over 1 year ago - Coffee Stain Studios - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s okay
6s vominals
9s hey everyone my name is Jason I'm the
11s community manager at coffee stain
13s Studios
16s well for a little while longer at least
19s I will be reading from a script today so
21s apologies if anything feels a little
23s stiff or my eyes kind of Dart over I
25s just don't want to mess anything up
27s but yeah after eight and a half years
29s here at coffee stain uh it's time for me
32s to say goodbye
34s I joined coffee stain as a programmer to
37s work on the goat uh the goat simulator
38s MMO DLC and the mobile version of Goat
41s Sim back in 2014. we were only 14 or 15
44s people or something like that at that
46s time I've watched it grow and I've I
49s guess you could say that I've even had a
51s hand in making coffee stain what it is
52s today which is actually crazy when you
54s consider that
56s considering what it is there's so many
57s studios that we have now
59s a lot of people who were who were part
61s of it I think there's like like only
62s four other people in the entire coffee
64s stain that have been here longer than me
65s I think I might be getting this wrong
67s but I mean that's wild but apart from
69s Goat Simulator I worked on other
71s incredible projects that unfortunately
72s never sold the light of day and then
74s eventually as a programmer and a
76s community manager on an ambitious little
78s Factory game called satisfactory
80s we didn't know if people would like our
82s game uh let alone buy it but we liked it
86s and so we made it and I guess you could
88s say it worked out coffee saying is a
90s strange company that somehow has some
92s magic that almost guarantees success in
95s the game games industry where uh success
98s typically is anything but guaranteed
102s this is not normal at all but I'm glad
105s to have been a part of it and I realized
108s that now that I leave I may never be
110s part of something this successful ever
112s again
113s and I'm okay with that actually
117s um because I'm just really fortunate to
118s have experienced it at all so a big
120s thank you to coffee stain for the
121s opportunity to be a part of this but the
124s single most fulfilling Endeavor I've
125s embarked on during my time here has
127s hands down been caring for the
131s satisfactory community
132s and it has been fulfilling for two
134s reasons
135s the first being that it has been
137s incredibly fulfilling professionally I
140s feel like I've done a really good job
141s I've learned a lot of new skills I get a
144s lot of compliments and positive feedback
146s from the community but also from other
148s developers actually who have literally
150s looked to the work that snoot and I have
152s done together as inspiration for how
154s they want to manage their communities
155s moving forward
156s and this is incredibly fulfilling to me
159s personally because my goal from day one
162s no from Day Zero uh was literally to you
165s know radically humanize ourselves as as
168s developers and also you as a community
171s of individual people I believe that
173s there was a breakdown in communication
175s and respect between communities and
176s developers in both directions and I
180s wanted to try and bridge that Gap and
181s maybe demonstrate another way to
183s communicate based on honesty
185s transparency and understanding or to be
187s put more simply respect
189s my Approach was initially a little rough
191s admittedly I treat my pubic hair I'll
193s don't miss anything for Jim
197s but it was simply the path I guess that
199s I needed to take to get to uh where we
201s are now
202s uh and I'd say we got there in the end
205s and I truly believe we have to some
208s degree made a bit of a difference and
210s that's really meaningful to me the
212s second reason this has been really
212s fulfilling is that it has been very
214s fulfilling personally
216s I've always struggled to find my place
219s in the world and I've rarely felt that
221s I've belonged anywhere
223s but this community made me feel like I
225s did belong here
227s and I learned so much about the value of
229s community
230s the importance of giving to a community
232s but also receiving from Community I'd
235s always thought that people you know
237s maybe in the beginning only ever cared
238s about me because of I was the only
241s person that could get their information
242s about the game from
244s um and I'm sure to a degree that's still
246s where a lot of my value lies to a lot of
249s people but over the years many of you
251s have also taught me that you actually do
253s care about me
255s even when I have nothing interesting to
257s say over the years we actually have
259s built up a bond based on genuine moments
261s interactions honesty and respect and
264s experiences and that in my opinion is
267s what life is all about that's all life
269s is about Community relationships
272s experiences and the memories you create
274s together some memories for example the
276s top of my head well not the top of my
278s head but on my script at least some of
280s these memories are things like the Simon
281s Saga and the alpha period that was wild
284s and wacky the patch notes videos that
287s I've made with snoot have been super fun
289s where I've been everything from Walmart
290s Jeff Kaplan from the OverWatch team to
292s Walmart Dora the Explorer
294s uh the pipe Saga with update three pipes
298s reveal trailer was hype as uh the
301s golf Saga with the Epic golf battle
302s between me and Snoop was super fun
304s visiting the Large Hadron Collider at
306s CERN incredible
308s cannot believe I did that I still can't
310s believe I did that uh but also meeting
313s community members IRL for example at
315s twitchcon last year and at Gamescom and
317s other events that has been that was
319s actually incredibly touching to have
322s done that that was incredible too super
324s mind-blowing
325s and at the end of the day all of these
327s moments these memories that I now have
329s are some of the most valuable gifts
331s anyone has ever given me so thanks
334s Community helps a lot
337s thanks to all of you chat
342s I'm thirsty
345s thanks to all of you Chatters on Discord
347s and the weekly devstream fan artists and
349s musicians the modding and tools
351s community community translators
352s redditors Community highlights
354s submitters satisfactory Facebook group
356s members streamers YouTubers speedrunners
359s event organizers anyone else that I've
