Transcript (by Youtube)

0s for
59s for
89s for
119s for for
232s [Music]
239s for for
329s for for
449s for for
486s hey Jay what are we doing we're going on
488s an adventure
490s [Music]
507s [Applause]
514s [Music]
528s [Music]
541s f
543s [Music]
600s he
603s [Music]
647s [Laughter]
649s [Music]
653s [Applause]
657s [Music]
665s [Laughter]
667s [Music]
696s h
701s [Music]
705s [Applause]
705s [Music]
731s [Applause]
738s [Music]
768s h
769s [Music]
777s [Applause]
777s [Music]
780s h
781s [Music]
797s [Music]
800s [Applause]
810s [Music]
822s [Music]
880s hi everyone welcome to the release
883s stream for satisfactory 1.0 it is
886s finally happening we are here it feels
889s kind of surreal actually um because uh
893s yeah I don't know I just felt like this
895s day would never
897s come in a certain way so thanks for
899s tuning everybody my name is snot I'm one
901s of the community managers at coffee
902s thing Studios and I am joined by my
904s fellow Community manager uh what's your
907s name again are you
909s crying I'm not crying you're crying this
912s is crying my fellow Community manager
914s here at hello I'm crying yeah uh what's
917s up y'all my name is Mikel and I'm also
919s one of the community managers here at
920s Coffee Studios and uh boy boy what a
923s time to be alive folks uh because we are
926s counting down for the release of Factory
930s 1.0 uh it's yeah like I said it's kind
932s kind of surreal damn because we've been
935s working on this game for8 years now and
939s um I don't know I
941s just I don't know it feels
943s weird so I hope you like that little
945s snippet of like couple of YouTube videos
947s we put out throughout the years it's
949s kind of fun to just like go through
951s Memory Lane a little bit and uh remember
953s the times uh before we got to this point
956s essentially every single update that's
958s com out update 1 2 3 4 five 6 7even
963s eight uh update nine rip
966s nine no update nine so um yeah so we've
971s got a schedule we sort of kind of uh now
976s we just got to stick to it yeah yeah
977s we're going to try yeah uh the counter
980s might like flip out from time to time uh
982s don't don't worry about it it's it's
983s it's fine it's fine um but yeah do you
987s guys have any favorite memories from
988s from during Early Access it's been in
991s Early Access for 5 years now and uh we
994s launched on Epic
996s 2019 and then later on Steam
999s 2020 and uh We've made a lot of updates
1002s I wish I could have been prepared and
1004s make like a slideshow of like here are
1005s all the updates but this is essentially
1007s what that video is
1008s for we could have made if we could have
1010s made this a I don't know five six seven
1012s hour stream it would have been
1014s convenient I guess but we wouldn't even
1015s scratch the surface at that point even
1017s then um what's your favorite update M
1020s when did you start playing huh oh well I
1022s still remember that weekend when um when
1025s uh I mean I knew about the date Clash
1027s from the very like from earlier than the
1030s weekend before I started here but the
1031s weekend before I started this job which
1033s was the weekend before November 14 no
1037s November 13 where whereas the um update
1040s eight8 oh yeah release date was up
1042s November yeah November 14 yeah I was
1044s like your first like week was when we
1045s launched that I I didn't realize that
1047s those dates clashed until like almost on
1050s that very day I was like wait am I going
1053s to be busy from day one uh yes yes I was
1057s so up to date yeah yeah it was a good
1059s day
1062s um cool there's a lot of people in chat
1065s and uh good to see you all yeah glad you
1069s could all join us for this because uh
1071s they don't come off in these release
1073s streams and yeah we've gone a little bit
1075s overboard with the production for this
1077s this stream because 1.0 only happens
1080s once you know so let's do it so
1083s hopefully everything sounds good and
1084s hopefully everything looks good and and
1086s all that stuff and everything everything
1087s is in sync if it's not it's your fault
1090s uh just refresh your browser uh because
1093s we did a little test on Twitch right
1094s before this yeah and uh you look good
1098s thanks man you look good too thank you
1100s this is when the bro don't ship
1102s this please do ship this yeah yeah yeah
1105s we've had one steamy hot day so far yeah
1107s so uh Good Times God why is chat faster
1111s than the flow of time what the yeah for
1117s sure yeah look at that lenus is joining
1119s us behind the scenes it's G to take over
1122s the production of it good times finally
1125s I don't have to worry about this [ __ ]
1126s someone has their hands on the wheel
1128s okay some somebody actually knows what
1130s they're
1130s doing um yeah what else this her say
1134s really like there's um we're going to so
1137s here's going to be the format for this
1138s stream we're going to be counting down
1140s as you might have guessed from the
1141s countdown here uh until release so once
1144s this counter hits zero we're going to
1146s play the release trailer for 1.0 that
1150s lenus has working really hard on uh and
1153s we kind of literally just finished
1155s it it really came out of the wire um but
1159s yeah we're going to play the release
1160s stream uh release trailer and then the
1162s update will be available for everyone
1163s and if you already have the game on
1165s Steam or epic you know you you're going
1166s to get that like little update button
1168s and you're going to be able to download
1170s the game and hopefully have a good time
1173s with the game hopefully as the kids say
1176s yeah hopefully everything should be fine
1178s there are no major issues or anything
1180s like that I actually haven't kept too
1181s much up to date with the production team
1184s right now if like there's anything on
1186s fire uh but hopefully everything should
1188s be fine uh right
1190s team right righta switch to the camera
1194s right why
1196s you got to get the closeup uh
1199s um so uh yeah have you slept well on uh
1204s no no have you chat by the way well I
1208s think we talked about this a while ago
1210s where it's like who's the most like
1211s nervous person at the office right now
1213s like it's definitely me okay like I'm
1216s definitely the most wrecked right now
1217s but it's going to be it's going to be so
1219s nice once uh once the update is out or
1223s sorry not the update once the game is
1224s out fully and like you know all the
1227s Embargo lifts and all that [ __ ] then
1228s then
1229s it's going to be nice a lot of nose in
1231s chat quite on set Chad do you sleep at
1234s all wait what we have so many NOS in
1236s chat please take over sleep chat it's
1238s important so uh look for that yeah um
1241s and uh yeah we're going to hang out with
1242s some of the devs uh today and talk about
1245s some things uh they're cooler than we
1247s are yeah imagine that for
1250s sure um and uh it's going to be good and
1255s we're going to start with uh sound
1256s design we're going to start with talking
1257s about sound design yes uh I don't know
1259s if Sasha will be watching this or
1260s whatever you can you can probably pop up
1262s at this point then we can start prepping
1263s with that but uh uh yeah something don't
1269s call your mom please help yeah I'll
1272s sleep when tier yeah yeah yeah I'll
1273s sleep when tier nine is done so Mark
1276s actually told me that the estimated time
1278s to finish satisfactory is 150
1281s hours um which
1284s feels insane especially for everyone
1287s who's like starting from scratch you
1289s know what I mean considering I haven't I
1291s haven't finished update 8 in 350 hours
1294s so uh yeah yeah I've gotten to
1299s tier six I think that's as far as I've
1302s gotten yeah and now I'm like should I
1304s start over or do I I'm committing to
1307s yeah I am committing to starting over
1309s and actually getting through the game
1310s without cheats yeah yeah yeah getting
1312s through cheats cheats are always in when
1314s oil is because then you won't get any
1316s achievements if you don't if you don't
1318s uh use cheats oh Bliss lus you can be
1322s you can go [ __ ] bananas if you want
1323s with the [ __ ] thing imig like [ __ ]
1325s jump around like a crazy maniac if you
1327s want to like there's there's no stopping
1329s you this is what we [ __ ] paid
1333s for uh but yeah I so so like I know that
1337s um we've talked about this in many
1339s videos and of course there's a lot of
1340s content out there but uh just a real
1342s quick recap for people who may not know
1344s is that yeah once one one p comes out
1346s you're finally going to be able to
1347s unlock the achievements uh that you may
1349s or may not have seen pop up on the
1352s Internet um and just real quick
1355s clarification is that if you use
1356s Advanced game settings you unfortunately
1358s won't be able to unlock the achievements
1360s um because we decided to get it behind
1363s that essentially and it's hard to like
1364s figure out like which achievements
1365s should trigger and whatnot so um just so
1369s you guys know um and uh yeah mhm
1374s meanwhile if you do mod the game you
1375s will still own achievements so um that's
1378s how you achieve mods work because that's
1380s another really important thing is that
1383s um mods will break once uh once one
1386s comes out loudly um and uh there are
1390s some really talented people in the mon
1392s Community I don't like the word talent
1394s because it implies that like they were
1395s born to a do it they've spent so much
1397s time getting into this and and learned
1399s like how to mod the game and whatnot so
1402s they they are dedicated to their craft
1404s and and we really love the modern
1406s Community um so like as soon as they can
1409s they're probably going to wrap up and
1410s and make mods work again for 1.0 so uh
1415s let's let's cheer them on and and uh
1417s give him our best until
1419s then uh I don't know Sasha are you like
1422s hiding behind there or if you are yeah
1425s you are okay yeah you can pop in I
1426s wasn't sure if if you were here or not
1428s so we're GNA we're going to immediately
1430s throw in our first guest oh so you going
1433s to scoot in the mic yeah did we sh our
1434s mic then yeah yeah you we sh I'm so done
1438s yeah so welcome Sasha welcome yeah how
1441s you doing nice to be here which camera
1443s do I look at uh all of them all of them
1446s at the same time yeah so uh who are you
1449s tell us who you are who am I uh yeah so
1451s I'm the sound designer here at Cain
1454s Studios uh the previous sound designers
1457s from whom I uh Bear all the Heritage
1461s they they couldn't take
1462s it could handle it it's all it's all
1465s breaking a yeah it's like a stream of
1467s Consciousness so I'm like three people
1468s in no but like it was like Emil was
1471s there before me and then Joel started in
1473s the very beginning um but so yeah so I'm
1475s the new sound designer so I do all the
1479s essentially I do all the sound design
1481s and uh music things that are related in
1484s the game but uh yeah it's it ranges from
1487s technical implementation to like doing
1489s the actual assets but we work also with
1492s uh ghostwood Empire which company and
1494s with Dennis and enus uh and um you know
1498s them because theyve made the [ __ ]
1501s wait it's really confusing it was easier
1503s when we just had one camera you know
1504s them from like all the songs that we put
1506s out on trailers and stuff we've shouted
1508s them that many times but they made a lot
1509s of tracks for our trailers and uh it's
1512s been great working with them yeah yeah
1513s and like Dennis has been doing some work
1515s in game as well so it's like there's
1517s been a lot such a big project as well so
1519s there's been a lot of like split up
1521s splitting up stks tasks yeah Etc um so
1525s yeah so yes uh hope that answer question
1529s so you actually do implementation as
1530s well of sound in game because that's
1532s that's like I think not super common uh
1535s at game studios usually it's like you
1537s have someone external and then they do
1539s sound design and like uh music or
1541s whatever and then just they give you a
1542s bunch of stuff and it's up to developers
1544s to sort of like figure out how to get it
1545s working yeah yeah it depends I guess it
1547s depends on the size of the studio and
1549s depends on how important audio is to the
1551s people because it's like um you could do
1553s the same with animation as well you
1554s could like have a separate company that
1556s does the animation and you implement the
1557s animations and sound can there's some
1560s studios that do the same with audio but
1563s uh of course like uh most of the studios
1566s that like have good audio in general
1569s they have people that are even if
1570s they're outsourced they're pretty close
1572s to the devs so like if you're an
1574s outsourcer and you're completely removed
1575s from the devs usually there's like some
1577s form of Chasm and it's not as cohesive
1580s whereas yeah Outsource doesn't mean
1583s remote from the dev or doesn't mean like
1585s that you're not close to the dev team um
1588s so yeah um but yeah we do have like we
1591s do have like a middle Weare and or like
1593s an audio engine called wise it's pretty
1595s standard there's other ones like f mod
1596s etc for those that know it but um yeah
1600s so basically that tool is like separate
1602s from the engine itself so we can do a
1605s lot of stuff parallel to the dev So like
1608s um we can work because audio touches so
1610s many things it's on VFX it's in the
1612s levels like it's in the animation
1614s sequences and stuff like that so um
1617s we're pretty like like tied to
1619s everything so it's better if we have
1621s like a separate sort of sound engine
1623s that we can do experimen in and then
1625s when we're ready to do the changes and
1627s it works it sounds good then we could
1629s push it to the engine kind of it's
1631s really nice too because then the like
1634s weight of Epic is lifted sort of so they
1636s don't have to like keep updating the
1638s sound engine it's like better when like
1639s a separate company that specializes on
1641s like sound engine stuff yeah yeah I mean
1643s yeah there's pros and CRS to all that
1645s stuff of course but like uh epic like
1648s there is set audio tools inside of
1650s unreal but like why is this so standard
1653s and like all the conferences all the all
1656s the videos and all the community uses
1658s that software so much that it's like so
1660s much easier to find what you're looking
1662s for in terms of yeah yeah if you if
1664s you're looking for tips and stuff and it
1666s like why is this the stuff that s fatory
1668s uses B just stuff that like God of War R
1670s and Rock uses as well so it's like it's
1673s literally everywhere from Super indd to
1674s AAA but there's also F mod which is
1676s quite popular and there's a ton more of
1678s there's ton of other ones and maybe in
1680s the future there'll be another company
1681s that will take over and do a new one
1683s like yeah so more concretely or more
1686s specifically like what was your first
1687s month like here what did you do like in
1689s actual game yeah so I spent a lot of
1691s time uh in Wise so it's like uh so which
1695s is the audio engine again so because the
1698s game like content complete was pretty
1700s much like pretty much like yeah content
1703s complete what's pretty much like about
1706s to happen so this is a time where
1708s basically
1709s you don't put new stuff in yeah uh
1711s because so every everything had already
1713s been been done in terms of like the
1716s sound design and the actual assets and
1718s it was time to do a lot of like the
1720s optimization and the mixing so like
1722s balancing everything everything that's
