

04 Dec


Originally posted by RegiSilver

Appreciate it Timbo :)

One quick question tho, is the "update" to the Passage of the Abyss effect still on the team's radar?

Depends on what you mean by radar.

  • Know that it needs one - yes.
  • Actively in the works or being planned - no.

Originally posted by Mr_Hump

This might be dumb and I might misunderstand how the drop table works but if we know the chance to get every item on the super rare table except one item, wouldn't we know the chance for that item? It seems everything on the super rare table is based on x/640, couldn't we just add it all up? However doing so on the wiki with the number seems to imply that there is 0/640 for hsr table on the super rare. This would imply that hsr is on its own separate table and the chance to hit that table is chosen as some point prior to deciding what item you get from the super rare?

You're not dumb (and no-one is dumb for asking questions) - the chance for HSR is on top of what you win from the Super Rare table rather than replacing it. EDIT: Actually, I'm misremembering. If you succeed on rolling for a HSR, you'll only get the item from the roll (Cheese+Tom batta, Blurberry special or HSR) and not both the HSR roll item + Super Rare table drop.

Whenever you roll the Super Rare table, there's a separate roll for your attempt at the HSR. If you succeed, it then checks to see what tier of luck you have access to - if you don't have tier 4 luck then you roll a Cheese+Tom Batta. Then there's another roll and if you're successful then you get a HSR and if you aren't, you get a Blurberry Special.


Originally posted by yuei2

Thank you Timbo this assuaged my fears, that being said the RDT is kind of a huge change that only get a single sentence? Could we get more info on what is and isn’t on the table? Players can figure out drop chance but we should know what the table actually has on it.

In hindsight, the patch notes should've had the whole table with changes but alas.

I've passed on the new RDT/Super Rare table with drop chances over to the CM team to disseminate as they see fit, I'm sure it'll be available in the coming day(s).


It's only available from the "Supermegarare" drop table and not the regular RDT (go check the wiki for an explanation if you're unsure what that means) so its not that common but rather a nice supplementary income for the wider game.

No, this isn't "the" solution to ectoplasm and no, this won't be the only change that will be made if necessary. As many others have suggested, as recently as yesterday, if we need a larger increase of ectoplasm for the game then it'll come from Rituals rather than outside sources.

(And to those that think this was added because of recent Reddit posts - oh boy, I wish I had your naivety.)

16 Aug


I can only speak for Archaeology and Necromancy as they were the ones I had designed but the answer is 50/50 between coincidence and on purpose. Coincidence that MTX is primarily XP focused, not that these skills are designed to be "anti-MTX" and on purpose that XP isn't the sole factor.

As others have already pointed out, the skill design for Arch/Necro includes a lot of content that cannot be achieved by just leveling the skill. Having multiple ways to advance through the skill other than just XP makes it more interesting, allows you to do content you may actually enjoy but may not like the sound of and rewards you for trying out all aspects. If I'm asked to work on the next skill I'm sure that I'll look to take more feedback and apply a better version of this for next time.

06 Jul


Originally posted by AllenAndre

Do we get souls while training it thru combat?

You cannot earn souls via combat although that is the only way to earn talent points.

Souls are earned primarily from rituals although there are some one-off awards of souls throughout the skill.


Originally posted by stxxyy

Maybe unpopular opinion... But after all these insights I feel like there is very little left to discover? Why kill the mystery? We'll know a lot about the skill before it comes out, which honestly, for me, totally kills the hype.

I appreciate that there's different types of players who have different thresholds of spoilers or discovery. We're trying to tread a fine line of explaining mechanics without too much detail but leaving lots of surprises and aspects which make a skill release exciting.

Narrative, fun intricacies between systems, easter eggs and a bit of that new skill flair will be left for the skills release. There's plenty we won't talk about which will still give you that discovery of mystery (hopefully).


Originally posted by ArchiePet

Still haven’t seen it confirmed yet so I’ll ask again… do rituals award constitution XP also? Or purely Necromancy XP? u/JagexDoom u/JagexTimbo

Rituals do not award Constitution XP.


Originally posted by stumptrumpandisis1

It sounds like you basically have to do rituals? You can't just train with combat like you can train with just skilling?

To add on to what Doom has said, all items concerning rituals are tradeable which means you can pay to advance through rituals faster if you'd rather get it done quickly. Combined with alteration glyphs, this can make rituals more rewarding/AFK also.


Originally posted by AnthonyK0

From the image it looks like you can use any type of bone you want at any level is that correct?

And i assume “better” bones have a higher output?

If thats the case then I don’t need to worry about getting any of the lower level bones?

That's not correct, you can only use bones/big bones/baby dragon bones/wyvern bones (and 2 new items ) in a lesser communion ritual. You unlock higher tier communion rituals at higher levels where you can use higher level bones.

Higher level bones do reward more souls however.

11 Dec


I would have a Sporaxe wouldn't I?

Fun seeing this progress, thanks for sharing!

12 Aug


Thanks for the feedback about this since the livestream.

I am happy to say that we have changed the recharge cost so that 1x Alchemical Hydrix dust will now recharge 50% of EoF rather than the previous 20%. On release, it will be 50% instead of the 20% it was.

13 Jun


The cakes look great! I also can't believe that "Future Man" from another subreddit plays RuneScape too, nice to see you. :D

22 Apr


This is an intended design feature to allow players who have progressed through Archaeology, to the point of being able to make Binding Contracts, to be able to sell the familiars to those that haven't and make money.

04 Apr


This is not true.

The cost of General Research increases with your level and each site has a modifier related to the level required to start there.

24 Mar


Just to try and allay any concerns, the rewards are designed to be specifically very minor. We're very aware of the race to 120, in particular there are some elements of the skill that happened to coincide with good design for the race, and know that we don't want to have a major impact.

I don't know if I'm allowed to say exactly what there is but its something you could earn in-game normally within 10mins (and this number goes down the higher level you are).

16 Mar


Originally posted by Jonadin

Is there a benefit then to giving artefacts to the museum if it only rewards 60% of the chronotes that collectors give? Or is it just designed to be a sink for your duplicate artefacts, since collectors won't take them?

There is an associated achievement for handing in restored artefacts to the museum if that's you're thing but its intention is a sink for surplus artefacts.

13 Mar


Originally posted by Legal_Evil

Will the chronotes themselves be tradeable?

Yes, Chronotes are tradeable.

11 Mar


Originally posted by Seismic_wand

Will invention be required for the Archaeology Elite skilling outfit like the rest of them are?

No, it is purchasable from the Chronote store.


Originally posted by 5-x

Which of these can we augment?

Dragon, Crystal, Imcamdo, Time and Space as well as the Hero Mattock