361s missed thank you everyone and including
364s of course my incredibly talented
365s co-workers who are part of this
367s community too and have worked tirelessly
369s to bring us something amazing to Rally
371s around all of you are like different
373s herbs and spices that make up this dish
375s and this dish is one of the greatest
377s games and gaming communities on the
379s planet the support this community has
381s shown our team is truly something
383s special it's something that I know
385s brings a lot of strength to them and
386s it's something that we need more of in
387s the industry
389s we couldn't have made it to where we are
390s without you so I hope that you can
392s continue supporting them moving forward
393s I also want to single out our moderators
395s here uh the folks who help out on
397s Discord Reddit steam forums etc for the
399s incredible support that they've shown uh
402s and friendship that they've shown too
403s holy cow I remember uh when this came
407s first was announced at the PC gaming
409s show in 2018 at E3 I remember everyone
413s else was down there watching the show
414s having a good time and our Discord was
416s just blowing up and you know I didn't
418s really know how to use Discord I was
419s figuring it out as I went uh and a
422s couple people dm'd me saying like uh I
425s think I think you need help
427s um and so I just modded them and luckily
429s they didn't destroy the server in fact
431s they saved my ass and some of those mods
433s are still here with us today still
436s saving my ass I guess some things never
438s change
439s um yeah it's been a pleasure so thank
441s you for helping out people that are
443s close to me will know that my journey
445s with coffee stain and as a community
446s manager and dealing with the things that
448s come with that and being a person on the
450s internet wasn't easy for me even if it
452s looked that way from the outside which
453s is what I'm often told it's maybe not
455s easy for many people but despite all
458s that I'm proud of what I was able to
459s achieve but I never would have been able
460s to do it without the patience love and
462s support that people have showed me over
464s the years
464s people in and out of the community but
466s of course also my close friends and
468s family
469s I don't want to try and name you all
471s because I'll forget someone that will
473s crush me and I will never sleep again
474s but if you have ever helped me or
477s listened to me and my problems and
478s endured that thank you I appreciate
482s you there are two people I do want to
483s kind of single out as well and think
484s directly and one is Stefan my boss here
486s at coffee stain Studios for being a
488s really good friend of mine uh over the
490s years and and helping me in really
493s really meaningful and incredible ways
496s and in ways that he never had to but he
498s did anyway
499s so thank you also want to say a big
501s thank you to my partner snoot for being
503s the best Community Management partner I
505s could ever have asked for
507s for dealing with my and helping me
509s whenever I needed it we had a skill set
511s that complemented each other I believe
512s and it was so comforting working
515s alongside him
516s and so I'm proud of what we achieved
518s together and there was no shot I ever
520s would have done it without him
523s actually the hardest thing to come to
526s one sec actually the hardest thing to
528s come to terms with was probably
529s realizing that I wouldn't be able to
531s work with him anymore
533s but he's in good hands with you all and
536s you're in good hands with him snit the
538s same as me believes in the same
540s Community Management mission that I have
542s and we've always had coffee stands
544s support
545s so I think
547s um you know moving forward he's going to
548s be making videos for you guys he's very
550s funny of course he cares about you a lot
552s too and he's very capable so I think
554s you're all you're all in good heads and
556s it's going to be okay so you might be
557s wondering now what are my plans from
560s this point on
561s um
562s or if I'll still be around on the
563s internet
564s and the answer is yes I'll still be
565s around on the internet so this doesn't
567s have to actually be a goodbye if you
568s don't want it to be
570s if you want to keep up with what I'm
572s doing you can follow me I'm Jim balls
575s j-e-m-b-a-w-l-s everywhere on Twitter
577s Youtube twitch Instagram and as for what
580s I plan to do well uh the tldr is that
583s there's there's just a New Journey I
584s want to embark on it will still be
586s within game development but I'm not
588s really in a position right now where
589s there's nothing to announce or get
591s excited about it's just something I want
592s to go do I also plan to focus more on
594s streaming and I plan on making YouTube
596s exclusive content as well on my own
597s channels but only time will tell how
599s that will go but you're free to to
601s follow me if you want to see how it goes
603s I still have a few more videos planned
605s with coffee stain and that will come out
607s over the next few weeks and I will still
609s be on a few more streams moving forward
610s as well
611s uh but from today onwards my dude is
614s here as a community manager will
615s transition away and my final days with
617s coffee stain will be spent with snoot at
619s twitchcon Paris which is in July July
622s 8th and 9th so come say hello if you'll
624s be there and that would be just the
627s perfect send-off for me I I suppose so
629s it has been an honor to be your
631s community manager everyone for the past
633s five years this has been a journey that
635s I won't ever regret the highs or the
636s lows
637s I've made friends I've learned a lot
639s I've grown a lot
641s what can I say what a journey thank you
643s very much for listening to this video
644s it's a bit out of the ordinary this has
646s been probably the hardest video I've
649s ever made uh I've read this script like
652s three or four times now
654s and I still feel like I'm missing
655s something but I want you all to know
657s that I appreciate you uh that you made
660s my life richer and I'll miss you
662s but we'll always have
666s but we'll always have our memories and
668s even if we don't
670s we have YouTube videos to watch and
672s comments to read and that's all I have
674s on my script
676s so
678s thanks again Community helps a lot take
680s care bye
689s foreign