1724s new with everything that's old and stuff
1726s like this or like remastering or
1727s revamping things for optimizing the game
1731s and so all of that happens in why so it
1733s was lot of um yeah I'm not sure how Tech
1738s pretty you can go bananas because cuz if
1741s there anything anyone who's interested
1742s cuz I I always want to Champion sound
1744s design a little bit because I always
1745s feel like it's a bit sort of Forgotten
1748s and I I really feel that like you know
1749s sort of 80% of what you see is what you
1751s hear so I always feel like sound design
1753s always gets sort of overshadowed by like
1755s everything else that's made in games but
1757s like sound design is really really
1759s really important because otherwise
1761s that's like how everything comes to life
1763s I feel like every single time we've made
1764s a trailer or a video of any type and you
1767s know it like oh it's it's coming
1769s together and then like we get like the
1770s sound design pass and then suddenly it's
1772s just like oh now it's a trailer like now
1774s it comes to life um I think you told me
1776s like just uh like anyone in chat just
1778s try watching like your favorite trailer
1780s series play your favorite game without
1782s sounds and it's just so much more Hollow
1784s so it almost makes everything look
1786s better like the VFS better just they
1788s have a sound attached to them yeah um
1790s it's kind of crazy but yeah so like yeah
1792s the the bulk of the work was like
1794s optimizing a lot of things but so I
1795s meant that for example um so let's say
1798s like you have a a Constructor for
1800s example and it has tons of different
1801s parts right that we randomize the the
1805s variation of sound so that it doesn't
1806s get too repetitive and it's just just
1808s the same sound plane all the time well
1810s sometimes for optimization purposes we
1813s need to reduce the number of sounds
1814s we're playing at the same time on a
1817s specific like machine for example but if
1820s you do if you go if you down size too
1823s much then you you you get like less um
1827s you you get run into problems where this
1828s the variation doesn't work as much so
1830s it's always a balance between oh making
1832s tons of like granularity of like the
1835s sounds and like how optimized it is
1838s basically cuz you want it to be not too
1840s granular cuz that's like that's just a
1841s monster of a project but you want it to
1843s be like just the right size so that you
1845s can optimize the part that you want mhm
1848s and optimizing is like you can compress
1850s audio of course and stuff like that but
1852s you can also like put it to stream so
1854s like you can choose what you load on the
1856s RAM on the memory or you can Cho what
1858s you stream from the disc and that's a
1860s big part of it like all of the music for
1862s example it's stream because it's like a
1864s long stereo we file that just plays if
1867s we put it on the ram of people then it's
1869s bit taking a WRA for nothing like it
1871s doesn't need to be in sync or anything
1874s all super strongly and sy so yeah stuff
1877s like that does satisfactory differ from
1879s like stuff you've done in the past in
1880s terms of just sound design optimization
1882s implementation uh yeah yeah so like the
1885s so what's what's special about
1887s satisfactory is like uh it's like it's a
1891s it's a game where you get users that
1892s generate their own content right so I
1895s make like there's a Constructor it has
1897s cool sounds cool now someone has put
1900s like 50 of them on top of each other
1902s like [ __ ] so it's a lot about like
1905s trying to imagine and come up with all
1908s the scenarios and trying to make the mix
1910s and all the all the elements of
1912s everything be balanced no matter the
1915s save or the factory of people because
1917s you I don't know what shape I don't know
1919s what computer what headphones people are
1921s using I don't know what their Factory
1923s looks like so I need to be able to
1926s account so that there's no problem no
1928s matter which if the if the there's a
1930s scalability like that's the main that's
1933s the main like U challenge with it is a
1935s scalability it needs to sound good if
1937s it's a small Factory but it needs to
1938s sounds good if it's a huge Factory as
1940s well and if you got all those sounds
1942s plan or well some those thousands of
1944s Constructors then like you you would
1946s like die of
1950s over um so yeah so there's other games
1953s like this that have user generated
1954s content and stuff and they face sort of
1956s uh similar challenges but everybody
1959s solves it in different ways because
1960s every game is unique uh and yeah so I
1962s would say that's the biggest part of it
1964s is like users can do what whatever the
1966s [ __ ] they want can I swear on this
1969s stream
1970s sorry already I think I think
1974s already yeah would you say that's the
1976s biggest challenge the scalability of the
1978s game or or have you had like something
1979s else just like the hardest thing yeah
1982s sometimes you get stuck on things like
1984s sometimes like the the the the the
1986s hardest sound is not the one you
1987s imagined it's like you can Oh I thought
1990s we disabled the
1992s elevator yeah sometimes like the the
1994s hardest sound can be something that like
1996s like a footstep or something or like or
1998s like oh the water can be deeper now so
2000s there's going to be like a deep water
2002s footstep and then just like it might
2004s sound like it might sound like insane
2006s but like it's really important you did
2008s the of How deep the water is for example
2010s and you can get stuck on that on those
2011s stores a long time or like doors for
2013s example stuff like this that can be the
2015s stuff that like almost breaks you or
2017s something whereas like the fun stuff
2019s like the you know the the cool PE like
2021s the the big the big zappy sounds the big
2023s machines and stuff uh they they can you
2027s know sometimes they're not as difficult
2029s as they are sometimes they are it's just
2030s you never know what's going to be a
2031s challenge or not when you start but
2033s that's with anything creative
2036s right nice yeah yeah all right how we on
2039s time we are on the dot right now nice
2043s nice so uh thanks s for joining us and
2046s and it's great to finally have someone
2048s to talk
2049s about what a firm handshake that was
2052s come oh my goodness censor
2056s this um yeah thanks for joining us uh
2060s and can't wait for uh to check out like
2063s all the sound that's in the game I also
2064s want to mention real quickly one thing
2066s that you mentioned to me when I made the
2068s uh um the teaser video
2070s for uh the quantum Tech stuff uh I
2074s remember you asked me like how did you
2076s this like how cuz usually when I do
2078s these teasers someone like puts audio
2081s like custom for it but this time I just
2083s like recorded straight from the game and
2085s you were like whoa really yeah it's like
2088s also it's a different camera perspective
2090s and everything so it's it was uh it was
2091s kind of surprising that the MS works at
2093s a completely different camera
2095s perspective as well cuz I did move the
2097s camera when I captured a little bit but
2099s like it is pretty much like from the
2101s game all of it the only addition I did
2103s was conveyor Bel sounds when I wanted it
2105s to be like more and focus but yeah other
2107s than that it's that's how good it is
2109s yeah I mean it's it's on the work of
2111s it's there's like five people standing
2114s on the shoulder of giants yeah exactly I
2116s do want to mention though that uh
2118s there's a lot of new stuff in 1.0 the MS
2120s has been like revamped and REM some
2122s assets have been remastered and stuff
2123s but there's also in the menus uh you can
2126s actually every single slider that you
2128s see in the options menu work so if your
2130s Constructors are too loud in your
2132s specific Factory you can turn them down
2134s there's a Mona mode as well uh oh we
2136s also have to mention real funny actually
2139s so we have a button now in game that
2140s says like streamer safe mode or whatever
2143s uh that button does nothing okay the
2146s only reason why that that button is
2148s there just in case people are like oh
2150s can I stream this game I'm not sure so
2151s we just added that option just to like
2153s make it clear that like oh there's an
2155s option for that maybe that should be on
2156s by default actually
2158s yeah so that people are not worried
2160s about it yeah I guess it's more yet to
2162s treat people yeah yeah but that's that's
2164s the main thing right we don't want
2165s people to mute the music in the game
2166s because you can totally play the music
2167s on stream and all that stuff so so like
2169s don't worry about that stuff so so
2171s that's but that's why we added that
2172s button yeah even the boom bot stuff is
2174s fine yeah yeah just just go out stream
2176s the game to your heart Del light yeah
2178s yeah cool beans all right thanks for
2181s coming whoop and then you make a s yeah
2185s classic count how many times that happen
2188s today's stream all right and shame on
2190s you cuz you didn't sit where I told you
2191s to sit cuz you were off AIS on the mic
2194s no way wait really was it supposed to be
2196s like but to but was it yeah yeah you're
2197s supposed to both it in the because the
2199s mic is like right there well I spoke to
2201s Wed anyway okay learn dude it's super
2204s directional so like
2205s to but it's fine we we know Chad you
2207s don't need to it's it's cool it's cool
2209s I'm glad that you guys poting it out
2210s though because otherwise we wouldn't
2211s know to fix it yeah uh all right lenus
2214s are you ready it's it's your bit now oh
2217s [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah so fun fun thing I
2219s can take over so so a fun little thing
2222s that we prepared that we've said that we
2223s were going to do on stream for years I
2226s think um and a little bit of a shout out
2229s too um to uh our Lego Community okay
2233s this is a bit surprising it's not
2234s official leg or anything like that but a
2236s while ago uh someone on in our community
2238s made a um I can't remember what the name
2240s of that uh site is but there's like a
2242s site where you can upload like your own
2244s Lego builds uh and custom builds and uh
2249s oh my goodness we've gotten so far look
2251s at this yeah this is so funny we have to
2253s explain the whole thing here so so so
2256s essentially what we've done is um uh so
2260s yeah people can upload any Lego
2262s builds we'll we'll make it work will
2264s hold it yeah somehow somewhere so yeah
2267s anyone can upload Builds on on for Lego
2269s and then if they get like enough uh
2272s requests from Community like 10,000
2274s requests then um Lego will consider
2278s making it into an actual Lego and that's
2279s actually something that happened that
2280s was uploaded by what's his name nerdy
2282s legist or something nerdy legist Kyle
2285s yeah who made the original like
2287s Constructor and then that got a 10,000
2289s votes and Lego said
2291s no no apparently they don't want to sell
2294s yeah but but screw Lego we we're we're
2297s doing it ourselves we got our own Lego
2299s pieces don't screw
2302s Lego can't wait for the season to assist
2307s [Music]
2310s all right anyways so so uh but the the
2313s set is available uh for anyone oh jeez
2315s there's so many things I didn't even
2317s realize can you fit it on the I can have
2319s it on the couch are you sure yeah I'll
2321s hold it for you as well I need to take
2322s over the camera so we can actually see
2325s what's going on but I'm just going to
2326s explain real quick what's going on so so
2327s so yeah we we essentially we we
2330s downloaded the entire set and uh lenus
2332s is going to as far as we can get we not
2335s sure if we can actually finish this uh
2336s today probably not like this is several
2339s hours and the thing is too like it's not
2341s only lenus building right now we're
2342s going to do this in segmented so like L
2344s will build and then we also have a team
2346s of people building the set it's going to
2348s continue build yeah so we'll see how far
2350s we come maybe we can finish it before
2352s spe runs we'll see we'll see but I'm
2354s going to cocky
2357s [ __ ] there are so many parts
2361s like yeah you assemble all this we have
2364s more
2364s pieces many yeah
2370s sheesh where where do we put those then
2372s hang
2374s on so this is as far we gotten so far
2378s how long you guys what page are we on 48
2382s 48 48 out of 700 okay just scroll down
2387s on the
2391s laptop yeah I'm going to scoot in cuz I
2393s don't want to mess with the mic angles
2395s too much
2398s there is there is no floor left by the
2400s way chat you cannot walk
2403s here let's see should be fine page page
2407s what out of let's see 48 48 out of
2411s several hundreds apparently so 48 out of
2414s 253
2417s 2533 okay yeah uh how long was the
2421s stream
2423s H we could probably we can't extend it
2427s you have messages I have messages I
2430s can't build L has messages oh no you
2433s build I build I have to work we're going
2435s to rele we're
2437s [ __ ] I won't even censor that here oh
2441s God just
2442s scroll we could do this just scroll and
2445s build how hard can it be it's just Lego
2446s bro I had I I I've owned Lego since I
2448s was like three I'm still three so you
2452s know uh wait four they're supposed to be
2454s like damn I wish I could show the the
2456s instruction cuz it's really deep deted
2458s yeah do I is this so if if anyone uh if
2462s any of the moderators in chat are able
2464s to uh find the the Reddit post that ner
2467s legist made oh may we can do this can we
2470s somehow angle it there we go show it to
2472s that camera that camera over there
2475s yeah I'm not sure how long this cord is
2477s either the charger you could remove it
2479s but yeah so it's it's essentially Lego
2481s instrctions yeah Page by Page it's
2484s really cool started on 48 so um no 460
2489s so so like these these are available now
2491s you have to order all the pieces
2493s yourself um which is a pain in the ass
2496s and uh we also want to give a little bit
2498s of shout out to the people well build
2500s damn it Focus uh shout outs to the
2503s people that have uh made there's also a
2506s train set for that's also up on I wish I
2510s could remember the name of the site St
2511s with this se you follow instructions how
2514s so like those are the pieces you need
2515s and then the next step is these supposed
2517s to be the like I mean there are
2519s organized yeah
2521s um so um I think so there are two more
2524s sets there are currently up for voting
2527s or whatever you want to call it the uh
2529s there's a train set and there's also a
2531s fuel generator I believe uh that's up on
2533s Lego idas is the name of the website
2534s just remember um so check them out and
2537s give them a vote and maybe Lego can shut
2538s us down once
2540s more um because they're really detailed
2543s like
2544s there's I don't know how many how many
2546s pieces did they say it was was
2548s uh a number yeah too many okay wait so
2552s we have these flat
2555s ones and hold on a second this just
2558s turned into a Lego building stream
2560s instead SC who cares about satisfactory
2562s we're all about Legos
2567s now I pop the
2571s schu wait a
2573s minute no I think they started me off on
2576s the wrong instruction page really I was
2578s placing pieces down the there so no yeah
2580s I did I did I did jump to the correct
2581s one now so we're good uh Lena said he
2585s could finish this in one hour but I okay
2589s if you give me 10 then that's a maybe
2590s hang on
2592s uh this goes here okay so these are just
