Transcript (by Youtube)

0s should you wait to play satisfactory
2s before 1.0 comes out a question that has
5s popped up quite a few times the last
7s couple of days which might be sort of
8s tricky to sort of like answer for
10s everyone since there's not too much
12s information on sort of what's happening
14s with 1.0 but today I hope to give you a
16s little bit of clarity on this
19s topic so in this video I'm going to be
22s addressing some of the changes we made
23s in 1.0 that will affect existing
26s factories uh We've made changes to notes
28s in the world there's been rebalance of
30s you know existing recipes and I have
32s some you know general information
34s regarding like progression of existing
36s safe files so so hopefully that will be
39s very insightful for you all before we
41s get into that though I kind of want to
42s talk about a few things first so uh I
45s know a lot of you are asking for a
46s release date for 1.0 and I can only
48s really say that you know we'll give you
50s a release date when we're ready to give
52s you a release date a lot of stuff needs
54s to sort of come together for us to be
55s comfortable with revealing any potential
57s dates so that's sort of why we're
59s keeping it a little bit more underw
60s wraps this time around it won't be like
62s a shadow drop or anything like that
64s though so you know you'll all be
65s notified well in advance uh so yeah just
68s hold out a little bit more okay stay
70s strong okay let's talk about how we're
73s how we're messing up your factories okay
75s let's go so we've made a lot of changes
77s to nodes on the map okay there's there's
79s there's a lot of new nodes on the map
81s but there's also been alterations to a
83s lot of existing notes very probably not
87s fun to hear but here we are okay some
90s have been moved some have changed Purity
93s and some are straight up gone actually
96s uh these are changes we've been meaning
98s to make for a long time but we decided
100s to wait until now not to cause too many
102s like headaches for everyone leading up
104s to now so like it's better to do it all
106s at the end of Early Access rather than
108s like continuously I'm going to address
110s some that we think will affect most
111s people quick trigger warning though a
114s lot of the notes that I'm about to talk
116s about uh are in the vicinity of the
119s Northern Forest
122s okay so so sit down okay uh and and and
127s and pause the video if you need to take
128s a breather okay uh and and uh yeah let's
131s dive into
134s it so to start it off let's talk about
137s sulfur cerium and quartz so up near the
140s Western Northern Forest these resources
142s are quite condensed and to not make this
145s area too resource dense and make players
148s like want to expand away some of these
150s nodes have been moved had changes to
153s their purities or are you know straight
156s up yeed from the game so there's a
159s cluster of three sulfur nodes in the
161s Northwestern Northern Forest two have
164s been altered instead of two normal nodes
166s and one impure node there are now only
169s two impure nodes a couple of somewhat
171s centralized normal nodes were also
174s removed from the northeastern snake tree
176s forest and Southwestern swamp and we
179s have instead added several nodes of all
181s purities to wors the edges of the map uh
184s the biggest addition to sulfur is a
186s cluster of three nodes in the southern
188s edge of the Southern Forest uh one
191s impure one normal and one
194s pure cerium has largely been kept the
197s same uh moving back to the Northwestern
200s Northern Forest the pure node up there
202s has been removed and the normal node
204s hanging out there has been slightly
206s altered in location within the biome the
208s only other removals of cerium are in the
211s western edge of jungle spires
213s Southeastern desert canyons and
215s Northwestern swamp uh replacing the
218s normal node in the swamp is another
220s cluster of three in roughly the same
221s location consisting of uh one pure node
224s and two normal
227s ones so when it comes to quartz the
229s Titan forest was kind of unhinged uh
232s there were way too many quart nodes uh
234s there so some of them have been deleted
237s uh replacing those in roughly the same
239s location is one pure node and two
240s normals two pure nodes at the
242s Northwestern edge of the Northern Forest
244s are also gone replaced by two impure
247s ones in the same biome but more
249s centralized at the northern border and
252s another cluster of three uh this time in
254s the southern Forest consisting of one
