I think this is something the community has been asking about for years. One of the main issues is how you would manage all the different teleports and options on the outfit (teleports, take out essence, spawn evil tree, etc). How much work would it take to create an omni outfit? Would it be able to accept some outfits having modified headgear and others no? Would it require all the modified headgear add-ons? How could we solve the issue of the outfit accounting for nearly a hundred teleports?
I am all for it because I hate having all the outfits in bank or having to retrieve from Diango, but we have to think about it from a feasibility standpoint like Dev’s would. Maybe the option to change teleport options/outfit benefits on the fly like Grace of the Elves? Give it the effect of three outfits (similar to artisan/support capes) and make changing which outfits are active cost some GP (obligatory gold sink suggestion). TBH even working from Diango (like golden mining suit) would be great but then how do you access the teleports without the physical outfit?
Just some thoughts but it’s often good to think about why, after seeing this suggestion for years, Jagex hasn’t acknowledged it.
u/JagexSponge sorry for attempting to summon you and feel free to blow by this, but is this something you could comment on? I saw your explanation of why magic notepaper interacts with certain items differently and thought maybe you’d know if code limitations held this back or if Jagex was even aware of the community desire for an “omni-outfit”?
EDIT: A lot of ideas and I really agree with the one where the Head Slot of this "master" outfit would be the one that determines the current skilling outfit effect in use. Would ultimately mean a drop down menu of 18, which is doable (proven by Dungeoneering Skillcape which has three pages with total of 20 teleports), and then subsequent menu interface that just match up with each respective Skilling Outfit's existing interface. Still playing Devil's Advocate because as easy as this sounds, we never know how difficult it would be to implement this. At least I don't; I don't code, I'm not a Dev.