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over 2 years ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by NexGenration

i agree that the dung scroll seems like an oversight. ill ping /u/JagexSponge

also personally i think the diminishing returns disincentivises players from using the "plant multiple seeds" feature, but i assume jagex has things worked out in terms of balancing the economy and they might rebalance things later as the economy restabalizes. things are super chaotic right now

Hey, I didn't make any changes to the scroll of life, we already had allotment seeds etc that use multiples but only returned 1 seed, so it is intended to still give 1.

Update: I've been informed that allotments can return their default amount of 3 seeds, - scroll of life code appears to just return whatever the default amount of seeds are for that plant. (either way i'll put a word in with skilling council and see what they think, but i don't see it as a high priority)