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  • Mod Sova is working on ED3 so unless someone picks it up before then, GOTE porter toggle will be worked on afterwards.
  • Loyalty points/aura rework:

No one on this couch is responsible for what and when something goes into the game. People above us have decided that it isn't happening for now. Something will be happening in the future, but we have nothing more to say about it. Unfortunately, we don't have a dev blog and we won't be making one. - Mod Timbo

  • If we wrote a dev blog things could change by the time it gets around to being worked on.

We had a plan, and that plan has changed. We don't know what the plan is anymore. That plan is being formed by people that are not us. Aura sale is going on right now to try and alleviate that problem, and there'll probably be things like that in the future. But a full-on rework is not right now.

Mining and Smithing

  • Release went better than expected. "We were terrified there was going to be a rollback bug" due to how large the update was.
  • There are bugs but none that required a rollback.
  • We have a lot of low-priority fixes to be made. The next few weeks will be spent on post-launch fixes.
  • High priority things we need to look:
    • Crossbows and armour sets didn't get converted to tokens.
    • Shop stock. We may look at selling salvage in shops.
    • Investigate if any damage was caused by the dupe bugs.
    • Luminite injectors were hotfixed.
    • Smithing using your metal bank will require a bank pin (if it hasn't already been inputted in that session). Will be a hotfix.
    • Buy limits on salvage and stone spirits are too low. Requires a cold fix so will be out next week.
  • We will look into the possibility of porters/Gote sending ore straight to the metal bank rather than the main bank.
  • Was the time spent worth it/justified? It's really hard to say this early.
  • 11b Mining XP gained on release day (54k levels). About 4x more than before.
  • 4b Smithing XP gained on release day (23k levels). Not as high of a jump than Mining, probably due to people trying to use up their supplies pre-release or saving for double XP weekend.
  • No reason to apply restrictions to Feb double XP weekend for M&S.
  • The portable forge doesn't work with the new mechanics so that's why we chose to remove it. It could be that there is room for a portable with different mechanics in the future, we'll have to see.
  • Elite outfits are released as a way of 'refreshing' a skill. Elite smithing was not released with the update because the rework itself was a complete refresh. Another reason is the scope of the project.
  • Geodicide sounds like a good reward space.
  • The substitute of gear to salvage on drop tables is great. There is no obvious thing to substitute current stone spirits for at bosses. Rune stone spirits aren't worth as much because rune ore isn't worth much. If we replaced them with higher tier stone spirits, then everyone on release would be focussing on those over the rework. What we need to do is wait for the economy to stabilise a little, see where the state of bosses go, and see what fixes we need to make.
  • Will change artisan's workshop respect enhancers to use give respect faster than it does currently, but total respect given per enhancer will remain the same.
  • Small stat buff to the Pickaxe of Earth and Song.
  • Need to look at ore in ore box depositing into deposit points. Need to look at the impact that would have, if it is too powerful.
  • Rockertunities should be made more visible.

Completionist Cape Rework

  • Formally will begin after the post-rework fixes are done, since this is being done by the M&S team.
  • Discussion channels have been set up in the official RS discord.
  • There is a poll almost ready, just need the dev blog to accompany it. Probably early next week. This won't be a guaranteed content poll, it is to gauge the community on a series of questions to help developers make decisions on the design.

"The primary problem with comp is because it has BIS stats and utility on it, everyone feels like they have to have it even though they don't care about completionism. This has created a situation where a lot of people feel compelled to do comp even though they don't want to. And all the people that do want to comp aren't getting the requirements they feel it should have; so whole updates can go without having any comp reqs or the reqs are really small, because we don't want to alienate the players who are doing it just for the stats. So I think we need to fix that problem." - Mod Jack's personal opinion.

  • Another issue is that the gap between Max and Comp is a long time, and keeps increasing. We want to add intermediary capes to give post-Max (and pre-Max) players milestones, and possibly even milestones past trim.
  • Comp determined by a percentage of Runescore is a good concept but a lot of achievements aren't set up for that purpose, so it wouldn't work in practice and we'd need to completely rework achievements.
  • Three controversies:
    • Forced group content being on comp.
    • Hard PVM being on comp.
    • Castle wars.
  • Other issues: "If I currently have comp, or i'm about to get comp. Will I lose comp, or will my comping be a waste time?" Ideally we don't want anyone to lose out or have wasted their time but we need to figure out where the right compromise is on that.