2595s mirrors of each other yeah easy got this
2599s I built Lego with a friend like I think
2601s this win like last winter and it's
2603s strangely not even strangely it's just
2606s very what's the word like calming
2608s meditating that's the word yeah it's a
2610s little therapeutic yeah uh are those
2614s untouched no they not to each other okay
2617s so we do need square blocks of which we
2620s have precisely
2621s zero
2623s apparently uh and there supposed to be
2626s flat thin ones as well
2629s okay all right while you do this we're
2632s going to have more people on so so if
2634s you keep building we can probably uh
2637s keep the show going you need you might
2639s need to scoot over yeah I was gonna say
2640s I need to like get the hell out of here
2642s or you can just scoot over so that it
2644s can fit in more people I'll hop on to
2646s the side over here say bye to M everyone
2650s he's going to be off off mic for a sec
2654s um uh the question
2657s is everyone just looks there's like
2660s multiple people in the room that just
2661s look lost are are tors Anna over there
2665s or because we can see anything I wish
2668s you the this this setup is so
2671s complicated uh so like there's it's like
2674s three different rooms for all this stuff
2676s yeah go for it yeah yeah please yeah go
2679s get him
2682s tiger
2684s um all right and then I can set this up
2687s I do
2689s this fantastic all right uh almost
2693s working how you doing over there champ
2696s you're not actually expecting to finish
2698s this are you like no you have to finish
2700s this before before countdown you have
2703s two 220 left to do it cool 2 hours and
2707s 20 minutes until Final Countdown
2711s yeah the Lego whs are completely down
2714s don't Chad don't dos them don't stay
2717s awake waiting for me daring be for a
2719s while you can do
2722s it I think it was [ __ ] up no never
2724s mind it's good stop swearing m
2731s yeah this is a speedrun Lego
2737s building I wish I could L have to bolt
2739s for SEC so we don't have the camera
2741s operator anymore
2743s but potty mouth
2749s exactly holy holy
2754s smok who's going to okay Chad hit me up
2758s in in in the once and once or two who's
2761s going to start from scratch once One
2763s update comes once 1.1 comes out who's
2765s going to start from scratch one type one
2767s in chat if you're going to start with a
2768s new save and type two if you're not if
2770s you're going to keep playing and type
2772s three if you're just going to uninstall
2773s and don't even care about this whole
2775s thing there's a lot of ones I wish that
2778s was me man that's a lot of
2780s ones
2782s jeez
2785s the smokes I saw one
2788s [Laughter]
2790s three damn my
2795s goodness yeah good time it'll be fun
2798s because uh I don't know if you guys knew
2800s this but uh all the dial every single
2802s dialogue I think I said it in the
2803s narrative video but every single
2804s dialogue in the game has been completely
2805s Rewritten so even if you're starting
2807s with like the tutorial and all that
2808s stuff you'll still get like new dialogue
2810s even if you know there might not be
2813s toally new like the tutorial is still
2815s the onboarding process is still the same
2817s but
2818s or is it who
2821s knows gotta play the game finally we can
2823s start saying stop saying who knows and
2824s we can just uh
2827s oh it's been way too many weeks of that
2832s man sound like trash I can't believe I
2835s actually didn't spoil anything all year
2837s did I I don't think so or did
2840s he
2842s yeah I may have dropped something uh a
2845s bit too spicy on Discord a couple of
2846s times but I I don't think anyone picked
2848s up on those oh Chad you got to find it
2849s now
2851s yeah quite recent even actually
2857s uh are we missing
2859s pieces they might just be hard to find
2861s yeah because they are literally like the
2863s the tiniest like just a single a single
2865s node kind of squares and flat at
2869s that
2874s uh can they see me no thank God no no no
2877s you're you're slightly off camera
2883s awesome so while we wait for for our
2885s guest to show up uh real quick if you
2887s just tuned in we are counting down for
2889s the 1.0 release of
2892s satisfactory and uh very exciting in
2895s less than two hour well 2 hours and 17
2897s minutes we're going to be releasing 1.0
2900s we're going to play the release trailer
2904s uh no patch not video for today because
2907s is not done but we are working on a
2909s passion video actually so it will come
2910s out at some point uh so that side just
2914s to make sure all right and I am no
2918s longer alone I have guests welcome to
2921s the set Anna and toron hello hello who
2925s are you and what do you
2926s do after you yeah yeah I'm a Le
2930s 3st uh and I'm art director for
2933s satisfactory good time so you do like
2936s art stuff
2938s yeah yes we draw all day yeah make we
2941s doodle all day yeah yeah I mean it's
2943s kind of true though cuz like when you're
2946s in we meetings you guys will sit like
2948s just with post this notes and like that
2950s is true that is true we doodle a lot I
2953s mean all through meetings yes yeah but
2956s it's good you need to like use your your
2957s both brains whatever the the both sides
2960s of the brain to be able to focus I guess
2962s all right yeah because it's both
2963s creative and Technical anyway so welcome
2966s we're going to talk art today we're
2967s going to talk about uh I guess you guys
2969s have prepared a couple of slides that
2970s we're going to check out yes um if they
2972s want to work hello it's the stuff that
2975s we drew in
2976s posters yeah there are posts actually in
2978s this slide so it's kind of true um so
2981s before we get into that just real quick
2983s like can you just describe sort of your
2985s roles like what it entails it just just
2987s like do you actually model stuff or like
2989s how does it work you start okay okay now
2992s I start um I do uh partially I'm
2997s responsible for well for art Direction
2999s which means uh for uh quality for visual
3002s coherence meaning whatever we create for
3004s the game needs to uh visually fit the
3007s game so any any additions that we have
3010s uh well they need to look good and they
3012s need to look like they fit into the
3014s world of satisfactory um apart from that
3017s I'm also uh happy to be able to work
3020s Hands-On um and meaning design doing
3023s concept art and doing like over paints
3025s of stuff along the way
3028s um yeah cool y uh my role is very
3035s representative I represent all the 3D
3038s artists and uh also animation and vfix
3041s uh and I basically sit for them in a
3044s meeting so they don't have
3046s to um but I also do some art planning
3050s and uh I'm happy to be doing art myself
3054s as well uh I think that's really
3055s important because you stay in touch with
3058s uh with the tech and with the creative
3061s part of it and uh yeah I I think it's
3064s important for leads to continue doing
3067s like actual Hands-On work as well uh so
3070s yeah so what is the pipeline when like
3072s when it comes to uh
3076s like H how does like something become
3079s like from nothing come into the game
3080s like what is the steps that needs to
3082s happen sort of oh it starts with an idea
3085s yeah um it starts with the question what
3089s what does the game still need what do we
3091s want in the game what do uh players want
3093s in the game and then of course yeah it
3094s starts with an idea um usually driven by
3098s Design and then we try to uh yeah we
3101s talk within the team between the
3102s Departments there's a lot of back and
3104s forth of what could that idea be turned
3106s into what should it be and what kind of
3109s uh for example in the case of building
3112s what kind of what does what job does the
3114s building do what does it make what does
3116s it do what does it require and then we
3118s can start actually thinking about how do
3122s you build this building what does it
3123s make and how how big is it what shape or
3126s form will it have uh how can we make it
3128s work and how can we make it in time and
3131s with the resources that we have with the
3133s team we have gotcha so it's many people
3135s are involved in the yeah many me many
3138s meetings and many people uh but yeah and
3142s once uh once the idea is conceived and
3145s uh maybe there also some hopefully
3148s Concepts or sketches uh we take it with
3152s 3D team and we visualize it in 3D space
3156s whatever that means it's a lot of
3158s different steps that I'm not going to go
3160s into uh and depending on what what are
3164s we making if it's uh something uh either
3167s alive or maybe it's a new building uh
3170s then also animation comes in play and uh
3173s makes sure that all of these static
3176s models are animated and moving um and
3180s also quite often uh vfix that's usually
3183s at like pretty much the end of it uh or
3187s alongside animation and of course uh
3190s there's always sound that needs to come
3192s and play and uh it it's it sounds like
3195s step by step but we actually also talk a
3197s lot uh while uh developing something
3202s because whatever H whatever is happening
3204s other departments need to stay aware of
3206s what going on so they can also uh chip
3209s in with their knowledge yeah cool so
3213s we're going to check out some like
3215s designs that that's like I guess process
3219s what am I trying to say yeah there
3220s there's there's we can we can have uh we
3222s can have a little glimpse into the
3224s process uh for the alien power augmentor
3227s which is one of the latest editions for
3230s 1.0 uh for players really exciting yeah
3234s it was it was fun A lot of work a lot of
3236s back and forth too uh but uh yeah we can
3239s show uh just a little bit of of the
3242s process of uh how the sausage is
3246s made
3247s um so yeah here it is the big laser Mach
3250s the big loud laser machine that's been
3253s yeah the big laser yeah is anything else
3257s you want to add on this or just do we
3258s just uh no we can we can continue so uh
3261s I many people have seen it uh I'm on the
3263s wrong computer wait what so confusing
3266s there we go uh so we had very early um
3269s uh very early sketches and ideation so
3272s uh what you see for example in the in
3274s the top there's some kit bash
3276s experiments which means we just take
3278s elements in the game and parts in in the
3281s 3D space and Bash them together and see
3283s what kind of shapes what do we want what
3285s is possible and go for just play around
3288s essentially what it might be because
3290s this machine is
3291s incredibly uh Advanced it's because the
3294s early machines are pretty much based on
3296s H human factories on Earth that we know
3299s like the like the um the Constructor but
3302s this one is a bit more out there so we
3305s had a little bit more fun and challenge
3307s to yeah make it whatever so we went on
3310s through idea sketches uh these were done
3313s by Sophie our concept
3315s artist uh just to find like a basic
3317s approach what what could it even be what
3319s is the basic shape looking into what
3321s shapes do we already have and what
3323s shapes are we still missing and what
3325s could we go for and then usually when we
3328s find something interesting we go for an
3330s uh we go iterate on that idea sketch and
3332s have a bigger sketch a little bit more
3334s detail and then figure out like do we
3337s want this do we not want this and then
3340s we discuss it a little
3341s bit um and then the next step
3345s um we found another one that we kind of
3349s liked more and we iterated on that so we
3351s had uh at that point it was called alien
3354s power generator which was a work working
3356s title
3357s um and yeah we got we got this thing
3361s going on and uh we kind of like the over
3364s shape the
3365s levitation kind of thing so yeah and
3369s yeah we iterated on that so I do also
3372s want to add that at that point we were
3375s going into alien technology which meant
3378s very experimental very put together out
3381s of different parts but kind of more
3383s unstable than other buildings uh so that
3386s was something that also uh influenced
3390s the concept MH MH gotta and then if we
3393s move over here and then the next step
3397s from the basic shape was we still had
3399s the levitated levitation parts and the
3402s the arms and the the base Foundation
3405s thing of the building and uh then we
3408s looked a little bit into what could it
3410s do is it just a static building or does
3412s it do stuff um does it move along kind
3416s of spoil it here in the slides a little
3418s bit well you you saw you saw in the
3420s teaser video you saw already it is you
3422s got to speculate a little bit Yeah but
3424s uh it does things uh we're not going
3427s into
3428s that next slide oh sh here's the block
3431s out yeah and then um usually when we
3433s think oh yeah that might be that might
3436s be cool um then what I did here is uh
3439s yeah go into like an in-engine blockout
3441s which means um in the game engine we put
3445s together like the rough shape of that
3447s building um just to get an idea of how
3450s big is it how does it look from first
3452s person perspective how big should it be
3454s because of course um we need it to be
3456s connectable how many how many walls is
3459s it high and how many foundations does it
3461s cover and so it's uh so figuring that
3464s out how does it feel um and where should
3466s the inputs and outputs be potentially if
3468s they have any Etc also sense of scale
3472s which always throws me off in this game
3474s especially when I'm making cinematics
3475s cuz everything looks smaller in
3478s cinematics than it is in game oh yeah uh
3480s it's not until you're like even in first
3481s person sometimes you feel like you're
3482s running around you still don't really
3484s get a sense of scale CU like it feels
3486s like oh it's just you just jump up on
3487s this thing it's it's nothing but then
3489s you have the Pioneer standing there like
3491s down there is just like whoa everything
3494s is crazy big comparing to Pioneer uh it
3498s it goes for factory but it's also all
3501s the world things are just incredibly
3504s big yeah it's crazy all right let's see
3506s what we got next uh and then usually
3509s after the blockout when we feel like
3511s okay that could be a thing we try out
3514s some Concepts that add in a little bit
3516s more detail um this has been a concept
3518s that has not been used in this form
3521s that's also a thing uh concept art gets
3523s thrown away all the time so don't get
3526s attached to a Concepts they might just
3528s be thrown in the trash because we want
3529s to revisit another idea so that's the
3532s sad reality so you iterate and iterate
3535s uh so we had this first concept um and
3538s then we yeah it got changed because of
3541s the the basis was round but then again
3543s when we did a new block out with the
3545s round Foundation it didn't look as nice
3548s uh and then yeah the next uh step was
3551s essentially going into a little bit more
3553s detail and have the production uh ready
3555s concept is that the next slide here and
3558s that will be the next one and uh by
3560s production concept still it is compared
3563s to other production Concepts you would
3565s send out to sourcers or in or how other
3568s Studios generally work our concepts are
3571s relatively rough we deliberately leave
3573s in a lot of things to figure out for 3D
3576s artist because they're not uh they're
3578s not work machines they're not robots
3580s they're artists so you give them the
3582s concept and they fill in a lot of the uh
3585s creative gaps that are still there um so
3588s we have this is a really good plan but
3592s um yeah well we'll see how the plan goes
3595s in reality and what usually happens is
3597s then we go back and we do over paints
