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Doot doot! Break out your horniest horns and get ready for the instrument update! Your bug reporting is instrumental to helping the devs out! (sorry, couldn't resist)

Please help the developers by reporting any bugs, using the following points:

You can report bugs in-game by pressing F7.

[BUG] Something game-breaking that shouldn't happen.

[QoL] Quality of Life change that doesn't necessarily break the game, but would be nice to fix.

Please try to include helpful evidence related to the bug, such as screenshots, videos, or GIFs.

Describe how to recreate the bug, if you know how.

If your bug has already been posted, upvote it and reply to it with your info.

Post your system specifications if the bug seems to be hardware/graphics-related.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by unsentletter83


Video card crashing on server selection screen.

Radeon RX 580 Series | 5GB

Please contact our support team here. Troubleshooting these types of issues over Reddit is not easy, unfortunately.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by Alpenrust

[BUG] Some sounds like opening boxes or TC, jumping and landing on the floor, etc. repeat themselves several times. stop for a moment and then repeat again.

Thanks, we've received a few reports of this issue. We're looking into it.

Update - We've now released a fix for this issue.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by quietconundrum

[QoL] "murderers" are no longer clothed and no longer have glowing eyes, no matter if server convar (halloween) entities or BotSpawn entities. they still make the grunting sounds, though. is this intended?

While not intentional changed we tend not to support the seasonal items and objects outside of the periods the event is run but we'll take a look.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by quietconundrum

Ok, thanks for checking. BTW, having map "zombies" year-round, without the need for plugins to facilitate them, is an attractive and popular option for PVE server owners. They've always functioned flawlessly, so thank you for that, regardless of any lack of official support. I, for one, appreciate them very much.

Definitely! That's something we want to support server owners and plugin developers to do. Unfortunately, these bugs do sneak past but we'll get it fixed up.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by FiveWs

I've owned Garry's Mod for a long time but only have 4 minutes logged on it. I didn't get my new tool in Rust. Am I missing something?

You'll need at least 15+ minutes logged on Garry mod to receive the item.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by jrpTREY5

[BUG] Tree mini game is broken. X slowly goes lower and lower until its literally in the ground.

Thanks, we'll take a look.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by Shadowman771

[BUG] Acoustic Guitar doesn’t allow you to look up or down fully

this is the intentional behaviour to stop the Guitar clipping into the body.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by feekcheeks

[BUG] launch site elevator lifts are invisible

Thanks, we'll take a look at this.

Update - We've now released a fix for this issue.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by RoundScratch

New first person playermodels looks really janky when you're jumping around. hands get in your face. There should be a toggle to disable the whole feature

You can disable your legs (ouch!) by typing in the F1 console:

legs.enablelegs 0

Equipping a piece of clothing will update your player.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


This is intentional.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by rustapalooza

[BUG] On a Mac, bought the instrument DLC. It is showing up as purchased in the store, but not in my library. Right clicking on Rust's properties does not show a DLC tab. Tried restarting everything. Might be a Mac bug?

Thanks, we're investigating this issue.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by korzhyk

[BUG] Random sound shuttering. Upd: probably when gc starts

We're currently looking into this issue.

Update - We've now released a fix for this issue.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by everlast1ng_cs

Many people (me including) are experiencing mini stutters along with audio stutters after the update. The gc spikes during the stutters. Help !

Thanks for the reports - This issue should now be resolved.

over 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by Anemy

[BUG] jumping off a scrap heli onto cargo ship pulls you off the ship. Here's a clip of it happening to Welyn: https://clips.twitch.tv/EnticingBillowingOryxPlanking

Thanks, we'll take another at this issue.

about 4 years ago - /u/Alistair_Mc - Direct link

Originally posted by xtian1911

I also wanna know this u/Alistair_Mc

Yes, you can still gain the item by owning and playing Gmod