Transcript (by Youtube)

2s Boop hi everyone my name is snot I am
4s one of the community managers at C
6s Studios and uh wow we're we're super
10s glad that you were all so excited over
12s last week's video the reception of that
14s video has been super good and and we're
16s so glad that you're all so stoed for 1.0
18s essentially if you haven't seen that
20s video there should be a card here
21s somewhere but but yeah essentially we
22s have announced that 1.0 is coming our
24s next Milestone that we're working
26s towards is 1.0 there won't be any more
28s updates full satisfactory in Early
30s Access 1.0 is coming it's coming stay
32s calm it's happening everybody stay calm
35s today I want to talk about some
37s questions that came from last week's
38s video and they're mostly going to be
40s pertaining the closed beta um so I just
42s want to make this really short video
43s sort of answering some of those
44s questions and uh yeah that's mainly what
47s this video is going to be about the
48s close beta so we're not going to run a
51s public experimental period for 1.0 like
54s we've done in the past instead we're
55s going to run a closed beta for people to
57s be able to join in and give us that last
59s bit of feedback and uh we'll polish it
61s up and use that feedback to be able to
63s make the game as good as it can be for
65s the final release anyone can sign up for
67s the Clos beta and you can find a link in
68s the description and with that being said
70s let's jump into some of the questions
72s when will the close beta run we don't
74s know when it will be uh we're currently
76s working on making the Game feature
77s complete and once we've done that
79s there's going to be a little bit of like
81s internal testing to make sure that you
83s know we when we're in closed beta that
85s we don't have it so that like people
87s test stuff that we already know is
88s broken and that kind of stuff so there's
90s going to be like a like a bit of an
92s internal testing phase before we
94s actually get to that point
95s [Music]
96s uh the was
99s that and then once the game is feature
101s complete then we're going to have our
102s own internal testing a little bit uh to
104s make sure that we don't have like any
105s lingering major issues that you know is
107s going to be evident when we enter closed
108s beta CU When we enter Clos beta we want
110s to catch stuff that you know we didn't
112s find so if there's any like issues in
114s the game that we already know of when we
116s enter close beta we won't get as much
118s out of it essentially so we're going to
119s have our own own internal testing first
121s before uh in between feature complete
124s and close beta but yeah once we get to
127s that point we'll let you all know uh it
129s should be sometime within the next
130s couple of months hopefully maybe uh it
132s depends if we run into complications
134s before then uh but yeah we will we will
137s let you all know will the closed beta be
139s under an NDA yes to participate in the
141s closed beta you will need to agree to a
144s non-disclosure agreement meaning that
146s you can't share any information
147s pertaining to the closed beta or the
149s state of the game in beta essentially we
151s also ask people that are selected for
153s the close beta to not uh relay this
156s information um for a couple of reasons
159s in the past when we had our Clos Alpha
161s we had people sort of bragging that they
163s were part of the Clos Alpha and that
164s sort of led to them getting message by a
166s bunch of random people trying to
168s pressure them and harass them into
169s leaking information so we kind of want
171s to avoid that uh it can also lead to if
174s people are open about being in part of
175s the closed beta it can also lead to them
177s becoming targets for fishing attempts
179s and stuff like that and we just want to
181s avoid that as much as possible so we're
182s just going to ask people not to disclose
184s that they're part of the close B that if
186s they get selected and this obviously
188s also means that you can't stream or make
190s videos or anything like that for the
191s Clos beta It's all under wraps why is it
195s a Clos beta and not an open Beta this is
197s because we don't want to unveil
198s everything in 1.0 until like the full
200s release we sort of want to give you that
202s like last bit of surprise before the
203s game comes out with all the new content
205s that's in it um and uh yeah we just want
208s to avoid spoil
210s that stuff for people do I have a higher
213s chance of being selected if I sign up
214s early uh no you can sign up whenever you
216s can sign up right now if you want to or
218s you can sign up later uh you can sign up
220s like a few days before we pull the keys
222s I guess it it doesn't really matter too
224s much when you sign up when will people
225s be notified of whether they'll be able
227s to join the Clos beta when the Clos beta
229s starts essentially well we're we're
231s going to announce like when we do send
233s out keys for the close beta uh so so
236s like the majority of you know when to
238s get disappointed essentially cuz like a
241s whole lot of you have signed up and uh
242s there's not going to be that many that
243s join the close beta but it's super cool
245s that so many people have signed up
246s already so uh thanks for being excited I
