Transcript (by Youtube)

4s we've never released a road map for
6s satisfactory and there's a couple of
7s reasons for that we wanted to be able to
9s react to community feedback we wanted to
11s be able to alter the direction of
13s development and be able to change our
14s backlog and we didn't want to commit to
16s any unrealistic timelines today we're
19s going to talk about every single update
21s that we plan to release for satisfactory
23s before
25s [Music]
26s 1.0 ah so yeah you heard that right
30s every single update coming to
32s satisfactory before 1.0 it's kind of
35s wild actually I hope you're sitting down
37s because we're about to share an
38s unbelievable amount of information with
40s you today we've come a long way since
43s our first launch and it's time to look
45s into the future so let's look at the
48s timeline and introduce you to the
50s satisfactory Cinematic Universe Phase
53s [Music]
59s 2
63s [Music]
66s wow look at them updates now you may
69s notice that there are three slots
71s planned in for this timeline that's
72s right three there's still much work to
75s be done so let's go through them one by
77s one and talk about them Update 9 is
80s planned to be released this year titled
82s Update 9 experimental War pending title
86s uh in this update we're going to add
87s more of a serious tone to the game and
89s let you really got to war on the
91s efficiency of your factories we're going
93s to add guns to everything and I mean
97s everything like Vehicles Factory
99s buildings lard dogos it's going to be
102s awesome later that year we're going to
103s Rebrand our updates a little bit and
105s release update X this is really when the
108s end game begins so in this update all
110s the vehicles are going to become way
113s faster like really fast we're also going
115s to be adding a little bit of a dating
116s feature where you're going to be able to
118s go and romance different creatures in
119s the game and then in 2025 we're going to
122s release update 11 and in this update
124s everything will be made out of lasers
126s you're going to be able to automate
127s laser beams to be able to construct more
129s laser beams and there's also going to be
131s a cool cooking feature and laser beams
134s did I mention the laser beams by the way
135s they're pretty Blazer and all of
138s these're never going to leave we're
140s going to keep doing
143s this 12 1 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 we're
152s going to make updates till we die I Las
157s by the
158s way events just like fortnite just like
162s fortnite
173s fortnite this is never going
179s to
200s today we're going to talk about the next
201s major release for satisfactory and the
203s next major release of satisfactory is
205s going to
209s be
214s all right so yeah no there's not going
215s to be any more updates uh to the game in
217s early AIS uh this is the year where we
220s finally finish
222s satisfactory we we don't have a date to
225s reveal just yet but why did I do
227s that so we don't have a date to reveal
230s just yet but we do know that 2024 is
233s going to be the
236s year so what's the title of this video
238s uh misleading so actually we are going
240s to talk about the road map leading up to
242s the full release of the game the first
243s thing I want to talk about is that there
245s are going to be next to no patches for
246s the game until the full release and I'll
248s tell you why so back in 2022 when we
251s released update 5 we sort of divided our
253s focus into two development tracks one
255s track was dedicated to the content that
258s would go into each subsequent update and
260s the other was content exclusively aimed
262s for the 1.0 release so our attention at
265s the studio has sort of been divided
266s between handling update launches with
268s everything that comes with that and at
269s the same time working on new content
272s that we didn't want to reveal until the
273s full release of the game and as of late
275s last year we decided to finally unify
277s our team and work on one thing at a time
280s which is the full release of the game
281s and leaving early access since then
284s we've merged our development branches
285s into one single development branch and
287s that means that it's no longer possible
289s for us to release any major patches in
292s between them the good thing by doing so
294s is development is going to be less
296s complex for us the downside of that is
299s that any lingering issues from update 8
301s that we wanted to patch won't come out
302s until 1.0 which is a bit of a bummer
304s because there were a few things we
306s wanted to wrap up before moving on but
308s we believe that it's better to put all
309s our efforts into the final version of
311s the game going forward you're going to
313s get everything in one big package and
316s this includes any work that goes towards
318s dedicated servers so what's the plan
320s what does the actual road map look like
323s so until now satisfactor has been in
325s Alpha meaning the game hasn't been
327s feature complete so the last few months
329s are Focus has been working towards
331s satisfactory becoming feature complete
334s uh and that's something that we're still
335s working towards uh and once the game is
338s feature complete then we enter the beta
341s stage in production when a game is in
343s beta it essentially means that the game
344s contains all the features and content
346s needed for it to be you know considered
348s finished and all that's left before it
350s enters gold another word for it being
352s ready from 1.0 release is to fix any
354s major issues that are lingering and
356s polish it as much as possible so we
358s won't run an experimental Branch for the
360s 1.0 content before it release but what
362s we will do is hold a close beta for
365s people to try the game uh and just give
367s us that like last bit of feedback before
368s we spend the remaining time polishing
370s the game for its final release anyone is
372s welcome to sign up for the closed beta
374s but it will be a limited number of
375s people that will gain access to It
377s signups are available on our web page uh
380s right now actually and you can find a
382s link to the signup form in the
383s description so what does 1.0 mean like
386s what does the full release of the game
388s entail you know what is satisfactory 1.0
390s now I won't go too into detail about
392s that in this video uh in fact there's
394s going to be a series of videos talking
395s about 1.0 but the main thing it will
398s contain is new yet to be seen content
400s fixes to some of the long lasting issues
403s we've had in the game and a way to
404s complete the game along with a narrative
408s development for satisfactory will
409s continue after 1.0 has been released but
411s we currently don't know you know whether
413s that comes in the form of DLC or you
416s know further free updates to the game
418s it's it's sort of up in the air still
419s and yet to be decided as I mentioned
422s before we'll talk more on the topic of
423s 1.0 in the next coming videos I'm sure
426s you have many questions and hopefully
428s some of those questions will be cleared
429s up in the coming weeks I hope you're as
432s excited as we are for the final release
434s of the game you know we've been we've
436s been working on this game since 2016
438s we've come a long way since then and
441s yeah thank you to everyone who's been
443s supporting us so far we we wouldn't be
445s where we are if it weren't for you all
446s I'm really looking forward to talking
448s more about this topic in the coming
449s videos you know we won't reveal
451s everything that's coming in 1.0 before
453s the final release but you know we're
454s going to talk about this stuff we might
456s even show some new things you guys
458s haven't seen who knows so uh yeah until
462s then take
464s [Music]
473s care did I mention the laser beam by the
476s way they're pretty
478s bler