about 2 months ago - Coffee Stain Studios - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s it is finally happening the lid on the
4s jar of content for 1.0 has finally been
7s lifted and out comes some very exciting
10s news I am of course talking about last
12s week's announcement video where we
14s announced probably the thing people were
16s looking forward to to hear the most
19s you're finally going to be able to flush
21s the toilet in the hub
32s oh and also that 1.0 is coming out in
34s September 10th to this year but but
36s that's cool too I
39s guess but anyways if you haven't watched
42s the announcement trailer from last week
43s check it out in the cards I'm here and
46s uh if you have already watched the video
48s then uh watch it again okay cuz I busted
52s my ass making that video uh together
54s with help my colleagues so uh yeah some
56s really exciting news is that we finally
58s have a release date for 1.0
61s and there were of course you know a
62s bunch of other little goodies hidden
64s away in that video and we'll talk more
66s about what those could be um after our
69s vacation which is unfortunately starting
72s right now sorry no I'm actually not
75s going to leave you on a total
76s Cliffhanger I do have some new
78s information today I want to share
79s regarding 1.0 and I also want to talk
82s about some new merch coming from 1.0 uh
85s but yeah let's just say that yes we are
87s heading into the infamous Swedish
89s vacation period uh Stupid Nordic welfare
92s system am I right uh so we'll be resting
95s up for a couple of weeks and we will be
96s back again in early August this also
99s means that the weekly Dev stream will be
101s on pause until we're back so we will see
104s you then but before we go like I said I
106s got a couple of exciting things to share
108s to commemorate the launch of 1.0 our
111s merch partner Dave at heroic replicas
113s have a couple of new uh merch items to
115s announce today so so let's get into that
118s so to clarify something the toilet flush
120s announce in last week's video is going
121s to be a feature available in 1.0 I know
124s the meme has been for toilet fles DLC uh
128s but this will be sort of a feature
129s available directly in 1.0 so it won't be
131s DLC but instead heroic replicas are
134s going to offer a different kind of DLC
136s uh namely defective Logistics coupons
139s also described as a roll of fix it
142s coupons with a printing error and it
145s looks a little like
147s this this is going to be available as a
149s new merch store item Believe It or Not
152s uh the price is $250 per roll of TP and
156s it is three ply virgin wood pulp and
159s it's around 160 squares and roughly 200
162s coupons and it will be available in
164s August while supplies last next new item
168s is this new challenge coin featuring the
170s cup and a cute little Lizardo on the
172s other side uh it is 48 mm in diameter
175s and 4 mm thick it comes in a clamshell
178s case and will be in stock in in August
181s there's also going to be a fix it World
183s Tour t-shirt uh you know how like when
185s bands tour they typically sell like
187s t-shirts that display like all the tour
189s dates for shows and we thought it'd be
191s funny to do something similar with all
192s the updates that we've made so this is
194s another limited time offer it comes in
196s three sizes medium XL and 3XL and will
200s also come into stock in August we also
202s have this cute enamel pins set
204s containing these four pins uh this is
206s the first set of pins to be made so
208s there will be more pin sets to come one
211s really cool new item is the satisfactory
213s original soundtrack on vinyl so we
215s released the soundtrack back in March
217s and people have been asking us if we
219s were ever planning to release a physical
221s copy so here it is uh it's uh two vinyl
224s LPS it's four sides total with about 1
226s and 1/2 hours of original soundtrack
229s it's roughly 25 minutes per side the
231s artwork displayed here is not final so
233s it will look a bit different uh but it
235s will be one black disc and one orange
237s disc and this won't come out until next
239s year so this is slated as early 2025
241s release on the topic of the soundtrack
243s there will also be this USB 3.0 drive
246s with 8 GB of data storage that also
248s contains the digital soundtrack and
250s finally probably my personal favorite
252s out of the bunch is this new DIY Bill
255s gun kit so you'll be able to craft your
257s own bill gun this kit contains all the
259s bill gun Hardware you'll need such as
261s screws dowels Nails Springs hinges
264s diecast components circuit board battery
267s packs magnets stickers and decals so
269s there are no no additional parts needed
271s to be made uh you won't need to do any
273s 3D printing or anything like that to be
274s able to assemble this uh instructions
276s are going to be included and all you
278s will need is a screwdriver some paint
281s and glue and
283s determination not only that but the
285s files to be able to 3D print the build
286s gun are now available for free on the
289s website so if you want to 3D print the
291s parts yourself and only purchase the
293s electronics you'll have an option to do
295s that as well and this kit is in stock
297s right now actually so if any of these
299s new items sound interesting please check
300s out
301s logo.com uh pre-orders are available
303s right now for these new items that are
305s not yet in stock and there actually also
308s currently a sale happening over there
310s with discounts up to 25% off so do check
313s out that sale uh by the way because
315s there are a few things that are nearly
317s out of stock such as the landscape
319s Sunrise box the busy Factory the Pioneer
322s knit sweaters uh and the factory
324s sweaters uh the fluffy tail hog and both
327s sizes of The Bean so these be restocked
331s later to meet demand but some items that
333s are nearly out of stock that are not
334s planned to be restocked is the Json snot
337s body pillow
339s uh uh the skateboard kits and the heroic
342s replica t-shirts so there's also free
345s shipping for any orders over $100 so
348s yeah check out lizard.com for more info
350s and get all your merch needs satisfied
354s okay so before I head out for vacation
356s I've got one final bit of announcement I
358s want to share with you all related to
359s 1.0
360s and it's something that yall have
362s already kind of pieced together from our
364s previous last two videos but I just want
367s to like sort of confirm this once and
369s for all 1.0 will mostly consist of
371s endgame content and will mostly center
373s around the completion of project
375s assembly to do so you're going to need
378s to complete the final phase of the game
380s so once you complete phase 4 your next
383s challenge will be to meet the
385s requirements to complete phase five by
388s utilizing new technology you access to
391s in tier
397s 9 so it's finally confirmed tier 9 will
401s be the final tier unlocked in the game
404s it will feature some new buildables as
406s well as a bunch of new recipes for you
407s to be able to craft the final couple of
410s space elevator Parts one final bit of
412s tidbit I'll leave you with is that the
414s requirements for completing phase 4 and
417s subsequently unlocking Phase 5 and tier
419s 9 is going to change the requirements to
422s finish phase 4 was placeholder to hold
424s you off until 1.0 and was intentionally
427s set really high and the new requirements
430s instead to complete phase 4 will now be
432s 500 assembly director systems 500
435s magnetic field generators 250 thermal
438s propulsion rockets and 100 nuclear pasta
442s with that said thank you so much for
444s your amazing support I hope you have an
446s awesome summer and we'll see you all
448s again in August for the final stretch
451s before 1.0