248s guess sorry to disappoint so many of you
250s I sign up for the close Alpha why do I
252s have to sign up again uh because we
254s don't have any of the signups from the
256s close Alpha essentially that's all gone
257s so if you want to join the close beta
259s you have to sign up again I guess will
261s my save fall work in close beta yes but
264s here's here's a bit of important
265s information okay so once the close beta
267s is over because the close beta is only
269s going to be in a limit amount of time
271s the safe file that you've used in Clos
272s beta will not work in like older
275s versions of the game I.E update 8 the
277s safe files are backwards compatible but
278s since you're playing a neware version
280s you can't use that in the current live
282s version so but that safe file will work
285s uh once we enter 1.0 so any safe file
287s that you make in Clos beta you will be
289s able to use that in 1.0 once it's
291s released but only then and of course
293s going forward so at 1.0 forward will we
295s be able to play multiplayer in the Clos
297s beta yes uh also note that if if you
300s sign up for the closed beta and you sign
301s up with the intention to play
303s multiplayer and you have a couple of
304s friends you want to play with in the
305s closed beta uh please bear in mind that
307s like if you get selected uh we will have
309s a way for you to be able to like sort of
311s invite some of your friends to be able
312s to join um so you know not all of you
315s have to be selected to be able to play
317s together uh in fact I think that's kind
318s of unrealistic to expect that that's
320s going to happen uh so there will be some
322s way for you to be able to invite some of
323s your friends into the close beta as well
325s if you get selected will the close beta
327s include dedicated servers or just
328s regular clients it's be both uh however
331s you will not be able to use any
333s thirdparty uh server vendors for that so
336s you can essentially only play dedicated
338s servers in the Clos beta if you have
339s your own server that you're you're
341s setting up yourself will mods work in
343s the Clos beta uh no mods will not work
346s in the Clos beta so if you have a safe
347s file that you've Ed mods on that you
349s want to play on in Clos beta uh then
351s please make sure that that sa file Works
353s in vanilla first do number of hours
356s played factor into who's chosen for the
358s Clos beta so yes and no we want to
360s select like as a wide spectrum of
361s players as possible so so we do want to
363s have players that have played maybe you
365s know thousands of ours of satisfactory
366s finish the game completely seen
367s everything we also want to test it on
369s people that are you know starting out or
371s in between and also players that have
373s never played the game so it doesn't
374s really matter how many hours you've
376s played but we do care how many hours
378s You' played so we can sort of make our
380s selection but it doesn't matter like how
381s many hours you have when you sign up so
383s just just sign up can we share footage
385s from the closed beta later maybe after
387s the game is released so no we most
389s likely will not allow this and it's due
391s to a couple of reasons that I
392s unfortunately can't really go too deep
394s into in this video um but I I want to
397s mention that like there's been a couple
398s of contact Vaders that have reached out
399s to me asking like hey is it okay if I
401s document my experience in closed beta
403s and then maybe you know release that
405s later uh but unfortunately I think the
406s answer is going to be the same there I
408s think the answer is no and that's mainly
409s because the primary purpose of the close
411s bit is really to get feedback from
413s players it's it's that's mainly why the
414s close beta is there and to me it feels a
416s bit unfair when some content creators
418s you know aren't able to do this this
420s just because they weren't selected to to
421s the beta we want to be like as Fair as
423s possible to anyone so it kind of feels
425s weird to you know allow some but not
427s others essentially if that makes sense
429s and besides it's not going to be
430s anything in the Clos beta that you know
431s won't be 1.0 so it's not like you're
433s going to miss out on on something so
436s hopefully that makes sense doesn't
437s matter which platform I own the game on
439s if I want to join the Clos beta nope it
441s doesn't matter uh you can own it on
443s steam or epic or not own it at all it
445s really doesn't matter well I need to buy
447s the game again for 1.0 if I already own
449s it nope you bought it you own it uh it's
451s yours uh thanks for supporting us in
453s Early Access we couldn't have done it
455s without you okay that's going to be it
458s for now hopefully this is a short video
460s it's not like I mentioned in the last
462s video we've got a couple of videos lined
464s up for 1.0 um we don't know fully when
467s 1.0 is coming out so we probably won't
468s Rush these videos we're going to take
470s our time and work on these uh so make
471s sure to hit that old subscribe button if
473s you want to be notified when we drop
475s information on 1.0 uh but until next
478s time see you
480s [Music]
486s [Music]
492s oh no I shouldn't have done that oh I
495s don't feel this so good right now oh I
497s should not have done
500s that