over 1 year ago - Coffee Stain Studios - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s foreign
4s [Laughter]
7s sometimes I forget as soon as I hit
9s record that I just hit record
12s um all right let's make the video
15s hey everyone my name is Jason I'm a
17s community manager at coffee stain
18s Studios and uh I'm gonna make another
20s one of these videos can you believe it
21s can you actually believe it I'm making
23s another one of these videos today folks
24s uh this week's video this week's feature
27s video that we wanted to make about
29s update 8 is not coming it's not gonna be
31s here again uh now there was a teaser
34s video a few weeks ago that was delayed
35s and I made the whoops dot MP4 video snit
38s ran into technical issues and couldn't
39s put the video together right and then
40s there was another week where there was
41s no video at all because actually that
43s video was also delayed uh and it was
46s just kind of you guys were just left
47s hanging unfortunately sorry about that
49s by the way and this week's uh feature
52s video for update it is also not gonna be
54s made so like what is going on I think
56s this is a good time for us to talk a
59s little bit about the state of
60s development for update eight uh and why
62s these videos have been a little
64s inconsistent despite being in a teaser
66s season right now so development for
69s update 8 has been Rocky I don't know if
71s that's been obvious but uh it has been
74s for us it has been Rocky uh now the main
76s issue for this right now that the game
78s is suffering from uh that's holding us
80s back right now is just stability issues
81s of the game
83s um and now there are a lot of reasons
84s why we are where we are in the situation
87s we we're in it's a really really
89s complicated constellation of uh issues
92s uh more than we had anticipated and
96s um I don't really want to dive into
98s specifics because I don't think I can
99s fairly and meaningfully represent them
102s represent all the contributing factors
104s right now and so I don't want to try I
106s don't want to mess anything up I don't
108s want to
109s showcase some things more than other and
111s and present like a a skewed view of
114s what's going on so I'm just gonna not
116s but the long story short is that the
118s game currently is just more broken than
120s we anticipated and it's too broken to go
122s out to you guys
124s um and that's what we have to deal with
125s right now so one other thing that I
127s thought might be good to mention is that
128s we had an internal deadline this was the
129s deadline that we were aiming to release
131s update eight so you have some idea of
134s when update 8 was planned because I know
135s some people were curious it was uh May
137s 9th and that was our deadline but that's
141s looking fairly unlikely at this stage
143s it's probably delayed uh beyond that for
146s sure for sure there's there's always a
148s chance who knows uh but it will likely
150s come after May 9th uh that's probably
152s the case we just don't really know when
154s and we don't want to set any other
156s deadlines anymore at this stage because
159s right now given what we know any
161s deadline that we set for ourselves or
163s communicate to you guys would be
165s completely meaningless and arbitrary
166s right it would be based on nothing we
168s don't know when we got to be done
170s um and we don't want to put the team
173s under that kind of stress for some for
175s for a date that is meaningless and and
177s we don't want to get your hopes up for a
179s date that is meaningless so right now
181s what we're doing is we're working
182s without a deadline at all
185s the only thing that matters right now
186s are the stability issues that we're
187s facing in the game and we're just
189s putting our heads down and working hard
190s on that to get that done that's our
193s Focus right now and as we approach our
194s goal of stabilizing the game we'll have
196s a better view of what uh we can when we
199s can hope to finish
201s um at a later stage and when we have
203s that information then we can set
204s ourselves a new deadline uh and maybe we
207s can communicate one to you guys so I'm
208s pulling the curtain back a little here
209s right I'm showing a little how the
211s sausage is made you know devs don't talk
213s about this too much right why would I
214s give our internal deadline and mention
216s that we're delaying it when like you
218s guys didn't even know that what the
220s deadline was right but the reason is two
222s reasons uh first of all the video that I
225s wanted to make today can't be made in
227s part because of these issues these
229s specific issues that we're running into
232s um and and I wanted to make something
234s for you all this week because I don't
237s like that we set a specific expectation
239s of a teaser season with information and
242s then just not and then just randomly not
244s dropping videos just because we can't
246s make it without an explanation okay so
248s that's the first reason why I wanted to
249s make this video and the second reason is
251s because I think being open and
252s transparent is important with you guys
253s the reality is that this kind of thing
256s happens all the time in game development
257s right it's happened to us many times
259s before
261s um but like from the outside looking in
263s you don't see a lot of this right
265s um You probably don't notice that we're
267s on this random ass roller coaster ride
269s every single time we um embark on an
272s update that we're going to release but
274s the reality is like we deal with things
276s like this all the time this is largely
278s not a completely unique situation in
281s most ways in some ways it is like we
283s we're often usually like inches away
285s from making these videos even during the
287s other update uh Seasons teaser Seasons
289s like it's always been pretty close and
293s uh complicated and roadblocks have
294s always popped up but we've somehow
296s overcome them every time before it's
298s just not really the case now but yeah at
300s this stage it's a little more obvious I
302s think to you all uh than usual because
304s the these issues that we're having
306s throughout development are now affecting
308s the community team and what videos we
310s can make right and so we think that like
312s oh now's probably a good time to give a
314s little bit of an explanation about it so
315s okay that's uh the state of development
317s right now so where do we go from here
319s what do we do uh so internally we're
321s addressing a bunch of the issues that
322s has been holding us back and affecting
324s uh the overall development of update
326s eight and we're working towards
327s stabilizing the game now we don't really
330s know how long that's going to take if
331s it's going to delay one week two weeks a
333s month two months who knows we have no
335s idea
336s um how long it's going to take but uh
340s the game is just going to be ready when
342s it's ready we don't want to put any more
343s unnecessary stress on the team we want
345s everyone to have the space they need to
348s uh do what they need to do to make the
350s update as good as it can be this does
352s also mean that the community team has
354s started the teaser season a little too
356s early so we probably have more videos
357s slots to fill and not enough content to
361s fill it with not enough teasers to fill
364s it with so one thing that we've been
366s thinking about is how do we do this do
367s we just keep going with the teasers as
369s quickly as we can
370s get them all out of the way and then
372s like come up with new content later or
374s should we spread the teasers out a
376s little bit between now and update eight
377s to try to keep that interest going or
379s should we just pause the teasers is it
381s like too hard for you guys to be teased
384s about this update when we're really not
386s sure when it's going to come like even
387s it could even be months who knows right
389s like maybe that's something you're not
391s cool with so right now uh we kind of
393s feel that we should just get the teasers
395s out of the way and we can come up with
396s new and engaging content later as well
397s uh that'll still work I think that's
399s doable but uh let us know what you think
401s what's your opinion what what do you
403s what would you prefer let us know in the
405s comments below okay uh speaking of
407s comments down below also uh send some
410s messages of support to the team because
412s they're all working really hard
414s um they're fairly stressed obviously
415s things aren't where they want to want it
417s to be at the moment so if you could send
419s some messages of support to the team in
421s the comments below say thanks coffee
423s scene Studios team helps a lot let them
425s know you appreciate their efforts and
427s work I think that's going to go a long
428s way to uh energizing them because
430s they're working super hard and I think
432s they could really I think they would
433s really appreciate it that's pretty much
435s all I wanted to talk about today uh
437s we're all super excited to get update 8
438s out to you in all of its Glory we're
440s gonna give it the time and the love that
442s it needs so uh smash like if you like
444s your updates being delayed I I guess
448s um and have a lovely weekend and a great
450s week I'll catch you guys next week take
452s care bye
454s [Music]
456s foreign