256s pure one normal and one impure
261s node there have also been changes to
263s purities to other nodes for all three
265s materials uh while I'm not sure it's
267s worth going through like each one here
269s it's worth noting that like most of
271s these involved nodes being nerfed from
273s normal Purity down to impure next let's
276s talk about coal okay so the only changes
279s here affecting current factories are the
280s removal of three nodes uh one pure node
284s in you guessed it the Western Northern
287s Forest as well as two normal nodes in
289s the Eastern Dune Forest around like the
291s Coin Tree forest in their places a
293s cluster of four nodes have been added to
296s the very Northwestern of the rocky
299s desert uh a couple in Jungle spires and
302s finally a metric ton of coal is
305s replacing the two normal nodes in the
306s Dune
309s forest and to top it off we've finally
311s given the sprinkle treatment to iron
313s copper and Limestone to large sections
316s of the map since most of these are
318s completely new rather than moved I won't
320s go into details but just know that the
322s map has indeed been sprinkled in iron's
324s case actually however uh it's worth
326s mentioning that two normal nodes in the
329s Southeast and Titan Forest have been
331s removed as well as one on the edge of
333s the Titan Flats replaced with a cluster
336s of three normals in between these
338s locations finally I want to talk about
340s geysers okay uh actually nothing was
343s removed for geysers instead of a bunch
345s of them were added uh we've been meaning
346s to do this for a while now and here we
349s finally
352s are hello what's up my name is not snoot
355s but I would like to note a quick couple
357s of last minute things happening to
358s uranium in 1.0 on top of everything else
361s we just mentioned in the swamp area
363s currently in the live game we have one
365s normal node of uranium that is being
367s changed in 1.0 from normal down to
372s impure
373s oops on top of that we're also adding
377s one impure node of uranium to the Dune
379s desert Plateau area have fun so to
383s summarize it might sound like we've
385s nerfed and removed many nodes but there
387s are overall more nodes of every type on
389s the map appap in 1.0 uh they're just
392s like a little bit more spread out sort
393s of uh they might logistically be
395s trickier to utilize now but there are
397s more resources to exploit uh in general
400s we'll provide more detailed maps in the
402s description so do check that out if you
404s want to learn more so in 1.0 you're
406s going to be seeing some rebalancing of
408s existing recipes a big change we've made
411s is how players will interact with
413s supercomputers so supercomputers will no
415s longer be part of the cerium mry and
418s they will no longer be needed to make
419s program able Splitters or geothermal
422s generators so programmable Splitters
424s instead need high-speed connectors and
427s geothermal will require AI limiters uh
430s hopefully with this change geothermal
432s power will become much more viable in
434s the early game and make use of all those
436s new geers that we've added actually
439s there seemed to have been some changes
441s made yesterday which now makes the
443s programmable spitter use AI limiters
445s instead of high-speed connectors as well
447s as the geothermal generator use
450s high-speed connectors instead of AI
452s limiters so you know just a little last
454s minute Switcheroo but hey at least they
457s are both still free from super computer
458s jail up till now you had to work through
461s almost all progression in terms of faces
464s and tears to reach some of the fun stuff
466s you could utilize you know when you're
467s sort of working on your late game
469s factories uh however that fun stuff
471s could then not be used for progression
473s uh because your progress would be
475s complete at that point so we've done
477s some switcher rules to make sure that
478s you have access to some of the like
480s handy tools before you reach the end
482s game so you can sort of play around with
483s them faster and you know be more
485s accustomed with them before the very end
487s one example of this is the gas mask
489s which is now unlocked in The Melia mam
491s tree instead of in tier five so if you
494s want to get to explor in earlier this is
497s going to be possible you will be able to
499s acquire the jetpack right as you enter
501s tier five now rather than needing oil
503s processing completed first uh Logistics
506s markv now include the truck instead of
508s the fuel generator which was instead
