almost 6 years
ago -
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Fractional Reloading, The large Oilrig, New Weapons, A tonne of Quality of Life updates and more ...
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Fractional Reloading, The large Oilrig, New Weapons, A tonne of Quality of Life updates and more ...
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- EAC SDK update
- Added debris system to block placement of new walls and doors immediately after destruction
- Fixed censorship pixelation sometimes getting enabled even though underwear is enabled
- Fixed exploit to spawn explosive ammo impact entity through walls
- Fixed exploit to circumvent certain server side LOS tests
- Fixed water junkpile save / load
- Fixed a problem with corpses spawning partially inside stuff
- Fixed stash hide / unhide sound playing whenever they spawned on the client
- Fixed ores spawning inside hilltop rocks
- Fixed entities unregistering from the entity registry too early (cargo ship parenting issues when picking up arrows)
- Fixed vehicle seat clipping exploit
- Fixed colored nametag exploit
- Fixed anti hack false positives after projectile reflection and refraction
- Fixed fall damage exploit with and debug.stall console commands
- Fixed anti hack exploit in elevators
- Fixed minicopters having hitmarkers
- Fixed Hapis vending machines reset
- Fixed shelve stacking
- Fixed vending machines placed inside rocks
- Fixed dropboxes being repaired
- Fixed Oil Rig distance flares not turning off during day time
- Fixed Oil Rig lights pulsing intensity after toggled
- Fixed water near-clipping issue
- Fixed water artifacts on macOS/Metal
- Fixed wave crest foam not disabled on water quality 0
- Fixed boats sinking into rivers
- Fixed some flares not disappearing during day time
- Fixed minicopter collision shape being too large
- Fixed missing first person projectile 'spheres'
- Fixed muzzle brake not properly applying recoil reduction to all weapons
- Fixed sleeping/wounded players hovering in mid air
- Fixed invisible shell casings
- Fixed incorrect scope zoom levels and naming
- Optimized item skin list loading when selecting items in the crafting menu
- Stripped several client only components from the server
- Optimized player mesh rebuild (players coming into view or ragdolls spawning)
- Added pooling to several clothing items that did not support it before
- Added pooling to player corpses and ragdolls
- Optimized player model bone remapping (ragdolls spawning)
- Optimized player model bone lookup (particularly during continuous gunfire)
- Added oilrig to Hapis
- Added super potato mode
- Codelocks now stack to 10
- Barricades now stack to 10
- Updated scientist visuals
- Tweaked waves: longer, less frequent & softer foam
- Improved water buoyancy performance by 35%
- Optimized water rendering across the board
- Improved performance for gunfire muzzle lights
- Backpacks now float
- Underwater crates untie twice as fast
- Fuel access on Minicopter restricted to pilot when in use
- Can recycle empty cans in recycler
- Water Jugs can be placed in fridges
- Salvaged Axe harvests more animal flesh
- Improved laser visuals
- Reduced flashlight shadow bleeding
- Thompson can now take Flashlight or Lasersight
- Minicopters now slowly decay when indoors
- Explosive ammo can be heard much farther away
- Explosive ammo causes weapons and silencers to lose condition faster
- Improved tracer visuals
- Compound bow in line with Hunting Bow when not charged (and cheaper)
- Muzzle brake reduces damage by 20%
- Added fractional reloading
- Can no longer use weapons in deflated hot air balloon canvas
- Can no longer see through deflated hot air balloon canvas
- Fixed FOV zoom bugs when using a non default FOV
- Pistols + Shotguns have less zoom
- Added Grenade Launcher
- Added Combat Knife
- Sam Site now requires electricity
- Fixed Sam Site targeting bugs and shooting through walls
- Improved muzzle flash performance and visuals
- Improved Simple Sight crosshair
- Holosight provides an accuracy bonus and 2x zoom factor
- AI takes less damage when mounted
- Heavy Plate Armor provides more explosive protection
- Heavy Plate Helmet obscures vision less
- Added "Admire" animation button to workshop
- FOV clamped is now 70-90
- Disabled graphics jobs on Linux due to crashes