3598s and we check out what it uh yeah what
3601s works and what doesn't work so there's a
3603s big of back and forth until we have the
3605s final
3606s um uh yeah the final esset for the game
3609s well that was not what that I was like
3611s and then you get to see the final thing
3612s but it was not no but uh you will see
3614s the final thing in game in game exciting
3618s all right what's this next slide about
3620s uh tree this is a
3623s tree obviously um something you guys
3626s know much about when the game comes out
3628s because you're not be outside for much I
3629s guess yeah that's true forget about the
3631s what these look like um so here we
3634s wanted to also talk a little bit about
3636s the environment art or the world of
3639s satisfactory and uh all sorts of changes
3642s that happened there while uh we were on
3644s our road to 1.0 uh so in this case it's
3648s a it's it's just a fun comparison of how
3651s far the Titan tree go from a very sad
3655s stump with
3656s thin branches to a very impressive tree
3660s might I say um yeah it's uh and it's
3664s it's a lot of those things that um kind
3666s of shaped the the landscape and the
3668s environment and gave it a bit more
3670s character gave it a bit more
3672s believability and hopefully made it
3674s compelling to explore also it's it's
3677s probably fair to to to add that um like
3681s some of the reworks are not just not
3683s only done for like coherency and like
3685s yeah polishing up um and upping the
3688s quality but also for optimization
3689s reasons sometimes the measures uh yeah
3693s need for for performance reasons some of
3695s the measures some of the game assets
3697s need to be reworked uh for players to
3699s have a smoother experience yeah exactly
3701s and since these are very decorative you
3703s kind of want more more of that
3706s performance going into Factory and
3708s machines and uh yeah this tree was was a
3711s mess it was a mess I kind of understand
3714s like the original intent behind it where
3715s like it's funny it's like a big thick
3717s trunk and then it's like tiny big Tres
3721s but I really prefer the the the second
3723s one like very Loft crafty and yeah
3726s horror when I when I talked to one of
3728s the artists who was here way longer than
3730s me uh she said that this tree was
3734s attempted to be reworked like three or
3736s four times um it it has a very rich
3739s history but we're happy we're really
3742s happy with the result and it also
3744s creates hopefully more predictable
3747s uh Collision that you can actually maybe
3749s build some tree Huts I don't know could
3752s be
3755s fun what are you doing don't kiss it
3758s sorry sorry yeah um cool so yeah next
3764s next this place got to glow up many yeah
3767s that place was quite Barren and again we
3771s put a lot of effort into dressing it up
3773s and making it more final and just in
3776s general giving it some character some
3779s recognizability um we did a lot with uh
3782s just reworking the the trees and the
3785s Flora of that area but also the water
3788s was quite a big focus of that area
3790s because there's just a lot of water it's
3791s a very Coastal area so we also added
3795s some stuff in the water which we didn't
3797s do that much sadly in the game but as I
3800s would like uh but it's uh it just became
3803s more like tropical more colorful and
3805s Rich and um again like the the trees
3809s also inspire a lot of platforming so uh
3812s yeah it's just it's just way more fun
3813s and vibrant it
3816s feels like done like it feels like it's
3819s oh it's finally a proper like place to
3821s go you know like there's so many things
3823s to see and I don't know I really like
3825s the this picture looks so good this I
3828s feel like it's spruced up even more we
3830s did yeah we this is just screenshots
3833s from the game so we did not we did
3835s there's no trickery
3837s involved like I don't remember the the
3839s water having what's it called the algae
3841s or the the oh the corals the corals
3844s having that much detail yeah they they I
3846s mean the old version was an empty canvas
3849s essentially for the factory building now
3851s you can build a factory there but you
3853s also will have to remove the gorgeous
3855s beautiful nature which is a little bit
3858s of the satirical Vibe and uh because
3860s well obviously nature is nice but grown
3863s factories of course as we all know way
3865s nicer yeah and and it feels very alien
3867s too it's like yeah exactly and it's
3870s always kind of a challenge we had with
3872s keeping some of the trees recognizable
3875s so they still associate with environment
3877s or forest or
3878s jungle um but also adding here and there
3883s some alien stuff to remind you that
3885s you're still on the alien planet uh and
3887s of course with the image like this
3889s there's a lot of components not just
3891s seaweed and trees it's also of course
3894s reworked water it's reworked atmosphere
3897s there's a lot going on that is hopefully
3900s coming together as just a beautiful
3902s image that is uh yeah that you want to
3905s go in and explore the water I'm very
3908s excited about yes in 1.0 the water made
3910s me very happy yeah I don't feel like I
3912s highlighted that enough in the videos
3914s that I made because like the almost all
3916s water has been replaced on the map uh
3919s all of it Lakes uh ocean uh waterfalls
3923s yeah yeah seams have been fixed up us
3925s used to be like where like oceans and
3927s rivers would meet there would be like
3929s this hard seam that now has like proper
3932s like VFX on it so you don't see it as
3934s much and all that stuff so yeah yeah
3937s exactly uh and I also want to clarify
3939s something real quick because because uh
3940s we talked about this a long time ago uh
3942s we used to have the intention to have
3944s like the rivers would have like physics
3947s with them and we're not doing that 1.0
3949s we decided to not do it uh but the
3951s waters the all the rivers and everything
3953s have been replaced so like visually
3955s everything looks the way that we
3956s intended it for and same thing with all
3958s the waterfalls and what all right let's
3961s see what's next o grass fields yeah uh
3964s something very recognizable cuz that's I
3967s mean one of the basic starting areas uh
3970s again just as and example of how far we
3974s went uh and this is not even the oldest
3976s image on the left uh couldn't couldn't
3980s really yeah it was we just didn't have
3983s time I guess to find an older one but
3985s still uh gives a pretty good uh idea of
3988s uh just how much more believable the
3991s grass uh became and the trees and uh we
3995s worked a lot on the sky as well and
3997s introduced some Vol volumetric clouds so
4000s they actually behave similarly to
4003s clouds um and of course the the sky
4007s bodies like the planets and uh more
4009s stuff in the sky to see uh that kind of
4012s again reminds you that you're on an
4014s alien planet uh and there's uh yeah
4018s there's uh the Earth is not nowhere
4021s nearby yeah very nice if you haven't
4023s played this game for a few years you're
4025s in for treat in the sky like the clouds
4028s the the lighting uh the the the whole
4031s mood at Sunset and Dawn couple of
4033s interstellar planets even in the sky I
4035s don't think they yeah you have like a
4036s nebula and like uh the planets have been
4039s reworked so uh yeah it's it's a fun
4043s space experience yeah oh we got
4047s Pioneer nice uh new model and the old
4050s model Pioneer what happened
4053s there A lot happened actually um we so
4058s it all actually began with us wanting to
4061s introduce some customization and uh make
4063s it so that it's possible to change
4065s colors uh and then we realized that uh
4069s well it's not really possible with how
4070s the model is set up and we don't have we
4075s don't have the means to fix it it's
4077s actually just easier to completely redo
4080s it um and we wanted to keep we wanted to
4084s stay true to the original design uh as
4087s much as we could so it was Mo mostly
4090s about making sense with what's already
4092s there so just uh improving the the
4095s harness and the belt and making it more
4098s functional looking making it look like
4100s it has a bit more thickness and weight
4103s uh removing all the weird details that
4105s did make sense and just created more
4108s noise that uh we just had to constantly
4112s like make look like it's not not really
4114s there on the promotional shots uh so
4117s there was a lot of trickery but this
4119s this is just a cleaner nicer model with
4123s uh better textures and better materials
4125s uh and it is fully set up for
4128s customization so you can change the
4130s colors uh you can change the orange and
4133s the blue but we also can change the
4136s overall colors which is so exciting a
4139s lot of customization because it's it's
4141s the main it's it's the biggest part of
4143s the body so it felt like it's it had to
4147s be customizable as well and I yeah what
4149s I what I really really really wanted
4152s more of is like the yeah the
4154s functionality the
4156s believability that uh it was a it was
4159s already a very iconic character um for
4161s the game but I still felt like once we
4165s had to re work we might as well redesign
4167s a few elements that make it a lot more
4170s believable more grounded in our reality
4172s in our world so like the yeah like the
4175s closing like the belts how they are
4176s connected how they're closed off um you
4179s can relate to that because these things
4181s exist uh might also make it a bit easier
4183s for
4185s cosplayers because these are definitely
4187s things that exist in the real world and
4189s I think we wanted to go a little bit
4191s more for that for this believability mod
4195s much cleaner so we fixed finally fixed
4197s the uh this is something that me and Max
4198s have been struggling with is the the
4201s suspenders would clip into the model
4203s when you're like over again that was
4205s always a hassle when we made trailers is
4207s like all right we want to do this thing
4208s we want to turn it's like can't do that
4210s because the harness ruins it so like all
4213s right we need to like fix the shots so
4215s she turns just so it doesn't
4219s clip yeah and of course the hands the
4221s hands is something you see on screen
4224s pretty much all the time and and uh
4227s honestly from artist perspective they
4230s they they were anatomically not not very
4232s accurate uh they were very like thin uh
4236s long fingers yeah right like I've always
4239s thought about that when I was when I was
4241s animating it because it feels like the
4243s fingers are too long they were a bit
4245s spidery yeah right it's like yeah I so
4248s we intended to fix that and uh with that
4251s came realization that maybe we need to
4253s make a bit more sense of the glove as
4255s well and make it a bit more functional
4257s like something that you would actually
4259s want to wear when you're exploring or
4261s building or crafting something so uh
4265s yeah uh this this design came to be and
4268s uh we removed a weird display I don't
4270s know what it was intended to be oh the
4272s display on like the oh there were a lot
4275s of there were a lot of details that that
4277s made it sci-fi looking but again um it
4280s it felt very cybernetic all of it and I
4283s think the vibe we needed more was was
4286s the worker yeah you were work you do
4288s work stuff you you work at a factory um
4292s and at the same time um it's worth
4294s mentioning that we we were really really
4296s wary of changing uh the hands because
4300s the hands they're such an integral part
4301s of you screen the whole time so we were
4304s extra careful and iterated on it so that
4307s it's going to still fit and look good
4309s and again uh you might notice also the
4312s factory color in here and uh yeah you
4314s can um now we'll see customization also
4317s in first person so it's not just a
4319s multiplayer fun thing to not going to
4321s lie I don't think I've ever seen that
4322s display I I don't think I've ever notice
4323s that display that's on the old model
4327s yeah it wasn't really visible from first
4328s person yeah I don't think so damn uh oh
4333s the last SL didn't update bummer oh
4336s that's a shame wait wait wait I can I
4337s can go to this camera and then I'll just
4340s do a little of I think I just need to
4342s refresh the
4343s page little magic
4346s behind the
4347s scenes no wait I don't have permission
4351s to edit this I sent it to to chat oh is
4353s it a new
4354s one uh yeah there should be oh then then
4356s it might be bo oh well okay well imagine
4360s the fire everyone it was cool it was the
4363s best slide in the history of slides but
4365s uh well it's lost forever and no one
4367s will see well that's how it sometimes is
4371s yeah but cool that's that's yeah I I
4374s mean I feel like in general the game has
4377s gotten a visual facelift uh even for
4379s things that
4381s um like I think a lot of stuff will seem
4384s very familiar but like it just look a
4386s little bit different and I think a lot
4387s of stuff looks in general much better in
4390s like in the game even like the general
4392s lighting and all that stuff looks so
4393s much better in in 1.0 yeah everything is
4396s is everything is polished up everything
4397s is a bit more coherent of course there's
4400s also a ton of new uh content a ton of
4402s new stuff to play around with uh which
4404s is really really good but um yeah uh
4407s yeah we're excited yeah cool it's we're
4410s I'm super happy with how it turns out uh
4413s how it turned out and it's yeah it's
4415s going to be great and it's going to be
4417s available to you all in 1 hour and 50
4420s minutes is can't
4422s wait yeah big round of applause oh just
4425s do it so many all right all right thank
4427s you so much for tuning for for coming on
4429s and uh we're going to do a quick checkin
4431s with Mikel and see how the build is
4433s going oh yeah
4435s oh uh but thanks for coming all right
4438s thanks for having us have fun
4440s everyone and uh we're going to whoops
4443s wrong camera my bad so professional and
4448s uh yeah we're going to check real quick
4449s check in with mik how the build is going
4451s I promise I'm not making I'm not making
4453s this up I promise listen
4456s listen in all
4459s those I've Advanced one page on the
4463s manual we'll get it we'll get it cuz
4465s we're missing pieces I am 100% certain
4468s we're missing we're missing a piece I
4470s think you just bet no no no no no no no
4471s no no listen listen nerd I want you to
4474s sit here and find me one of these like
4477s [ __ ] one of these uh what do you call
4480s what's all long in English please help
4482s like long gated yeah long gated yeah uh
4485s Rod black rods with six notches not five
4488s not eight not four six we have zero of
4490s precisely zero of them in these bows if
4492s I had a penny for every time someone's
4493s asked me to find an elongated Lego
4495s please I I've I've had a little bit of
4500s money all right well we're going to
4501s we're going to switch places now we are
4503s um because we got a couple more people
4505s on on going to join us on the couch um
4509s so for anyone who's just you can
4511s probably just scooching we'll figure it
4513s yeah so come on and sit down all for
4515s everyone who's just joining us uh
4517s welcome to the 1.0 release stream where
4519s we're counting down for 1.0 it's coming
4521s out in 1 hour 15 minutes you see oh I
4526s got to hit the mic that's oh no promise
4528s oh no U whoa what the [ __ ] hello sir
4531s where did you come from um and uh now
4534s we're going to do another
4536s segment let see how this goes yeah love
4541s you you didn't
4543s say
4546s yeahor yeah you should both try to be uh
4549s yes slightly out of it like I wasn't in
4551s the beginning so no one can hear me
