A Whole New World
This month Rust has received a huge visual update, the biggest to date! From new terrain, trees, rocks, cliffs, decor, grass, monument reworks and so much more.
This is the culmination of work by several people that took place on and off over the last couple of years. It greatly improves how the game feels and gives it a fresh look.

Most of the new visuals were developed alongside the transition of the game to the High Definition Render Pipeline of Unity (HDRP) that we subsequently dropped after unsatisfactory performance results. We didn’t want to waste the efforts made to make the game look better during that time and ported them to the current version of the game instead.

We also took the opportunity in the last two months leading up to this update to fix a vast amount of long-standing issues revolving around monuments, world procedural generation, and exploits.
For example, you'll find cliffs, road, terrain, river generation much improved.
We re-worked some monuments completely such as the Junkyard, Satellite dish and integrated many of them inside the procedurally generated world more seamlessly than before. For example, you'll now see larger monuments and hubs now have bespoke subway tunnel entrances within their perimeter.

When it comes to performance, we did our best to keep the current status quo or improve upon it in some areas of the game. But since this update adds more content than it removes, we do not expect a major improvement in performance overall.

The Bandit Town is known for one if not the worst performance area, and this gave us the perfect opportunity to address this. We reduced the number of NPCs, reduced the forest density and completely remodelled the huts.
This is only touching the surface of changes, and you'll find many more changes and new additions while playing.
Junkyard Revamp & Crane
The Junkyard monument has received a complete overhaul, our original vision just didn't work out as well as we hoped. Once we adding flight into Rust it only made things worse. The revamp should hopefully resolve all the commonly complained about issues and make it a hotspot for action.

Not only did the Junkyard receive a complete overhaul we've also added a driveable crane that can pick up vehicles and drop them in the shredder located at the centre of the yard. Dropping cars into the shredder will yield scrap.

- Moving the crane too far away from the Junkyard will destroy the crane
Bush Displacement
Since the HDRP content backport comes with much nicer foliage, we noticed during playtesting that bushes got in the way when building a base a lot more than with the old foliage. To counteract this, bushes are now removed when building on top of them. Of course bushes won't be gone forever and will automatically respawn in suitable locations around the map.
This uses the same system as trees, which guarantees that a nice and even coverage across the map will be preserved and we don't end up with large areas that don't have any bushes at all.
Nvidia Reflex
Nvidia Reflex is now available! Reflex can be enabled via the options menu for all Nvidia users using GeForce GTX 900 Series or newer. Enabling Reflex has shown up to 38% reduced input latency within Rust.

Improvements & Fixes Highlights
Mounted GesturesGesture while on horses, boats, seats, etc
Alt LookRestored 3rd person feedback when a player is alt looking
Poker TableMultiple poker table fixes and improvements
Bandit Camp RecyclerDue to popular demand the Bandit camp now has an extra recycler
Hitch & Trough ImprovmentsDoubled health recovered by horses and decay time reset after eating food
Junkyard CarliftPublic carlift can now be used at the revamped Junkyard
Check out the changelog for more changes.
Server Changes
As of this update, the servers that were moved temporarily due to the fire at the OVH datacenter in Strasbourg have now been moved to a permanent home, we'll be moving all the player blueprints etc. over so the affected servers may be delayed by a few minutes starting back up.
The following EU servers have moved to new IP:
- Facepunch EU3 -
- Facepunch EU4 -
- Facepunch EU Small 1 -
- Facepunch EU Large 1 -
- Facepunch EU5 -
- Facepunch EU Softcore 1 -
- Facepunch EU Softcore 2 -
- Facepunch EU11 -
- Facepunch EU12 -
- Facepunch EU Small 2 -
- Facepunch EU Small 3 -
- Facepunch EU Small 4 -
- Facepunch EU13 -
- Facepunch EU14 -
- Facepunch EU Small 9 -
- Facepunch EU17 -
- Facepunch EU18 -
- Facepunch EUS10 -
- Facepunch EU Softcore 3 -
- Facepunch EU Softcore 4 -
- Facepunch EU Softcore 5 -
Please note due to these servers moving they'll no longer display within your history or favourites list.
Hapis Island Temporary Removed
Due to the huge world revamp Hapis Island is currently removed from the map pool while Petur works on bringing the map up to date with the new visuals. We expect these changes will be completed within a few weeks, we'll keep you updated on Hapis Island progress.
Facepunch Hapis Islands servers will stay online but will now run a procedural map for the time being.
Twitch Drops
Starting from today till May 13th 18:00UTC Twitch drops are enabled for Rust Twitch streamers. You can earn special and unique skins simply by watching your favourite Rust Twitch streamers.
We've teamed up with Abe, Tacularr, Spoon kid, Shiphtur, PeterParkTV, Masayoshi,imPheetus, Enardo, Brit, Big Chase, Berne and Fuslie to bring you special unique drops which can only be earned by watching their channels.

