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  1. Trade D&D rerolls with 1 raid reset.
    1. Each kind should have more relevance when trading, like:
      1. 5 dailys / 1 reset
      2. 3 weeklys / 1 reset
      3. 1 monthly / 1 reset
    2. It should be limited to 1 trade at each 10 days. To avoid breaking the drops.
      1. Maybe decrease the chances of getting Achto for a half or a third (only on the reroll kill !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
  2. Level 120 smithing should definetly be able to combine royal crossbows parts, instead of having to talk with Thurgo.
  3. Night mode. For the love of Guthix, Saradomin and Zamorak altogether.
    1. I use a screen with a VA panel, in other words, white color is like a beacon pointing to your eyes. I'm not kidding, bright colors are really really bright, and the brightness control inside the game is not enough.
    2. To test and agree with I'm talking about you can :
      1. Find the Travelling Merchant shop, the environment will turn darker.
      2. Teleport to max Guild.
      3. Voilà, Prifddinas will be darker for a second, and you'll be able to testify how AWESOME it could be.
      4. Pictures showing the effect (MY EYES WOULD BE VERY GRATEFUL if it wasn't for only a second) are all after the list, otherwise the list gets broken.
    3. No it is not that simple to tweak contrast and gamma. Even if using DCR. It depends entirely on the screen that you are using and also on the kind of panel inside it. It is not that simple, not a thing that a dev could say "it is only related to user settings" . NO, it's NOT.
    4. Dungeon is very dark while prif is very bright, teleporting from dungeon to prif is like pointing a flashlight to your eyes.
    5. Al Kharid areas are also too bright. And would be awesome there too.
  4. Pickpocketing Arc citizens should reward a few chimes instead of coins.
    1. The way it is right now is dead content. Worse than prifddinas and no reward at all (that should be taken in account).
  5. Useful POP amours perks.
    1. The way it is right now there is no point in using it. Either you use t80power/anima/t90s.
    2. To be honest I've never seen the reward at all, first I thought it was related to an Uncharted Island Map, but then I realized that I receive it while not using port armours aswell.
    3. When boss tanking, using a port armour means having to read to a kid blabling about "either use a t80power or a t90, otherwise I'll keep spamming like a disgusting spoiled kid".
      1. So it is like dead content cause we can't really argue any beyond the armour bonus, that isn't that much.
    4. A good perk would be to double the chances of superior leviathan ring to activate its effect (superior only).
      1. It keeps the risk of dying by not using the "ring of death", thus, wouldn't be unbalanced.
      2. It has something to do with POP itself.
    5. Another good perk option would be to increase defense affinity by 5-10%. (or damage reduction to pvm only)
    6. Another good option would be an update to use EDG charges to upgrade them to t88 tank armours. Then, a good perk would override the current disposable one. (1 kind for each style) (It does not seem to be an easy update because of the tier change)
      1. An alternative would be to simply change the perk using the charges : degradable perk that lasts 100k hits. This way, the armours keep at t85 tank rate.

Night prifddinas 1 - eyes saver

Night prifddinas 2 - eyes saver

I hope someone else agree with my ideas, and that at least 1 staff could consider in thinking on any/all of those.

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over 5 years ago - /u/JagexCel - Direct link

Where are the easy suggestions?