4556s is this do we sound do we sound fine
4558s chat all three of us if you just talk
4560s say something funny now please right now
4562s excellent see thank
4564s you excellent yeah good yeah yeah this
4568s fun uh before you ask do you want me to
4570s set up
4572s the I don't want you to do anything
4576s [Music]
4602s n
4604s [Music]
4623s one did you ask me where to look because
4626s please don't ask because I I have no
4627s idea myself which camera is actually
4629s just look at all three of them at once
4630s yeah if you can do that please
4631s absolutely that would be
4633s dope wait can you actually no no I can
4638s only how we feeling it's a big day it's
4642s kind of surreal because I've been here
4644s since 2016
4646s and it's you've been here since
4648s 2017 and we both started as interns and
4652s yeah it was like oh that's that's a cool
4654s game sure let's work on that and now
4656s it's like for eight years know I know
4659s seemed kind of boring to me but I guess
4661s people like it so sure here we are like
4663s complete complete honesty you may be
4665s honest I promise after we're done today
4667s like maybe tomorrow Thursday in the
4670s weekend do you look forward to going
4671s home and playing SI Factory no
4675s no way no way I'm playing Age of
4678s Mythology all
4680s weekend I'm not sure what's happening to
4682s me because uh Chad most of you know like
4684s what I'm addicted to but like my my
4686s urges my Cravings they are going like
4688s slowly
4689s towards satisfactory for some reason I
4692s have no idea why but I'm just I'm just
4693s feeling the it to actually finally learn
4695s to optimize and play Maybe actually get
4697s past oil without cheating for once in my
4699s i' I've only gotten to oil without like
4702s I've never been able to go past oil in
4704s the eight years that I've worked here so
4706s uh my record is Cole oh wow oh
4710s baby do you even work here unfortunately
4714s yes that's why I've never got past that
4716s Goddamn
4717s point oh yeah yeah all right uh let's
4721s steer over to the funny slides we have
4724s and we'll have one little we got
4726s introduce the guests dude the guests
4729s oh who Am I who are you people speaking
4732s of anything I'm guys by the way this
4735s before I promise yes oh me I'm
4738s Hannah what do you do what do you I've
4740s made I've made eye contact with everyone
4741s now okay good uh I do World design and
4744s writing uh so yeah you can blame me for
4746s all the floating rocks which everyone
4748s does and that's what I love so floating
4751s rocks we all love it
4753s awesome uh I'm Natalie uh I do UI where
4756s do I look everywhere I do UI ux uh
4759s everything that you interact with on
4761s screen that is a menu or a HUD or
4765s anything of that kind you can blame me
4767s for you're
4769s welcome no proud moments in the UI I
4772s mean yeah of course we ask please look
4774s at this yeah and this this game is
4776s [ __ ] hard to translate oh yeah the
4780s that one
4782s yes all right and there's more to come
4785s yeah wait really mhm I thought we told
4787s them everything already on YouTube
4788s didn't we did you leave stuff out no
4791s there's no way might have for
4793s something uh but yeah speaking enough
4795s let's have a quick Gander at some uh
4799s Final Shots at the up and cominging
4801s amazing one final
4804s Fant no no no no no different game
4807s different
4808s game oh look at this our beautiful game
4811s fully 1.0 already what's happening here
4813s hang on it play yeah oh it's so
4817s beautiful any one hours and change we're
4819s going to be able to play this all of us
4821s this before our time so um I joined in
4825s August 2016 and they had been
4827s prototyping this since April 2016 oh uh
4831s and when I joined in August uh it was
4833s already not like this anymore um I
4838s believe that this is made with a lot of
4839s things from the the asset store from
4841s unreal oh uh or whatever it's called
4843s Marketplace Marketplace on unreal asset
4845s Sor is Unity I think doesn't matter uh
4849s yeah very old very 2016 very motion blur
4854s did it play in like two FPS as well yeah
4857s oh
4858s God we didn't have Ben yet so you know
4861s it
4862s was it was a disaster probably it's a
4865s clear point when he joined the company
4866s going from two to 200 FPS yeah Suddenly
4869s It's
4870s playable oh my God at this time it was
4872s also called base defense oh yeah so I
4875s heard cuz we didn't figure out the name
4877s satisfactory until
4879s 28 and we did a poll in studio and it
4882s was exactly 5050 hate it love it and
4885s made us go like I was in the I was in
4887s the hater team yeah me too and we have
4890s since seen the error of our
4892s ways what were your other names
4895s suggested if you had any oh I I don't
4897s think there were any good options it was
4899s just that one was the most divisive one
4901s so obviously was Factory game yeah just
4904s Factory game and it's still called
4905s Factory game in a lot of the files which
4908s is like yeah I it says what it is but
4912s but really extremely boring if we ever
4915s made not saying it's happening not
4916s saying it's happening but if we ever
4918s made satisfactory 2 would you call it
4923s satisfactory
4927s dead I'm going to quit I'm going to quit
4930s before you get fired no but I've already
4932s been fired like five times yeah I I I
4934s quit like already way way back because I
4938s knew this was going
4940s to why not satisfactory too
4945s have to make it why why satisfactory too
4949s just why I don't want it hello I'm going
4953s to continue build uh I think I'm on page
4955s 49 and I think a piece is missing so
4956s good
4957s luck I did not drop anything I did not
4960s drop anything I
4962s promisees he tried his everything was
4964s here yeah I
4967s think so do you have any um I want to
4971s hear about if you have any like
4972s especially not not traumatic memories
4974s but like update yeah
4977s like yeah something sticks out as uh
4981s this was challenging and I just never
4982s wanted to this again ever update three
4984s update three why I mean for me that was
4987s that was the Dune desert update um and
4990s generally the way we dealt with world
4993s was that kind of we worked on our own
4994s separate Branch uh and if we managed to
4997s finish something in time we would add it
4999s to an update or not this one I had to
5001s finish it before the update um and this
5004s was the first time I had like fully
5006s inherited the world and had to figure it
5009s out by myself uh with like no no outside
5013s help essentially uh so like just trying
5015s to do everything from
5018s scratch uh was very very difficult and
5021s doing that Under Pressure also was very
5024s very
5025s difficult I'm trying to
5027s [Laughter]
5029s discre the sounds I think no no no I
5032s just
5035s yeah that's um yeah update 3 for a lot
5038s of people is like this is the point
5039s where where like it was awful it was
5041s intense but for for UI update 3 was
5044s actually quite chill uh cuz that was
5046s when we introduced pipes and and like
5048s figuring out the UI for that like it was
5050s tricky but it was actually a lot of fun
5051s like uh like doing the fluids in the UI
5053s and like figuring out like okay we're
5055s going to have differen Siz fluid buffers
5057s how do we want to show those do we want
5058s to like go for like pipe shaped UI and
5061s then we settled on kind of like you know
5062s like the Diablo sphere kind of kind of
5064s thing yeah uh I need to stop moving my
5070s hands do whatever you want to Italian
5073s some what your heart
5074s desires be yourself I mean that's that's
5078s the thing too I think the the Spy coasts
5080s uh doing that one for me was also super
5082s fun because that was the first time I
5084s truly had I think like a blank slate to
5086s work with yeah uh and we could go from
5089s scratch and we had kind of figured out
5090s like you know I was under a lot less
5092s stress at that time and IID had more
5094s experience on B belt so it was just
5096s generally just fun to figure out like
5098s hey what can we do here and how can we
5099s make this area interesting again um so
5102s yeah that was a lot of fun to work on
5104s okay I think the most exciting thing for
5106s me was when we uh when we showed the
5107s Early Access uh trailer for the first
5109s time in 2019 and it was still in our old
5112s office all like huddled up there with
5114s bean bags and CPS and like having a beer
5116s and it was just like cuz we at that
5118s point we had been working on it for
5120s three years and and just like finally
5123s being able to go like okay it's out in
5125s the world how are people going to feel
5126s about it like I I've not been able to
5128s tell anyone that I've been working on
5130s this game please like do people like it
5133s oh the torture of being a Game Dev but
5135s then I also I also remember um when we
5138s were on E3 yeah uh like our our
5141s announcement and like the first time we
5143s opened up our Discord uh to the audience
5146s and just seeing like this list of names
5149s just scroll past for the first time and
5151s just seeing like oh wait like people
5153s want this game this game like we're not
5155s insane for like making this that was a
5158s big one too I did a little mental
5160s exercise the other day cuz like you said
5162s just now that we have around 30,000
5164s people watching the stream today and I
5166s like I uh I love going to like concerts
5169s and festivals and I just imagined like
5171s okay that Festival where I went that was
5172s 30,000 people that's the amount of
5174s people that's watching us right now that
5178s is move your
5180s hands yes help yeah um that day must
5185s like that that actually that day is
5187s actually a good talking point today then
5188s because that was a day that um you
5190s actually Unleashed the game upon the
5192s world and terrorized all um does today
5196s feel similar and did other updates feel
5198s similar to that yes and no yes and no I
5200s would say it's less like you know we
5204s know that there's a community already
5206s for this G and uh they're awesome and
5209s they're going to support us through this
5211s and I feel like we we of course now we
5213s have it's it's it's not like we're
5215s throwing this into the void and having
5216s to judge us right it's a conversation at
5219s this point uh and so so many of the
5222s things that we've added and so many of
5224s the things that that like we've been
5226s working on have been essentially in
5228s conversation with the community so like
5230s I think that our level of con confidence
5232s is way higher because we're like we know
5235s what they like and they know what we're
5237s like so like we can play around a lot
5240s with that way more now so it's still
5242s scary but it feels more like releasing
5244s another update maybe like a bigger one
5247s but like up yeah yeah uh satisfactory is
5251s what I would call at least I mean I play
5254s a lot of games uh but even so like I've
5257s never really been into Factory Builders
5259s until now then until I got here yeah uh
5262s it is a very Niche genre uh is it
5264s similar to stuff you worked on in the
5265s past or oh no I mean technically this is
5268s our first official project first
5270s commercial game yeah exactly damn I've
5273s only done internships places but now
5276s same like back in 2012 I uh I did um
5280s like I was a 3D artist for a small
5283s studio in the Netherlands doing things
5284s for PlayStation Home does anyone
5286s remember PlayStation home I sure
5290s do does anyone remember mo mobile
5294s VR no I don't think so
5296s actually help did I suppress
5299s something Wise
5301s Choice oh yeah which one of you needs
5303s the most sleep after today I mean I woke
5306s up with a migraine today so I I would
5308s love to go to sleep after after release
5310s we have a couch right here yeah just
5313s fall over complely
5315s fine
5317s oh
5319s what we've got one more
5322s show but talking is so nice yeah talking
5325s is so
5325s nice but but the
5329s gossip I'm try where where it's it's if
5332s you minimize that it should be in the
5334s same it's a presentation no the
5339s uh I think we're cooked no what are you
5342s doing the you're on the wrong screen
5345s it's it's the other screen press oh yeah
5348s there we go awesome I can do my job
5351s surely there we go we go we got it let's
5354s have a Gand with the second one then yes
5357s um it's trying it's trying it's in the
5360s internet's hands
5362s now come on SharePoint I believe
5366s but does SharePoint believe in itself
5369s does it turn into a boat does it press
5370s triangle oh
5372s God
5374s ner uh presentation is I'll just I'll
5378s just do this [ __ ] it there we go and
5383s uh we will reopen it yes
5389s indeed uh and then we
5391s can can I just yink this up here here
5397s [Music]
5401s somewhere about that actually to you
5404s specifically good uh before anything
5407s else though can I start a presentation
5411s I'm trying to find the button do top
5414s right present there we go look at that
5418s and then we do one right or in the
5420s bottom left there's a button there we go
5423s oh my God oh my God
5425s C we did it we did it all right we're
5427s shooting let's
5429s go this might hang on is it
5432s playing oh yeah yeah this may seem
5435s normal at first but we've come a long
5438s way oh I remember this one the beans
5440s have come a long way since the earliest
5442s days of alpha
5444s yes can I tell the history about the
5447s bean oh please so um oh my God they're
5451s fine it's fine they're alien life orbs
5454s who to say this isn't normal okay so I
5457s think this was they were made in 2017 by
5461s one of our artists called mola and he
5463s was one of the original founders of
5464s coffee stain as well and uh mola was
5468s like pure chaos in a person like I'm
5472s chaotic yeah M was like 500 times me and
5476s um he he just came up to Art standup one
5479s day I was like yeah I made this I felt
5480s like making this I already put it in the
5482s engine and uh yeah
5486s and here we go here it is implemented
5488s yeah ship it yeah thankfully they feel a
5492s bit better now but yeah they've had a
5494s texture up honestly they've had it it's
5496s downgrade downgrade in my
5498s opinion uh let me just close this real
5501s quick before we uh leak anything
5504s excellent uh yeah just to not leave you
5506s hanging uh we'll talk about later but
5508s I'm
5509s unsubscribed imagine yeah yeah I'm
5512s healthy I promise I promise what is your
5513s identity now is it World of War I'm a
5516s factory Builder I'm a factory Builder I
5518s want to go I'm not even joking I told I
5521s told Sasha as well I want to go home
5523s this weekend and I actually want to play
5525s 1.0 that is over yeah over other games
5528s next week during F you're going to tell
5530s me about how satisfactory is going
5532s instead of maybe I'll be pass the
5533s tutorial yeah maybe just may I'll be so
5538s proud are we good on
5540s time you got five minutes five minutes
5543s five minutes Jesus Christ yeah ask all
5545s the questions you need right
5547s now it is the last possible time to do
5550s this Natalie yes what do you feel about
5552s a snow
5553s biome why not yeah yeah ship one
5556s introduce some snowboarding absolutely
5558s hey Chad what do we feel about
5561s snow it's a go-to you know I you know I
5564s can just if we just revert the Dune
5566s desert yeah to pre-update
5569s three you got your [ __ ] snow biome I
5572s have an idea though fine we've got got
5574s the factory card right that you like
5576s throw when it unfolds what if it's also
5578s the factory card but it stays folded and
5580s you
5582s snowb I mean look if you raise my pay we
5587s can talk if I raise your pay yeah or
5590s anyone raises my pay but whoever pays me
