almost 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

In the last week I've really got hooked on Clues in RS, from doing them I've ran into some annoyances and it turns out that other frequent clue people have!

The awesome people from Clue Chasers created this massive list of suggestions for Clues and I thought it was worth posting it here, so hopefully it gets traction and so Jmods at least see it and can consider maybe doing any of them!

This is very wordy, but shows how much more can be done to make Clues feel even nicer to do.

If this post is useful I may look to do one similar for PvM, let me know what you think as the clue people have done a great job :D


  • Set the NPC Gnormadium Avlafrim in Feldip Hills left-click to Glider
  • Is it possible to be able to perform emotes while in combat stance (as surge/bladed dive is used a ton in Clues it places the player in combat thus then having to wait to come back out of combat to then use the emote)
  • Is it possible to have compass clues use the same mechanic as the trailing system where there is an arrow at your feet that updates as you move?
  • Add the hover-over tooltip for globetrotter items while on the ability bar
  • Update the pulsating rings at your feet for scan clues to be a little more opaque specifically for Khazari and Mos Le’Harmless as the colour clashes.
  • Add the Totem of Treasure to the Buff Bar if it's active and you have an active treasure trail in your inventory.
  • BUG: Opening a casket while resting will close the reward interface due to the character animation leaving resting. The player has no ability to use rerolls because the interface doesn’t appear.
  • Add more Treasure Trail locations to The Lost Grove and Anachronia, these are glorious new areas and deserve more people visiting them!
  • Add Hellhounds to the Slayer Creature Kills list
  • Set all clue steps that are completed by searching Drawers work like the one in the Lumbridge Castle room with the Spinning Wheel. (In this example, the clue completes upon opening drawers, not searching the drawers after you’ve opened them).
  • Update all Treasure Trail clues that reference the level of a building to be either “upstairs” or “ground level” (Many new players don’t understand that RuneScape uses Brittish building level designations and thus can easily cause confusion)
  • Add quick-keys to the Charter System interface.
  • Allow players to buy Move-Over-Distance Spheres from Oldak with noted Molten Glass.
  • BUG: Sealed Clue Scrolls cannot be picked up with a full inventory even if Charos’ Clue Carrier is Worn or in your inventory
  • Add a Warning window (Not just a chatbox message) when opening caskets if your Inventory AND Bank are both full stating that items will be dropped on the ground (can be toggled off).
  • Allow players to enter The Party Room, Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course, Hefin Agility Course, Mage Training Arena and Runespan without having to dismiss their Meerkat Familiar.
    • OR just send them away until you leave the restricted area since none of these locations would make use of their special or their scan range buff.
  • Allow the Fetch Casket Scroll special to be used even if the player is not within Line of Sight of their Meerkat.
  • Update the puzzle interfaces to auto-close upon completion and immediately open the next step (unless the puzzle needs to be turned into an NPC).
  • BUG: Other players can utilize your Uri for their own Clue that was spawned by you, meaning you then have to do the emote again to make him spawn.
  • Add lootbeams to clue drops in the Ork’s Rift.
  • Decrease the amount of dialogue between the player and NPC’s that give out Challenge Scrolls (A majority of them have at least 3 or 4 dialogue boxes before you even receive the challenge scroll).
  • Is it possible to stop active clues being placeholdered in the bank? As each one is unique each of them can leave individual placeholders in your bank.
  • Display sextant coordinates immediately after using the option instead of waiting for the animation to play which then displays a message box.

Easy Clues

  • Make the NPC Ellis check to see if you have the relevant clue in your inventory when left clicking “Tan-hide”
  • Add a right-click option on the Lumbridge Swamp Shed Door to enter the shed instead of Zanaris to replace the pop-up window.
  • Reduce the clickbox of the Furnace in Zeke’s Scimitar Shop in Al Kharid.
  • Add a way to go straight to the Burthorpe Games Room to enter the games room if you have an active clue for that.
  • “Search the drawers upstairs in the bank to the East of Varrock” - The bank in question is IN Varrock, not ‘to the east of.’

Medium Clues

  • Allow the player to either keep Clue-specific keys after use or add to the key ring (or toolbelted key ring)
    • Alternatives: unlockable with treasure trail points, add as globetrotter effect, or add on the master lockpick
    • Some of the keys are ridiculously far away from the locked area, some of these just need to be looked at and re-assessed how difficult they are for a ‘medium’ tier clue.
  • Update all the math-based challenge clues to be completable with mental math.
    • What is 19 to the power of 3?
    • 57 x 89 + 23
  • “Go to the village being attacked by trolls and search the drawers in one of the houses.” - Burthorpe isn’t being attacked by trolls anymore.
  • Add a right click option to Holgart and Jeb to quick travel to the Fishing Platform
  • “While a sea view is nice, it seems this church has not seen visitors in a while. Dig outside the rim of the round window for a reward.” - This can be very confusing for players with their Remove Roof setting set to ‘Always’ as they’ll never see the window.
  • “Dig here if you are not feeling too well. After travelling through the desert, Ali highly recommends it.” - is it possible to update this to allow you to be able to dig up the clue in ALL adjacent tiles to the well.
  • “The dead, red dragon watches over this chest. He must really dig the view.” - Only male barbarians in Barbarian Village drop the key. Is there a reason the female barbarians don’t drop the key?
  • “PEATY PERT” - does not work with alternative versions of Party Pete such as RuneFest Island variant.
  • Update all NPC’s that drop clue keys to instantly drop at 0 hp. Some won’t drop the key until their death animation completely finishes.
  • “This temple is rather sluggish. The chest just inside the entrance, however, is filled with goodies.” as well as “This cupboard has treasure, pirate pots and corsair cutlery!” don’t auto-complete when opening their respective furniture containing the next clue.
  • “In a town where everyone has perfect vision, seek some locked drawers in a house that sits opposite a workshop.” - Update the Globetrotter jacket teleport to take you to the chickens outside the Ranging Guild instead of the Sinclair Mansion chickens.
  • “You’ll need to look for a city with a central fountain. Look for a locked chest in the city’s chapel.” - there is a noticeably long delay between opening the chest, and when you receive the next clue step.

Hard Clues

  • Make the NPC Trader Stan check to see if you have the relevant clue in your inventory when left clicking “charter”
  • Currently Entrana clues are always swapped out due to the frustration with having to bank all of your items as well as dismiss your meerkat during a clue run.

Elite Clues

  • Release the rarity rate of receiving Deep Wilderness Scans
  • BUG: If a player clicks to traverse the rock-hop shortcut in the Lumbridge Swamp Caves, no matter how far away they are or if they are set to run, the player will walk all the way to the shortcut with no ability to cancel the action.
  • BUG: If a player clicks to traverse the spike trap shortcut in the Taverly Dungeon, no matter how far away they are or if they are set to run, the player will walk all the way to the shortcut with no ability to cancel the action.
  • Allow the Meerkat Special “Fetch Casket” to be able to be used in all locations within the Grand Exchange

Master Clues

  • Allow players to add the Spanner from the Dorgesh-Kaan Agility course to their toolbelt.
  • “HATED” - Anagram does not change when Death is out-of-office for events and you have to complete the step by talking to Frank instead.

Reward Shop Suggestions

  • A Clue auto-pickup function to Charos’ Clue Carrier
  • Untradeable Meerkat pouches and scrolls
  • Uri Cosmetic Override
  • Unlock the ability to make Prosper 2 or 3 perks
  • Allow players to add Medium Clue specific keys to their key ring.
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