510s moved to its own Milestone but perhaps
513s one of the biggest changes is that
514s trains and fuel generators no longer
517s require computers or heavy modular
519s frames to be unlocked making them both
521s accessible even before you build your
523s first manufacturer so this means that
525s indeed now you can use trains to Aid in
528s the automation of computers and heavy
530s modular frames on top of all that heavy
533s modular frames are no longer used for
535s any buildings in Tiers 5 and early six
538s while computers are not used for early
540s tier six and should instead be focused
543s on for unlocking stuff in tier 7 also
546s circuit boards and electromagnetic
547s control rods are no longer used when
549s constructing buildings or un loock costs
552s at all actually so let's talk about
554s computers and heavy monitor frames
556s themselves okay so I I come bringing sad
558s news unfortunately everyone okay so very
562s sorry to say this but in 1.0 computers
565s will no longer require screws to be
567s built a
569s sad sad sad times uh This falls in line
574s with making the manufacturer a less
576s daunting building when you start using
578s it as computers will now only require
580s three parts to automite instead of four
583s however we did double the usage of
584s computers that are already used as an
587s active ingredient in other recipes to
588s sort of balance the relaxation of this
590s recipe for heavy modeler frames the
592s biggest change is probably a rework to
595s make them require nice you know even
597s numbers so this has been done by
599s increasing the amount of steel pipes and
601s screws needed but also relaxing the
603s materials needed to make incase
604s industrial beams by quite a bit actually
607s so incase industrial beams will now
609s require much more concrete than steel
611s beams which relaxes the need for steel
614s uh while limestone is available in
616s abundance the goal with the changes to
618s both incase industrial beams and heavy
620s modit frames is that the recipes simply
622s synergize like a lot more now next thing
625s I want to talk about is fuel generators
627s okay uh one ch change we've made to fuel
630s generators is that they will now produce
633s 250 megaw of power instead of the
635s current 150 megaw while still requiring
638s the same amounts of all types of fuel
640s this means that you need less buildings
642s in order to produce the same amount of
644s power you are doing today so either get
646s to deleting some of those extra fuel
648s gens or you can you know underclock all
650s of them and uh you should be Gucci this
652s change was made so that fuel generators
654s weren't completely overshadowed by the
656s addition of nuclear later on there are a
658s couple of more minor recipe changes that
660s we're still sort of tweaking with uh
662s that you'll sort of have to explore
664s yourself one ph0 drops but these are
666s sort of the Heavy Hitters and the ones
668s that you know should affect your
670s existing factories the most so with this
672s information hopefully you'll have a bit
674s more to go on whether you'll want to
676s reconfigure your existing factories or
678s if maybe it's you know time to start a
680s new 1.0 drops one final bit of info I'd
683s like to share is about progression and
685s the story so if you choose to continue
688s your save file uh you will need to redo
691s some of the unlocks that you already
692s have as things have changed around in
694s the Tei and the M uh you know Milestones
697s are sort of new and and that will sort
699s of make it so you need to unlock them
701s again essentially and it might not be
703s obvious like which ones you need to
704s unlock again and stuff like that there
706s will also be story triggers that won't
708s trigger properly on Current Saves uh and
711s it's nothing that you know won't stop
712s you from completing the game or anything
715s uh but you will miss out on some of
716s these aspects that said if you don't
718s care about the story and you know just
720s want to grind on and complete the game
722s and are okay with fixing up your
724s factories you should be fine but for
726s everyone else if you do want to
728s experience the story elements properly
730s we'd recommend starting over 1.0 drops
732s to get sort of the full progression
734s experience all right that's it hopefully
736s this gives you a little bit more insight
738s in preparation for 1.0 let me know in
741s the comments you know whether you plan
742s to restart from the very beginning again
744s or if you're going to keep chugging on
746s so thanks for watching everybody see you
750s [Music]