Elite Dungeon III

Previous Information (2 months ago)

  • Rewards will be at least as impactful as T92 gear and mutated codices from ED1/ED2. We want to look at the combat meta and bump up the things that aren't performing as well as the top tier.
    • When we look at combat rewards, we don't just want to increase the Tier reward (i.e. T95), even filling a niche is sometimes boring, but instead fix things that aren't quite right like we tried with ED2 melee mutators.
    • Reward 'shape' is more like ED2 than ED1: Things of medium rarity, and a high rarity.
  • We've already designed the environment, and the first two boss fights. Working on Ambassador next week.
  • When ED3 is released, you will be able to do any ED without completing other ones (the current requirement for II requiring I will be removed) to increase accessibility to the content.
  • ED2 codex drop to double what they are right now. It may not be just a flat increase, it might be conditional like 'if you don't die in the instance' or 'if you don't bank in the instance' to add a skill element.
  • The pet is inside the inert black stone crystal. You will need to interact with it in a specific place in ED3 to unlock the pet.
  • Ambassador concept
    - May actually be 10% larger than this.
  • We will keep at least three big things secret for launch. One of those is what the first boss is.
  • We're going to have to name one of the minibosses 'Bossy McBossface'
    • Since we're underwater we could also have a ship named Boaty McBoatface.
    • 'I feel like Bossy McBossface has to be a pirate'.
  • Devs at work
  • February 2019.
  • Set in the ocean in the Sunken Darkness: the Shadow Reef (verbal-friendly version of Ulthven Kreath; where Pieces of Hate takes place)
  • Will feature the Ambassador (WIP model)
    • One of his mechanics involve a tri-force of laser beams as he spins around and attempts to disintegrate players.
    • 'A character you've met before comes and assists you at some point in the fight'.
  • Same format as other Elite dungeons.
  • Sub-bosses will change with each playthrough.
  • Will be going to back to the other dungeons for extra bits of story and exploration (e.g. the door in the Temple).
  • Additional dialogue and story for those who have completed Pieces of Hate and Hero's Welcome.
  • There will be a slight rebalance across all the dungeons.
  • ED3 'will be slightly harder, not necessarily bosses one and two but the Ambassador should be a challenge but will be appropriately rewarding.'
  • We are toying with the idea of hard modes, and 'Ambassador-only' instances but are 'absolutely not confirmed but something i'd love to do as a developer.'

GameJam Updates

See my GameJam post for details. Information covered subsequently will be new.

  • Player-owned-farms farmhands and animal barn.
    • Trapper cannot give royal dragon or araxyte spider.
    • Barn. You build it and it has 15 slots. Can be upgraded to 30 slots.
    • Trash seller: Sell any animal for 10% of the beans you would've gotten from a regular sale. Has no daily limit.
  • Firemaking update week (first of the gamejam updates to be released):
    • Incense burners. Need a firemaking level to make them as well as burn/use them. Tradeable.
    • Fire spirits QOL.
    • Improvements to balloon transport system.
  • Bounty hunter rewards redistribution (second to be released).
  • PVM update week:
    • Raids practice mode.
    • AOD changes.
    • New slayer dungeon for abyssal demons and dark beasts.
  • Combat diversity:
    • Mod Pi did some prototypes.
    • As we know, all Gamejam projects go straight onto the shelf. From there, the popular ones get development time (see Alchemical onyx items development history). Due to the size of the combat diversity update we haven't assigned it development time yet. "We want to do it, me [Mod Timbo], Mod Osborne, and Mod Jack had a meeting yesterday discussing combat diversity and how we want to do it in the future.' Shelved does not mean cancelled, it means no one is actively working on it at the moment.
    • What combat diversity has done for the game is good, and opens up reward space for us. We do get chances to fit it in where we can, for example, ED3 T92 arrows and crossbows, bakriminel bolts etc.
    • A full fledged combat diversity update is not going to come in the next couple of months.