Learn more at
http://twitch.facepunch.com Community Map Making Contest
Later this month in the community update post we'll be announcing details for the first community map-making contest. If you're interested keep an eye out!
- New generation cliff placement and cliff visuals
- New terrain visuals
- New terrain clutter visuals
- New terrain foliage visuals
- New cliffs and rocks visuals
- New roadside junkpiles
- New forest populations
- New Satellite Dish Monument
- New Junkyard monument
- New workshop scene
- New ice sheets visuals and spawn rules
- New young and dead pine tree variants
- Updated Sewer Branch monument
- Updated Dome monument visuals and puzzle
- Updated Trainyard monument middle and north sections for improved cover/flow, better visuals
- Updated all monuments road connections to procedural roads to be more seamless
- Larger monuments and hubs now have bespoke subway tunnel entrances within their perimeter
- Biome dependant foliage, foliage at monuments will display the right type for the biome they are in
- Updated colliders of large hero trees in the swamps to be more accurate, easier to build around
- Fixed areas of the Military Tunnels not inflicting any radiation
- Fixed several monuments sometimes being flooded
- Fixed a large amount of stairs colliders that were stee-through but not shoot-through
- Fixed puzzle bypasses at Trainyard
- Fixed a large amount of 'low object quality settings' visual exploits around monuments
- Fixed the 'red pipe of death' at Launch Site, where velocity could kill you
- Fixed Launch Site south puzzle door exploit
- Fixed exploit where you could jump inside vents at various monuments to gain peak advantage
- Fixed some props that allowed exploitable one way shooting (oilrig in particular)
- Fixed getting stuck inside Outpost/Compound decor by the way of roofs
- Fixed an issue whereby dropping items on the floor in Water Treatment Plant would not let you pick them up
- Fixed an exploit at Water Treatment Plant allowing to skip green card puzzle steps
- Fixed Out of Bounds/fly hack violations issues around Water Treatment Plant sewer tunnels
- Fixed Out of Bounds/fly hack violations issues inside Launch Site tunnels happenning on certain seeds
- Fixed exploits at both oilrigs whereby players would swim up pipes to gain advantage
- Fixed being unable to harvest trees around some monuments
- Fixed Giant Excavator mining the wrong resource when mining Metal Fragments
- Fixed dropped items falling into Bandit Camp shop keepers cabins
- Roadside props LOD distances now cull later, preventing revealing players hiding behind them
- Extended cover props LOD distances at Airfield to ensure players remain hidden behind them
- Various fixes for poker gameplay
- Electrical counter font size now scales smaller when the number doesn't fit
- When dismounting the Work Cart train seat, sometimes the player's view angle would be incorrect. This is now fixed
- Fixed horse trough sometimes not affecting decay time when a horse eats from it
- Fixed belt items sometimes being visible in a players hand even if the item wasn't equipped
- Fixed tree billboards sometimes getting stuck and sticking around forever
- Fixed first person lights/particle effects still being visible when gesturing
- Improved procedural terrain generation, ring road generation also improved as a result
- Improved terrain grass displacement
- Improved dynamic foliage to reduce floating over terrain
- Improved lighting volumes inside Military Tunnels, no more shadow clip in the distance
- Improved distant LODs for Oilrigs
- Improved lighthouse visuals at night
- Improved monuments 'fading' into procedural map, better looking player paper map visuals
- Improved a large amount of colliders around which gun fight occurs whereby bullets were blocked before
- Improved visuals at Bandit Camp
- Optimized decor at Bandit Camp
- Most of static art now uses shadow proxies for improved performance
- Harbors only spawn on mainland
- Bushes hide when building on top of them
- Poker players are no longer obliged to show their hand at the end of the round unless they're the winner in a showdown. Anyone can optionally show their hand by pressing R
- It's not possible to still see what cards you had after you've folded
- Can now use gestures while mounted (with some exceptions)
- Restored 3rd person feedback when a player is alt looking
- Improved tree and bush billboards
- Improved visuals for fallen logs and wood stump pickups
- Improved contact shadows settings, enabling will no longer create black outlines around grass