5592s it's fine as long as I get paid fine
5596s we'll talk about it no it's worth it so
5597s I will make an ATT yeah yeah AB I accept
5600s bribes just I want to put that out there
5603s we can have like cost forming on the
5605s conveyor
5606s builds we probably can't because Ben
5608s will kill me yeah I'm actually going to
5611s jump back a bit to uh designing the
5613s world uh just jumping because why not um
5616s a question for me personally it's like
5619s to some extent I'm not saying that
5621s designing like any game is easy because
5622s it's not I've been there in fact myself
5625s but um when it comes to like I'm going
5628s to say math but like numbers optimizing
5632s like placing nodes in the world mhm
5635s making UI function with numbers and just
5638s like telling people that X Y and Z match
5640s and is like properly connected properly
5644s functioning
5645s like how is I don't know how how do you
5650s even make a game that is so based on not
5653s like not math math but
5655s just optimizing numbers it's like where
5657s do you start because I can't even start
5659s thinking like when I play the game in
5661s the beginning I had a huge issue with I
5663s have all the space in the world I can
5665s build vertically horizontally I have
5666s like all the freedom in the world that's
5667s where I want to come um to do literally
5670s what I like whatever I want and in this
5674s place like how do you somehow UI wise
5677s World design wise steer people into
5680s making something kind of cohesive that
5682s makes sense in the starting biomes that
5684s makes sense with what assets they have
5686s like do you have some means of making
5687s sure they don't go completely wild in
5689s bananas it's a very wild question but uh
5691s I mean my my answer to that is I I place
5697s rocks or or a rocks yeah
5701s yeah that's it yeah I guess I can my
5706s answer is ask a lot of questions to all
5708s of the devs and be like okay but what is
5710s the intention behind this so like Mark
5712s has an idea or or G2 or programming lead
5715s like he has an idea and like first I
5717s just ask questions like okay but what is
5719s the actual intent that you want to get
5721s here and why uh cuz like fact games are
5724s like they're not personally what I would
5726s play also I probably have this calcula
5728s so math no thank uh so yeah I just ask a
5733s lot of questions and I make sure that I
5735s understand and I feel like if I can
5738s understand the math then the audience
5739s can probably also understand the
5742s math it's pretty good reliable
5746s source I mean uh for for satisfactory
5750s generally the world is like it is a
5753s little disconnected from the the factory
5754s gameplay in that sense mostly what we we
5757s try to do with it is just I I I guess
5760s provide a a challenge of placement more
5763s than anything uh so with the different
5765s starting biomes we've always had like
5767s okay this one has more height
5769s differences this one has like uh more
5772s space space between resources this one
5773s has less biomass kind of those are the
5775s factors that we play with which are
5778s mostly factors that affect people early
5780s game so it's mostly about like how do we
5783s EAS the a person into it with the
5786s environment and then also selling the
5788s idea that you're on an alien planet so
5790s it's it's really more about selling the
5792s fantasy and making people feel like
5794s they're somewhere else and they and also
5797s this is maybe not a world that is
5799s entirely happy to have them right just a
5801s little bit mad just a tiny bit uh before
5805s they can like pave the whole thing uh or
5807s blow everything up you know well if I
5809s can settle then good job yeah you've
5812s made something thanks did sure did uh I
5816s think that's time yeah thank you so much
5818s for being here thank you so much for
5819s sharing everything yeah thank you
5820s everybody for watching and I hope you
5822s enjoy
5823s 1.0 awesome all right yep Thank You
5828s by all right I'm telling you see the
5830s piece is
5832s missing get the [ __ ] out of way I'm
5835s actually got com for here yeah we should
5836s probably
5838s uh so yeah all right we're we're going
5841s to see see this piece is missing yeah
5844s yes thank you and like I double checked
5846s and I think I've left a whole bag at
5849s home so quick update is that uh we're
5852s missing pieces for the Lego build so we
5854s can't finish it but we're going to post
5856s it on socials so like we are yeah
5858s there's going to be a Revenge yeah we
5860s are going to finish this bill like fully
5862s and we're going to post it on socials I
5864s want to so you guys this is future
5865s content waiting to have yeah yeah or
5867s that's true too yeah either we let it
5869s sit or we make like a time lapse of it
5871s or something we're be but we're going to
5874s finish it yeah so so this is how you
5876s want to just hold it up for the middle
5877s camera and see how far we got wait I can
5879s I can actually we we have built some
5881s other parts of it so oh oh oh bring them
5883s in oh look at us you're so ahead look at
5886s us
5889s juicy move the mic am I too loud it's
5892s not a stream until SN moves the
5896s mic um so yeah if you're just tuning in
5900s we are playing oh my God I didn't think
5902s we got that far yeah so like we we built
5906s in stages so I think people will see and
5910s understand like the Constructor Parts
5912s maybe it's this camera this camera this
5915s camera
5916s so yeah I you can see yeah yeah got more
5921s P inputs and outputs I thought they were
5924s drinks damn
5925s it so yeah so like so the the issue now
5928s is that we're missing parts for the base
5930s plate so otherwise we could start to
5933s stuff
5934s but yeah we'll get back to it we'll get
5936s to it we'll uh we'll make a juicy uh
5939s Revenge oh yeah something will happen
5941s with the I'll just start picking things
5945s get get your stuff and get out of here
5946s it's too bad we were hoping we were
5948s really hoping we could finish it on
5949s stream but uh it is what it is uh all
5952s right chat we're gonna we're gonna move
5955s to the next segment I'm just going to
5957s prepare the stuff no not that one this
5961s one prepare the thing and oh now I see
5964s what you were struggling with yeah for
5966s some reason okay
5969s interesting very interesting all
5972s right like I said if you're just tuning
5974s in uh we are counting down for the 1.0
5977s release of satisfactory in a little bit
5979s less than 1 hour and 25 minutes already
5983s yeah Jesus yeah right time moves very
5987s fast when you were in this on the stream
5989s yeah yeah uh we're going to uh very soon
5993s actually I mean less than yeah almost
5995s one and a half hour uh 1.0 will come out
5997s and it will be available for everyone
5999s and we're going to be playing the launch
6001s trailer for satisfactory that we've been
6004s working on for a long time so uh really
6006s exciting times but before we get to
6010s 1.0 what is going on here boom all right
6014s or maybe
6017s not spoiling everything no it's not on
6019s stream oh thank God yeah for some reason
6022s um we are going to talk about merch so
6026s uh as some of as some of you may know
6028s may not know we have a bunch of merch
6030s for satisfactory I love it it's like
6032s impossible to be discreet when you read
6034s this [ __ ] uh he made an effort all right
6036s so uh as some of you may or may not know
6038s we have merch for satisfactory and we
6040s have since the dawn of time not the dawn
6042s of time but a couple of years ago uh
6044s Dave from hero replica reached out to us
6047s uh and has since been partnered with us
6050s making a lot of merch and we've been
6052s really happy with the merch that he's
6053s made it's really made a bunch of really
6054s cool stuff it's quite frankly yeah and
6058s and if you haven't noticed this thing in
6062s the background this is not like CGI this
6065s is an actual Factory cart that Dave made
6068s had shipped from Canada uh and like
6071s assemble it here and it absolutely works
6073s I can't show it on stream uh but it
6076s totally works you can actually write
6077s around in this thing can I try right now
6080s no no it's a house of cards behind here
6084s we no no no no um but but yeah so so and
6088s like there's so much stuff like heroic
6090s replicas makes like replicas as you may
6092s may not have guessed yeah um and is made
6095s like the Xeno Basher you want to show it
6097s off and like the lizard dog this thing
6100s always so heavy yeah this is this is
6103s going to be a uh a uh like gdq zense
6108s part right now which is funny cuz he
6110s also sponsored gdq so anyways but he
6113s made like the big lizard doggo thingy
6114s there's like beans there's stuff behind
6116s there the the build gun which I don't
6118s know if we've shown this actually um
6121s this thing uh look at this this is the I
6125s think this is the final version right
6126s lenus you know this uh yeah yeah that's
6130s the final one so this is one you can buy
6131s on the website this is a really cool
6133s replica um and take this off me what do
6135s you want take this off me oh no thank
6137s you all right fine whatever thank you um
6141s and uh yeah there's there's there's a
6144s ton of stuff uh on the website and
6148s uh was
6151s was there we go yeah yeah and there's
6154s like beanies and plushies and and and
6157s whatnot uh not beanies the the bean was
6160s I was going to say and uh yeah really
6163s exciting stuff and we've been really
6164s happy with Dave and I've got a couple of
6166s slides prepared here actually just to
6168s Showcase some stuff um that's related to
6170s this so if you want to move to that
6172s scene you got that right there yeah nice
6176s so so yeah there's merch essentially is
6178s what we want to say uh there's still
6179s merch go to oh we got
6181s obscured with the picture in picture
6183s mode you can just hide put us in the top
6185s corner there you go look at that um
6189s is where you go if you want
6190s to check out some of this merch stuff uh
6192s they're really cool and uh there's more
6195s coming there's more coming so real quick
6198s oh my God what is up with the slide here
6199s we go yeah real heras they made replicas
6203s for other games and then they reached
6204s out to us and wanted to do a bit more
6205s stuff than just this so and
6209s uh they've been uh yeah helping that oh
6212s is that a gun blade yeah man have you
6214s not seen that before no no I have not F
6216s gun blade let's go yeah I'm revitalized
6219s and they yeah they made a ton of you can
6221s probably hide the picture and picture
6222s mod we'll do this because got to get the
6224s the goodies there's a ton of stuff on
6227s the webside um like we don't even have
6230s all the merch here right now which is
6231s kind of sayy because we have so much
6233s merch oh we have the new toilet pl we
6235s haven't seen oh yeah this off either
6239s look at this stuff this is the juicy
6241s thing you go to camera one there or
6244s camera them maybe this is better over
6245s here look at this it's covering
6248s me the toilet flesh DLC is finally here
6252s download not downloadable but it's uh
6254s it's flushable so so that's a
6256s thing um but yeah there there's a ton of
6259s stuff on um they also updated
6261s recently with the bill gun so you can
6262s now download and stuff like that and
6265s then we got stickers and and goodies and
6267s the toilet flush DLC which is the
6269s defective logistic coupons which you can
6272s uh get limited I think it's like while
6274s stocks supplies
6276s last um and this is It's really
6280s soft get get a get
6282s a that can't see it on can I make
6286s it this is
6289s nice
6291s you here we go it's still too late now
6294s yeah look at this this is
6296s so get get a bit of ASMR
6302s here is it picking up no I mean I hope
6305s so so yeah enjoy that all right anyways
6308s um so that's stuff there's also a new
6310s merch such as this coin got over here um
6313s and move the mouse away and then yeah
6315s the T the T-shirt I haven't actually
6317s seen this yet do we have this in office
6318s I love this t-shirt they didn't arrive
6320s in time oh okay they didn't get it here
6321s yeah yeah yeah too late for the order
6323s bumer uh but what we did get oh before
6326s we move into this so so yeah it is you
6329s can get it while so yeah so yeah like
6330s there's a new t-shirts with like it's
6332s like a band tour thing where I showcases
6336s like
6338s um um all the updates that we made and
6341s uh it's really cool I think this is also
6343s limited Supply maybe oh maybe not this
6345s one uh but what we did get for this uh
6349s we have a upcoming piece of merch which
6352s is the vinyl print for the soundtrack
6355s for satisfactory and we have like a
6357s couple of test prints I think so so
6360s quick disclaimer is that like the art
6361s isn't final um we're still working on
6364s like that stuff we couldn't get that
6366s done in time because we needed to finish
6368s the game um but here are the pressings I
6371s guess we can open these and yeah yeah
6373s yeah so so let's let's oh we get the
6375s full experience here it is Christmas
6377s today they were right more
6380s Asar that's loud actually no yeah so
6383s this is the test pressing hope there's
6385s no spoilers on this we didn't uh we
6388s didn't uh what's it called uh check that
6391s before yeah I know show me too yeah on
6394s camera yeah this is what they look like
6397s oh [ __ ] I'm so scared of how do how do
6399s you hold a v I think I'm setting some
6402s collectors right now but yeah look at
6406s this one of them is going to be orange
6408s yeah that's true so one of them is going
6409s to be orange uh so it's or is it like
6411s one side or one fully yeah one ful right
6414s yes so so the um the vinyl that you'll
6417s get with the OST will have two discs or
6420s two vinyls two discs look at
6425s the youngling over here uh I actually
6428s own vinyl so I don't sure why I do buy
6432s vinyl um I love but this Sidetrack but I
6435s love one time when I bought a uh a
6437s record and I bought like the CD version
6439s and the vinyl version and I told a
6441s friend of mine like hey I bought like a
6442s collection thing like I bought like a CD
6444s version and a vinyl version he was like
6445s you bought the CD version and I'm
6448s like you got the same reaction that I
6450s did that was so crazy like you're not
6453s going to react to the vinyl thing all
6454s right all right but I guess it's like a
6457s bit of a thing now when you collect
6458s vinyls or something I don't know anyways
6461s um yeah it's two track if you go back to
6464s the the presentation uh yeah you get the
6466s two track in this is as I said the the
6470s the art is still working in progress
6471s this is not the final art but the the
6473s vinyls will sort of look like this and
6474s have this sort of color the satisfactory
6476s orange color mhm uh and if we go to the
6479s next slide we got some of the new new
6481s stuff uh there's a video on this by the
6482s way if you go to our YouTube channel U I
6485s talked about this in a video that's just
6487s called new merch I think recently so
6490s there's an En enamel pen uh enamel pin
6493s set wow I don't know why that was so
6494s hard to say uh and there's also this
6496s usb3 drive with the the digital
6499s soundtrack of 8 gigs of storage but uh
6502s we actually have some new things to talk
6504s about um and that is that the next set
6508s for Pins is available and it look like
6512s this little Factor oh my God the I
6514s haven't seen the factor card before that
6516s looks so dope yeah so cute yeah oh that
6518s looks so dope G cute uh and there's a
6520s video here which I can't play wait it's
6523s playing right now is it
6525s uh yeah no no a yeah I'm pretty sure I
6530s can't play that um so so uh I'm not sure