Thank you to everyone who messaged me yesterday, I am grateful for all the positive messages. I hope you enjoyed the rework and weren't too confused by the guide. Hopefully I answered everything and I am sorry to all those who I couldn't respond to. Happy new year!

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about 6 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by Concordia_chaos

I really hope The Ambassador is doable with Ranged like Black Stone Dragon or Araxxi. I wouldn't mind a slight difficult increase as long as it's consistently doable with the Ranged Weapons they're offering as rewards.

The dungeon can be fought with ranged weapons, but this time around we've made a concerted effort to make the dungeon melee friendly as well, so expect to need to get up close and personal sometimes.

about 6 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Wkwied

But will it be doable in legacy mode? _^

Honestly we've not designed it around Legacy mode, no. We'll largely not be considering Legacy mode with end tier combat designs anymore as it limits what the battle is capable of too much.

about 6 years ago - /u/JagexJack - Direct link

Originally posted by Alabaz

Comp determined by a percentage of Runescore is a good concept but a lot of achievements aren't set up for that purpose, so it wouldn't work in practice and we'd need to completely rework achievements.

One of the unfortunate aspects of the current comp capes is that since it was grandfathered into the current achievement system, it largely ignores that system in favor of arbitrary guidelines. And in my opinion, Mod Jack's vision of the reworked comp cape from Discord is just as bad:

"Comp cape" should be renamed "Expertise cape" - to have the "expertise cape" means that you are an expert runescape player - you've played every update enough to understand it and tell other players how to do it. You haven't necessarily "completed" every piece of content, but you have done it. This would include killing every boss. (Non-bossers should pursue other capes which we would add, the "expertise cape" means you're an expert at all of runescape.

How is that not completely subjective? This is probably selfish and ignorant to say, but if any simplistic standard like runescore can't be utilized because of the current project scope, then f**k the scope, expand it and do a comprehensive rework that ends this Rorschach test of requirements once and for all. Plus if there's going to be sub-categories of capes for pvm, minigames, etc, aren't you going to have to tie those into the achievement system?

Side note, I actually love a lot of the other proposed ideas so far, including PvM focused capes with potential BiS stats, more capes in general, and making cape abilities like Ava's a universal unlock. The only thing I think is dead wrong is the idea of the "expertise" comp cape.

What you seem to be suggesting is that making up comp reqs would be subjective, whereas assigning a rune score request would be objective. Presumably because it's just a number which doesn't change? But the same people who would be making up comp reqs would be making up new achievements, so it's exactly as "subjective".

about 6 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Wkwied


Could I ask that, are there any specific mechanics that require specific abilities (stuns) in that case? Or freedom to avoid or clear an instant kill (like vorago bleed)?

I'm not going to discuss mechanics before hand, I think we'd rather players learn them and discuss them with one another so they get a sense of discovery.

almost 6 years ago - /u/mod_sova - Direct link

Originally posted by MaxedPainRS

u/mod_sova working on ED3 ? What happened to actionbar keybinds :(

That was a TAPP project and we dont have TAPP time back yet :<

almost 6 years ago - /u/mod_sova - Direct link

Originally posted by MaxedPainRS

But it was also worked on on GameJam and somehow that doesn't make the cut for "Gamejam month" ? I think this is one of those updates that would benefit the entire playerbase, no matter what their focus is ingame :/, other than another stupid Firemaking update while we already got afk bonfires, fast linemaking again, Jadinko still being at 1M/hour, I don't understand the line of importance in this matter I hope you guys get TAPP back asap :(

After working on it further over the gamejam I realised there were a lot of fundamental changes required to some core systems which means its a massive project.

It's even too big for the ninjas to have implemented alongside any of the other projects for the month the updates were planned for, so for now I can tinker with it in TAPP time comes back to figure out more of the requirements, and then I'll be able to pitch it as a whole project for one of our teams to take on.

almost 6 years ago - /u/mod_sova - Direct link

Originally posted by MaxedPainRS

First of all, a big thank you for the detailed response.
Second, it sucks pretty hard to read, but I saw a part of the issues and bugs on the post-gamejam livestream and i'm hoping you can resolve some of them whenever TAPP comes back :/
Looking forward to that update alot though! You're doing the Lord's work.

NP It's an awesome update that I really want too, so i share your pain. <3