After 4-5 years / almost 7k hours dumped into this glorious sandbox hellhole, I've got a small thrown-together list of QoL tweaks.
First off, PLEASE make Simple Light usable (I know it looks like a mailbox, its an unfinished icon from ye olde- looks like this) Or maybe some panel ceiling lighting or something better then the ceiling lights we currently have.
Also please making the wooden-variants of the shelves showed in the halloween update video a real thing. Half 'deep' shelving variants would be awesome.
Compound Bow skins. Thompson Skins. (more) Double Sheet Metal Door skins. There are like 592 different Assault Rifle skins and only six Thompson Skins. Last update on this was over a year ago so not sure where we're at on the overhaul/no overhaul.
Rework the Safezone turrets range and deadly range. This is a tricky subject and won't be fun to fix, but something needs to be done for newbs. Turret kill/aggro range in some directions at Outpost is farther than the warning message and the policies aren't apparent/explanatory. (smaller turret range / double the warning range / auto-un equip weapons instead of warning while entering area / change 30 minute ban to 10 minute)
Rework AI Helicopter attack policy. Hazmat suit shouldn't be a cheat code and explaining to a new player to drag his weapons off his hotbar sounds like a ridiculous troll. If the attack heli doesn't attack you while in a safezone / while in your base / while you're following the secret 'code' (3 or less clothing slots, nothing range in hotbar except bow) than the only people interacting with the heli are the chads in their towers and unsuspecting new players. The idea of the attack heli is swell, but is currently broken.
Please remove the green and white electrical boxes from the procgen roads. Doesn't matter my settings those bastards never spawn in until I smack into them full speed in vehicles. Removing all of these from the proc prefab list should do nothing but help all around :)
Currently door controllers are haunted and will open upon a power cycle and isn't cool. Is this intended?
Placement of horse troughs can be a total PITA and seemingly require the open space of twice the length of a normal horse to place.
Use of the electricity wire can be a total PITA around certain objects. Notable are ceiling lights (only tricky, still workable) but doing any electricity work near or within the confines of a car lift is impossible. While standing on the lift itself no placement of anything or wirework will work. (With no car around obviously, just the lift)
Item placement with helicopters/vehicles in the same base can be janky. Understandable to not be able to place a box near a parked heli, but why not a whole floor beneath it? Also mounting vehicles is unresponsive while standing on anything other than the ground.
Placement of items above an open (and sometimes also closed) garage doors is bugged. This is also oddly noted while running above an open garage door. I find it amusing that when opened (recoiled) it actually takes up more hitbox space in the coiling- but is a frustrating bug as old as the day they were implemented two years ago.
Open space placement requirements of rugs should be way less- its a frustrating mini game of removing everything in a lootroom just to place a rug on the floor a whole square away. Also placing rugs on the wall can be blocked by anything on the ground in front of it (like a skull torch 1ft away or a simple campfire)
Jumping on/ around slanting trees is still a surefire way to leave the server. Were flyhacks for climbing trees even a thing before the desert palm update?
Not sure if possible to fix with Unity but the whole long-distance XRAY for helicopters/boats/cars is a real bummer.
Its hard to replicate but I feel like there are Slightly different hitbox confines between stone and metal walls. Seems like getting lootroom box setups are easier with stone and this should be a normalized thing.
I know it was being worked on, but animal AI is still wack and some beaches still end up with 42 bears and the beach to the south has 19 wolves and there are zero animals two map squares inland.
My last QOL request is for the Armored Vehicle modules to have their passenger FOVs slightly raised. I could care less if shooting out of these armored modules was nerfed, but the current placement of the passenger windows are useless :(
Really I'm just a filthy roleplayer at this point and a new glowing dbl sheet door / a good looking thompson skin and a florescent panel lighting option would tide me over for days..
Thanks for all you do Facepunch. I could nitpick for hours yet its still hands down the best game I've ever played and I appreciate all the hardwork and content through the years.
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