6534s what was the video about NIS it's uh
6537s it's one of those like these things
6540s control panels where you
6544s could oh wait right man I really wish I
6547s could work yeah so it's like a mini
6550s keyboard stupid Microsoft get Bill Gates
6552s on the
6553s phone all right uh it's cool though it's
6556s like a little mini keyboard sort of um
6559s and um oh my also in progress in
6563s development is uh what is this what is
6566s this
6568s [ __ ] ponor no yeah those that's a
6571s weird summmer Sloop or sorry mosphere
6574s that's a mercere yeah weird all right
6577s apparently we're doing this uh these are
6580s scented
6582s candles and uh yeah we're uh doing that
6588s um or are they wait so the golf balls
6590s are proper golf B I'm like half uh
6593s briefed about this but the golf bars are
6595s real golf ball right golf balls and it's
6598s proper candles yeah and proper candles
6600s little candles what what what smells do
6601s we get burn cut grass burnt wood sh
6605s pedos I love that surely we have
6607s oil just a just smell
6610s of capitalism in your apartment industry
6614s in the morning it waks anyway all over
6616s the place really nice uh so yeah if if
6619s this sounds interesting uh please check
6621s out there are pre-orders up and
6624s and for the new stuff that's coming and
6626s there's also uh like they've built up
6630s quite a repertoire of of content or like
6633s products for satisfactory which is
6635s really exciting it's all good stuff like
6637s very high qual stuff so yeah so so thank
6639s you so much Dave for for hanging out
6640s with us and and being with us big sale
6642s going on oh yeah there's a big sale
6643s happening as well I can't
6645s read so do check that out I think that
6647s sale would go live now I guess uh and if
6650s you use the coupon code uh coupon code
6652s wait is that yeah that looks like
6655s placeholder uh you can get the sticker
6657s sticker pack for free so uh yeah check
6659s the coupons and check the website in
6662s regards to like shipping and all that
6663s stuff to get the full Deeds M uh so yes
6666s very exciting I think that was the last
6668s slide yeah look at that good [ __ ] nice
6670s yeah all right Coolio I just going to
6673s take a quick peek at the uh schedule I
6676s wonder what we have coming up
6678s next uh let's see what time is it oh
6681s okay so oh it's Community highlight dude
6683s oh my
6685s favorite let me just set up the commun
6687s highlights real quick um just open up
6690s the thingy here on the page oh we have a
6693s bonus coming up awesome yeah let me just
6695s prep this real quick before we get into
6697s this moment all right cool all right
6702s nice all right you ready for some
6703s Community highlights I think so yeah
6705s yeah let's do it highlights
6707s so we're finally dumping in and my
6710s highlights I love Community highlights
6713s can can I do some too I love this don't
6716s we have security wait who the who's this
6718s guy security can we get security H
6720s what's going on where how'd you get in
6722s here this this door is locked oh my
6725s God hey guys oh my God I didn't
6728s recognize you at the actually me hey
6731s good to see you again buddy hey and we
6734s talk out before good to see you again as
6735s well how's oh sorry how's it going
6738s everybody how's it going how's it going
6740s my goodness I can't believe I can't
6742s believe you made it I mean yep I'm so
6744s excited to be here really clearly I'm a
6746s little nervous I'm happy to be back and
6748s uh Community highlights was always one
6750s of my favorite segments to do so I'm
6751s happy to be back and do it again yeah
6754s cool well glad to have you man yeah how
6756s exciting so so yeah before before we get
6758s into commun highlights though yeah okay
6760s sure we got yeah so so super stoked that
6763s you here CU like it felt weird oh my God
6765s Chad is absolutely losing mind hello
6767s everyone good to see you again so
6769s obviously we couldn't do a 1.0 stream
6771s without J cuz you've been a big part of
6774s like the satisfactory community and you
6776s know the our YouTube channel and all
6778s this stuff working together uh so yeah
6781s well thank you very much for inviting me
6782s back for this because I really wanted to
6784s be a part of it and I'm so glad yeah
6785s that I can super given I got really
6789s nostalgic when I made that video
6790s yesterday with all like the videos that
6792s we made together yeah yeah the one that
6794s you played at the beginning of the
6795s stream right yeah I I didn't know that
6797s was going to happen at the beginning of
6798s the stream I was watching it and I was
6800s like the first thing you see is someone
6802s cutting onions
6804s you I think it was Hannah oh yeah so so
6808s really cool but yeah so so glad that you
6810s can make it and yeah like you said we
6811s can't do community highlights Without
6813s You H Le on the 1.0 well uh I'm really
6815s glad to be a part of it and also these
6817s Community highlights I put together
6818s myself oh these guys haven't even seen
6821s them yet so uh you'll be good if you
6824s just move the camera a little bit so
6825s everyone fits in the
6827s frame also who's this uh do I don't know
6831s I'm do oh the dog is mauling them right
6834s now we we don't talk about that okay
6836s okay who is this wait oh no we don't
6839s talk about that all right all right here
6842s we go sorry all right human highlights
6844s let's uh let's jump right into it let's
6846s jump right into it Char is it possible
6847s for me to take the keyboard yeah you can
6849s do that yeah okay what do I where are we
6852s here left and right and then I'll set up
6853s your yeah yeah yeah that would be
6856s good where did they go where did they go
6859s here are let me also oh you probably
6861s need to like do the oh no never mind I
6863s can do it cuz I'm a big boy all right
6866s that should be fine okay we let's see
6868s how it goes all right for all time sake
6870s it's been like a year since I've done
6871s this uh V oh yeah I've got put oil in
6876s the joints all right here we go see how
6878s it goes all right the first one is from
6880s at cabes gaming on Twitter and caves was
6883s basically just uh taking a look back at
6885s their builds over early access as I'm
6888s sure many of us uh have been uh leading
6892s it to 1.0 and this is looking pretty
6893s good here so farewell to update 8 got
6895s Lumen going on as well yes indeed nice
6897s lighting yep really really cool um and
6900s they've got this awesome little hexagon
6902s is the
6903s beston exterior here facade which is uh
6908s super sick got to get all the old good
6910s old references in here yep yeah yeah
6912s exactly I'm I'm squeezing them
6915s in um and it looks like I think they're
6918s probably bidding farewell to their
6920s builds and starting new I'm not sure uh
6922s yeah though give me one second I just
6924s got to chat pointed this out got you fam
6927s I might uh where is it this one we might
6933s do oh oh yeah live we're doing it live
6937s oh my God professional streamer quality
6940s production quality all right let's go
6943s sorry saved and uh I think they have one
6945s more here I believe um yeah just another
6948s shot here of these um I just love the
6950s lighting here with Lumen as well that's
6952s nice well
6954s the true actually yeah it is an angle
6957s anle um uh one of many kinds of
6960s angles it can come from the side anyway
6963s that's a
6964s reference okay moving on okay thank you
6967s very much caves gaming really good
6968s submission here on Twitter okay uh and
6970s by the way a new meta emerges I don't
6973s know if you guys noticed maybe you did
6975s okay but while I was looking through
6976s submissions I noticed that uh there was
6978s a new meta okay uh that to my knowledge
6981s wasn't really around m okay I think I
6983s know what's coming okay let me know we
6986s did feature this a little bit last o
6988s maybe maybe I'm doubling up here yeah no
6989s no no go for it boom yeah Ian the
6992s wonderdog here you met us so this is a
6994s pyramid I saw quite a few pyramids and
6997s so this is uh this is one by Ian the
6999s wonderdog looks really cool love the uh
7002s green Billy eish green trim here again
7004s we're getting all the references in um
7007s super nice yeah yeah and this was not
7009s the one I was thinking of so that's even
7011s okay but there there are more because
7013s it's not just Ian who has the meta here
7015s it continues with GG star 4000 this is a
7017s really big really really big that's a
7021s cool like going into it as well like the
7024s train uh setup there yeah and uh it's
7027s really big so you can go inside
7032s there's there's an
7034s entire okay yeah which is crazy um I
7039s would work there it looks like a a nice
7042s nice place to work yeah because a PID is
7045s technically a tomb so you would be
7046s buried working here you know it's it's
7049s like it's like a a warm
7050s embrace yeah isn't that cold
7054s anyway not while you're still alive yeah
7057s okay and then uh the next one here is
7059s from scratchy Plum this is another
7061s pyramid I think this design is really
7062s unique really interesting with these
7064s like hexagon frases right and then
7066s there's like nuclear reactors in there
7068s super wild super wild uh scratchy Plum
7070s has a lot of uh pictures on of this
7073s including like the building process of
7075s it so you see it in the earlier stages
7076s and this is it mostly or actually
7079s complete um and you can look sort of
7082s inside it very cool inside as well uh
7085s very nice and there's another beauty
7088s shot here with drones flying in space
7089s elevator at the top which I also really
7091s really love and uh there's like a
7094s awesome awesome structure around the uh
7097s the space elevator that I think fits
7099s with the space elevator's design too uh
7101s Al the red trim streaming and everything
7103s so good so
7104s good yeah pretty cool huh it's all right
7108s it's all right I've seen better in my
7111s day I've built better I've built better
7114s ball Tails oh oh [ __ ] you're going to
7116s have to own up to that yeah very good
7118s I've spoken one life today so far yeah
7120s all right that one maybe or maybe maybe
7123s we'll have to guess later winner gets a
7124s prize here's the
7127s prize okay next up is uh it's just
7131s uh okay consideration 8 891 and snot
7135s maybe you recognize that number it's uh
7138s little bit of an overflow going on here
7139s yeah they' they've reached the signed
7141s 32-bit integer limit in the awesome sync
7144s uh so anyone who doesn't know 32-bit
7146s numbers can only go so high and if
7148s they're signed positive negative they
7150s can only go to that number so they've
7151s reached the limit here and I'm not sure
7153s what happens after I think it just gets
7155s stuck there uh I'm assuming they didn't
7157s just take a screenshot yeah EXA so I'm
7162s assuming stuck there now um but then I
7164s wonder like could that number just be
7166s unsigned I I actually don't know yeah if
7168s it could be unsigned then that value can
7169s double yeah basically right uh but or do
7173s you lose points because it goes negative
7176s yeah you just got to cash your coupons
7177s real quick but I also note that the DNA
7179s points are at zero so that's another
7181s value to get to the uh 2 billion uh 100
7184s million uh Mark so good luck with that
7187s okay consideration great
7189s effort uh next up is perforated soul I
7193s love this one so
7194s much uh this is fine why why is that
7198s fine huh why do you like this one uh I
7200s just love the pink highlights they're
7202s very good um so yeah got some wacky sh
7205s shenan going on in their Factory um so I
7208s don't know what kind of biomass you've
7210s been feeding your burners here per
7211s perforated Soldier but I don't think
7213s this is how things are supposed to be
7215s but luckily oh my goodness they've got
7217s more yeah luckily they got more yeah but
7219s luckily this is this has all been ironed
7221s out in 1.0 100% right there are no bugs
7225s that's
7226s uh I don't work here
7228s anymore I'm just going to say that and
7231s if I'm wrong sorry uhhuh
7236s y uh very good thank you very much pered
7239s Soldier uh hear me Duke uh here I really
7244s hope that that's an okay word to say I
7246s don't know if it is or isn't but that's
7247s their username on Twitter it's like the
7249s PG-13 version of it right or I I don't
7251s know what does it mean dookie oh is it
7253s poop yeah oh I didn't actually know okay
7255s okay well or that's that's where I M
7258s went at least that I may be completely
7259s wrong here like anyway that's their
7261s username and they've made uh these uh
7264s highways here uh and I I I'm not sure if
7267s they've done blueprints or not but I
7268s would imagine these are blueprints or a
7270s series of blueprints that's what makes
7272s sense to me when they say Route One do
7274s they mean Pokemon or well I wrote Route
7277s One to be honest and I meant one so they
7280s I don't think they said route one yeah
7282s uh and and then more pictures of it here
7283s we got some trucks on there but they
7284s don't have any on andof ramps built yet
7287s so uh I think that's probably the next
7289s project so that they can actually get
7290s their vehicles up there and make use of
7292s their highways super
7295s cool uh all right this is oh I'm so
7297s excited for the next one oh all right so
7300s this is from fabios Simo and I would I
7302s would live there uh this one had me so
7305s giddy I was so excited uh boys does this
7308s remind you of anything I mean do you
7310s want to say it at the same time
7312s three three yeah yeah okay you do the
7315s counter it Mak you have idea he doesn't
7317s he's just like [ __ ] that looks
7318s awesome it does look awesome awesome
7320s doesn't remind you of anything though uh
7323s two or three different things I'm
7324s probably wrong all three all right we'll
7326s try it go for it all right three two one
7329s final fantasy mid yeah yeah I say seven
7332s okay you posted midgar I was thinking
7334s junon actually really by the water yeah
7336s that's true too I was thinking junal oh
7338s yeah but we but we all thought Final
7339s Fantasy 7 so so uh uh I got 13 as well
7343s as well as eight but the the thing in my
7346s mind is when they mov the cannon to
7347s midgar that's what that reminds me of
7349s yeah yep and there's a big thing up
7350s there that could be the C that is true
7352s it does look like mid like
7354s the what's the name of the town junan
7357s junan yeah yeah the the side of the the
7359s when you start going out in the ship
7361s yeah so uh yeah it wouldn't be uh
7363s Community highlights without talking
7364s about Final Fantasy folks so thanks for
7366s being here and there's a little bit more
7367s another shot of it here this is yeah
7370s yeah yeah you can see the dolphin down
7371s there too even the Dolphin's there
7373s Priscilla's there yeah um oh my God you
7375s remember the name of it yeah of course I
7377s do that so many times it's a boss you're
7379s out Final Fantasy both of us name one do
7382s you remember it no yeah um so I don't
7385s actually know what this is this is H4
7387s sight I'm not sure what it is I don't
7388s know what they actually use it for but
7390s you know it could be something nuclear
7391s or something uh I think it may be modded
7394s I guess right I think with these panels
7396s and stuff this could be
7398s vanilla those panels on the control
7400s panel look pretty dude I've been
7402s massively surprised what people managed
7404s to do with like aski art and stuff like
7406s that yeah it's true okay well I I don't
7408s know they didn't say either way but I
7410s also keeping with the Final Fantasy
7411s theme kind of think that you know maybe
7413s it's like Mako and they're storing Mako
