

07 Mar


Wait, you guys don't like bees? Bees kill cheaters..

06 Mar

13 Feb


Most are paid actors according to some guy on Twitter


It also took Blizzard years of development to add flying mounts in World of Warcraft.

06 Feb


Originally posted by abucketofsloths

BUG - Ice AK47 can be crafted with no blueprint

Thanks, we currently have a fix building for this and will be deploying soon.


It's a limitation on us from Steam what we can display on the Steam store. The in-game store and website is much more fleshed out.

29 Jan


Originally posted by PrvtParts

Same for me and my buddy. Weird.

If you're still having issues please can you submit a ticket to our support team and we'll work with you on finding a solution:


Originally posted by Tankatraue2

I don't seem to be able to craft ANY of these new items. Anyone else having this problem? I've tried 3 different servers so far.

If you're still having issues please can you submit a ticket to our support team and we'll work with you on finding a solution:

10 Nov


Originally posted by NuGGGzGG

Honest question - how much is it really? Not sure why you guys wouldn't publicly say how much you're paying people to play.

We've never paid anyone to play Rust. We purely facilitate drops for community-run events, we work closely with the organisers, and everyone who receives a drop has prior agreed to Stream Rust, work with community skin makers, approve their skins. We pay the server development fees incurred, which are paid out to community developers.

09 Nov


Originally posted by cartmon299

[BUG] Train tunnels are still killing sleepers inside their bases if their base is over the rail on low ground when the tunnels are generated at a height of -70 at the rails.
The deeper tunnels (-80 and -90) do not have this issue.

In the attached video link you can see I'm on my test server over a train tunnel, I use the f1 sleep command followed by debug.puzzlereset to force reset all puzzles including the train tunnels and it results in my player committing suicide.


Map seed: 62244010 Map size: 4500 Pos: -977.72, 0.37, 1615.81

Thank you, we'll take a look.


Originally posted by MaddisonoRenata

Caves are broken its nearly impossible to build in one because of this error.

We've identified the problem and will have a fix out early next week.


Originally posted by Sttuuu

Cant build in small hard caves

Thank you. We've identified the problem and will have a fix out early next week.


Originally posted by dannyearl

Wolves are flying

Thank you - Wolfs now jump at half the hight following a hotfix in yesterdays update.


Originally posted by skymanpl

[BUG] Debug text when entering Item Store while connected to the server and trying to buy Gesture Pack. I've been thrown out from the server and had to reconnect.

Thank you - This is now resolved in the latest update.

05 Nov

18 Oct


You can report them directly to our support team at the following link. They are entered into a database and usually taken down within a few days.

19 Sep


I can't recall a time we've directly patched bunkers unless it was directly an exploit. Using stability bunkers, for example, is fair game currently and has been in-game for the past 10 years.

Often, when we patch a build exploit, it can have a knock-on impact and indirectly patch a bunker design.


If this ever happens to anyone, and I hope the OP did, please get in touch with our support team directly. Additionally, contact local authorities to make them aware and submit a police report.

This behaviour is zero tolerance.

05 Sep


Originally posted by c0ffi124

Game stuttering, before update was running smooth

Thanks for the report, any videos of the stuttering can help us troubleshoot.