different thresholds of spoilers or discovery. We're trying to tread a fine line of explaining mechanics without too much detail but leaving lots of surprises and aspects which make a skill release exciting.

Narrative, fun intricacies between systems, easter eggs and a bit of that new skill flair will be left for the skills release. There's plenty we won't talk about which will still give you that discovery of mystery (hopefully).

Timbo is spot on here. While we're being more open about the Skill itself, there will be a lot left to you to discover.

We're all huge fans of Skill launches being full of excitement and mystery - there's no world in which we would look to compromise that.

While there might be a little less mystery on the basis of what Necromancy is, as we want to give all of you a strong view of quite a unique style of Skill release, there is still a lot we're holding back on.

Quests, Bosses, Narrative, extensive looks at the City of Um, Abilities, Talents and Ritual recipes are just some of the many areas we won't be covering in detail.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by zernoc56

It feels like Mod Rowley let himself get written into a box by not doing anything with the desert quest line after The World Wakes all the way until now, when the ‘Gods are back in Gielenor’ is now over. Jagex is moving away from having gods involved in the story, so I find it highly unlikely that the hook that Rowley wrote himself can even be used right now. And anything in a new Desert quest that happens after TWW can’t really have any impact on the story of that quest because Icthlarin is rather involved in the Sliske line and the Elder God line. Even if it takes place before TWW it can’t really affect anything, because again, the events that it might have affected are already written and settled. Literally his only options are to either have Amascut killed or purified of corruption.

n’t even bother to have Elidinis return - who was the only one of the Menaphite pantheon to even get kicked out by the original Edicts. Rowley not wanting to do anything with the dese

Can assure you the ending I have in mind (have had in mind since Stolen Hearts) is not affected/compromised.

If/when something gets done or not in the series is not something in my direct control. I can only advocate, not decide.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by Chrix12

Will the "Three's a Kiln" achievement (Enhanced Fire Cape) require the necromancy cape after Necromancy release or is it still the original 3?

At the present time, our thinking is that it will not.

A narrative reasoning is that TzHaar/TokHaar do not partake in necromancy ("anathema!"), but predominantly, there are also design considerations of bolting it on to the existing achievement, exceptions required, etc.

We might decide differently post-release, depending on player response, but will consider then how best to implement it if consensus suggests we should. Cheevos are a gameplay mechanic, and I think we can ignore the narrative reasoning as only players are doing this (i.e. there will be no TokHaar necromancers in-game).