Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
2s hi everyone my name is SN I am one of
4s the community managers at cof stain
5s Studios that's right one of the
7s community managers because we hired a
8s new community manager if you haven't
10s seen mikel's introduction video you can
12s check it up up here in the cards and I
15s guess I just have to relearn the intro
17s again it's so
20s ingrained anyways uh I just want to make
23s this really really really short video
24s sort of just letting you all know what's
26s going on right now and the first thing I
28s want to mention is that this week we
30s launched our last patch this side of the
32s year for satisfactory as the studio is
35s now starting to head out for the
36s holidays so you won't be seeing any more
38s activity from us until next year the
40s weekly Dev stream will also resume
41s sometime next year in January we haven't
43s decided on a date just yet but uh we'll
46s let you guys know when we'll start doing
49s that again essentially the other thing I
50s want to talk about is you might be
52s wondering what happened with the changes
54s we were going to make to online
55s integration uh for update 8 we said we
58s were going to roll it out on
58s experimental and try it out we we
60s decided not to do that because we felt
61s like it needed a little more time in the
63s oven and we wanted to spend a little
64s more time working on it so we'll pick it
67s up again next year and that's pretty
69s much all I wanted to say in this video
70s really short and sweet bite-size
72s satisfaction video who would have
74s thought anyways happy holidays everybody
77s happy new year take care of each other
79s see you next time
89s bye-bye