7416s things like that you know oh I like that
7418s uh so that's just my head Cannon this
7420s was all a big Final Fantasy 7 tribute it
7422s probably wasn't at all but it was a
7423s really amazing F uh build uh fabus steo
7427s I would leave her too you would live
7428s there y yeah be neighbors in the water
7431s like d swim that wow swim in that you're
7433s going to have time baby I'm ready show
7436s us up with like 30°
7439s burn
7441s good uh okay next up we
7445s have lucky season 3707 hold up this
7449s doesn't look like satisfactory it
7451s doesn't huh interesting weird I love
7454s that you managed to do the I I did sit
7457s down and hand crft the little tag in
7459s pixel art good um pixel by pixel and
7462s this is a uh what was this pressure
7464s pressure pressure conversion Cube yeah
7466s and done in Minecraft of course um and
7468s so maybe this could be a new meta
7470s satisfactory everywhere make
7471s satisfactory things in other games that
7473s could be pretty sick um uh and also just
7477s before I was kind of done making this I
7479s noticed that they did an update to this
7481s and they've made it a nuclear POA really
7484s cool Co so now they need to do the next
7486s step I don't know if you've seen this
7487s but like now they need to go get working
7489s with the tier N Stuff where this is used
7492s to make that they have to also build a
7494s whole park of accelerator I can't
7496s remember what that part is called it's
7497s the this is the ball that you made into
7498s an Ikea L later I mean I you me to do
7501s fixoni yeah yeah yeah moving
7505s on next one from chaos 1699
7509s TTV and uh the uh so chaos was kind of
7513s challenging themselves to how quickly
7514s they could finish the game and just just
7516s sort of themselves and uh it took them
7518s 41 hours which is quite fast to finish
7521s the game um but I also love that you
7524s know because they were trying to go
7525s quickly I don't think they were really
7526s trying to go for any kind of aesthetic
7528s they just wanted to get stuff done but
7530s in doing so I think they created a
7531s really interesting aesthetic um in and
7534s of itself it reminds me of the elevator
7536s like the
7537s lift yeah back in the day before uh
7540s lifts were lifts were around yeah that
7541s same sort of like silhouette right and
7543s then you can see through it a little bit
7545s um and there's something about it like a
7546s lot of these feel like high-rise
7548s buildings to me like little apartments
7550s um oh my goodness they man do depth of
7552s field chaos very nice accelerators yep
7557s yeah yeah actually speaking of the par
7558s of accelerators you can see them back
7559s there oh wait these are manufacturers
7562s that's oh my goodness yeah this is
7564s gnarly so a lot of uh Blueprinting I
7567s guess but like I I just love the the
7569s look of it like I remember uh before
7571s Blueprinting you know builds sort of
7572s looked a certain way then when we had
7573s Blueprinting and people started using
7575s them we had a different like aesthetic
7577s emerge when people use Blueprinting and
7579s and I just like it's like an organic
7581s versus Industrial kind of like different
7583s aesthetic and I like that you see that
7585s in these different builds so this one
7588s like feels blueprint and I dig it very
7590s nice
7591s yeah all right next up is a flicker from
7594s Beyond so this is the they call it the
7596s bizzyb fuel Power Tower and this is a
7598s big old fuel Tower uh reaching for the
7602s sky it's very
7603s cool that's an angle it it is true this
7606s is actually a similar angle to before it
7608s is an angle um and it uses a total of
7611s 2,400 Fuel and generates 30 gaw of power
7615s so pretty big power as so yet because we
7617s Chang have fuel generated true true so
7620s so we'll see how that goes in 1.0 if
7622s they keep their save and here's some
7624s more shots of it I just think these
7625s shots are just really nice and um you
7628s can see here it's a nice clean build
7629s plenty of space for the generators on
7631s the on the ground floor yeah but also
7635s um up a little further up it's a bit
7638s tighter but still super clean and what
7639s are you laughing at I'm just getting
7641s over the fact that so so far Chad has
7642s been pointing at like almost every time
7644s you switch scenes it's like oh that's a
7645s nice
7648s angle this is an angle yeah speaking of
7651s angles here's another one and it's from
7653s your boy Jace look Mom I'm on TV this is
7656s my very own build everyone uh and I
7659s don't work here anymore so I could put
7661s my own build I cheated the system I
7663s cheated the system I left so I could be
7665s on community highlights uh gos to be
7669s fair and this here is my inverted per
7672s turbo fuel Tower it's five stories high
7675s very spiky very ominous uh and itun
7678s angle really good angle um and it runs
7682s at 100% efficiency and produces a
7684s whopping 31.8 gaw of power it's so funny
7688s to see like [ __ ] are you like putting
7692s uh what are the the the floors called
7694s the
7695s the mesh floor thingies frame
7698s foundations frame foundations yeah is
7699s that is that what they're resting on uh
7701s they sure are uh you can see them a
7704s little bit more here and you'll you'll
7706s you'll see even more in in a in a moment
7708s but um all of the turbo fuel uh is
7710s produced uh from non-GMO free range
7714s locally sourced oil from the Spire Coast
7716s as you can see here this is one of them
7719s um they're very well taken care of these
7720s oil patches fed in and then um so
7723s another nice G here's another one as
7726s well uh only the best angles on uh
7729s coffee stain Studios devs yeah
7734s go
7734s on the bottom floor creates uh a heavy
7738s oil residue and then the second floor
7740s these are the bottom two floors um
7742s creates uh 960 turbo fuel per minute
7745s using the uh turbo heavy fuel alt recipe
7748s um the only thing that's not produced
7751s locally is compacted coal that's made
7753s here in the dun desert in this Factory
7755s here and Tim here manages the day-to-day
7757s operations and all the impacted coal is
7760s droned over to the uh roof of the turbo
7762s fuel Tower looks really menacing in that
7764s shot yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah both of
7766s them Tim and the the Tim yeah yeah um
7770s and then this is what the floors look
7771s like it's just fuel generators you know
7773s turning away yeah right next to each
7774s other but then there's also fuel
7775s generators on these platforms these
7777s frame found there yeah yeah this is an
7779s angle um a very good one this is is
7781s sketchy this is the one you don't want
7783s to go out and maintain yeah this is I've
7785s fallen so many times from here it's it's
7787s not funny it's actually very funny um
7790s and then lastly the entire thing is held
7792s up by pillar Chan just this one pillar
7795s the whole
7796s thing uh L is shaking his head lus does
7801s not
7803s approve uh and that's my one okay so uh
7806s happy to be on community highight for
7807s the first time how exciting um moving on
7812s uh next up is from faru here and this is
7814s um all in the name of efficiency I wrote
7816s here because uh This is Wild for
7818s starters but the story here is that this
7821s is 10 ads a minute so assembly directory
7823s systems per minute and this is crazy
7825s because I recently had to I had to go
7827s optimizing my ads and I got it to about
7831s 1.875 per minute and they have 10 yeah
7835s they have 10 that's insane uh and that's
7837s crazy and so they actually the reason
7839s they did this was because they found out
7841s that they needed 60 hours or something
7844s to idle if they left it at one per
7845s minute yeah and then they ended up
7847s spending twice as much time to create
7850s this uh uh in order to save time so that
7853s was pretty this is how the G game gets
7855s you man godddamn time Vampire yeah you
7858s think you're saving time you're not but
7860s if you're having fun I mean I think they
7863s guess they probably feel very
7864s accomplished with what they've done 10 a
7866s minute is uh is quite good
7869s yeah uh next up is from
7872s slavo and everything everything is in
7874s the circle so I think this is a really
7877s cool and massive circular base um it is
7880s 300 the angle is
7882s 360° that's that's an
7885s angle that is such an angle that is
7887s every angle um and uh the angle game and
7891s also no angles at the same time no edges
7893s I think yeah if I if yeah if I get my
7895s yeah yeah just doing that theth carry
7898s the one is circle no edges or all the
7901s edges yeah
7903s yeah shring is Edges I helping Mom tell
7908s me I'm lost there maybe maybe chat knows
7913s um so this building uh I think uh if I
7917s understand correctly SLO was uh has
7919s tried to rebuild and finish the game a
7922s bunch of times and this is one of their
7923s recent attempts and I think this has
7925s like every item in it yeah uh or at
7928s least most of the produced items and
7930s this is just a bit of a closer look and
7931s it has all these like cool beams going
7933s to the center space elevator in the
7935s middle um and now uh yep so got some not
7941s here so this another amazing shot I'm
7943s just looking at what other notes I
7946s made all this note says is cool angle
7949s cool angle yeah that's what it says yeah
7952s so it was saying that like uh I think
7953s that they do make all the parts here
7954s because uh I think in in the Reddit post
7957s they also shared that they had all the
7959s space elevator Parts done that was the
7961s first post wait so they make the parts
7963s inside their Central storage area I
7966s think that's what this does that's what
7967s like all of these things here I think
7969s they do all the oh they do all inter so
7972s here's another shot of it and there'll
7973s be another better shot in a moment um
7976s but you can see more particle
7977s accelerators here so there's like a lot
7979s of advanced Parts being produced
7981s here um and another internal shot super
7984s nice so this is like a big in assembly
7988s like Hub it's like just kind of does
7990s everything because then you can see from
7991s this shot here they're just like pumping
7994s things in from all directions from all
7998s angles yeah that's insane I I think it
8001s takes long to build this as it takes to
8002s finish the entire game honestly yeah
8004s yeah it's it's gnarly it's gnarly so
8007s another really really good build here um
8009s wild yeah damn yeah uh and there's a lot
8012s more photos on the Reddit as well so if
8014s you look uh check them up on on Reddit
8015s you'll find this post plenty of good
8017s angles over there yeah
8019s yeah I like
8024s angles next up we have BL Andrew 575
8033s yeah Doo angler I did watch him when he
8036s was doing this did yeah so uh Bill
8039s Andrew uh just doing B Andrew things
8041s taming 4,000 lizard dogos here's a bunch
8044s I'm sure they're were wellfed when
8045s you're waiting for 1.0 this is this is
8047s what happens I guess just when you done
8050s everything and your B Andrew yeah um
8052s this is what happens oh wait go go back
8054s most sure are those angles to the right
8056s 180 to70 yes yeah yeah yeah going 90°
8059s angles right angles on the right yeah M
8063s angles um and then yeah this is absurd
8066s so here's the 4,000 so um yeah and
8069s another like wide shot here of this is
8072s just bananas yeah actually and I think
8074s he said like during stream that like if
8075s he cuz people ask like can we name all
8077s the Liz Dogo like my God if I'm going to
8079s name every single Liz Dogo it's going to
8081s take any calculate like how long it
8082s would take and it was like years or
8083s something like that get to it yeah yeah
8085s get to it B Andrew where's which camera
8087s are we looking at the middle all of them
8089s get to it Bill Andrew
8092s actually don't worry about it take a
8094s while and apparently this uh was running
8096s at 1 to two FPS on the end which is uh
8099s that sounds that sounds like an Andrew
8100s build that sounds like an Andrew average
8102s Andrew build you know I can't believe
8104s Andrew managed to get a a game running
8106s at 2 FPS without any factors in it okay
8108s that's a that's insane to me uh and yeah
8112s 6 million U objects in here just from
8114s the lizard Doos oh only casual that's
8116s all okay and of course a couple fences
8118s but mostly the
8119s doggos uh now
8122s I'm actually going to leak something
8123s wait wait whoa whoa everyone thought
8125s that we didn't disc
8128s announced uh and that's just not true
8130s there's something new uh there's some
8134s there's something new all right got to
8135s hurry up here you might have remembered
8137s about the big crab everyone a too soon
8140s man we all know the ups and downs too
8143s soon uh and I just want to let you all
8145s know that yeah it's it's making a
8146s comeback folks and here it is made it
8148s made by muted artist player an old
8150s friend turns the big crab is back
8153s everyone it's got a filter as his
8156s [Laughter]
8159s face that's really good it's back uh yep
8163s look out for it it's going to eat you
8165s it's coming right for us it's coming
8167s right for you grab the Xena bashes
8168s everyone now this one's cute but let it
8170s super nice this is really cool yeah and
8172s here's the the top of it there wow yeah
8176s spoilers man sorry look again what are
8180s you going to do f fire me we can do it
8183s two times don't don't don't like don't
8186s don't press your luck man yeah uh no
8188s very good very good uh amazing build
8190s there and uh yeah that is the
8193s satisfactory Community highlight segment
8195s from the 1.0 stream and if you want to
8197s use submit your things you satisfactory
8199s screenshots hashtag on Twitter or
8201s screenshot flare on Reddit yeah and then
8204s we'll see
8205s them times I think this is by the way a
8208s record of the amount of slides we've
8210s ever had on highlights and we've blasted
8213s through them it's amazing to watch you
8214s know what
8217s vomo have vomos once or twice once or
8220s twice yeah it's been a these two extra
8222s ones what's I think they're empty okay
8225s just like maybe hidden slides or
8226s something yeah bonus that's it yeah very
8229s nice cool wow I mean I'm like a little
8233s bit like lost for words honestly because
8235s like damn that was Ang yeah nice so many
8239s angles holy [ __ ] it was good it's going
8241s to be back I'm glad to to do this again
8243s with youall do you have any like
8245s favorite memories from working on the
8247s game you want to share don't say
8250s [Laughter]
8254s no um oh I mean there's so many there's
8256s like um the I mean update 3 pipes reveal
8259s was yeah that was baller one of the most
8261s UN like unrivaled moments because like
8263s there's so much so many things that were
8265s happening on that like one it was a
8267s super hype reveal yeah um but uh two
8271s there's just like I I think we had a
8273s good time on that stream too but then
8275s there was also like me uploading
8277s translations to the um to the to the I
8280s think patch notes video which dropped
8281s with it or something like that um at the
8284s same time while we were streaming yeah
8286s and like there was just like it was
8287s really chaotic and and and and
8289s interesting so I think um that might be
8292s one that sticks out I mean doing the
8294s golf video was was incredible um
8297s twitchcon was wild I remember I was
8300s talking to someone downstairs about the
8301s um when I went to games that one time
8303s and I got to meet a lot of people that
8304s was really fun as well
8306s so so many yeah it's the way the thing
8310s for me was when I was looking through
8311s the when I was making the video was like
8312s there was so many things I forgot yeah
8314s CU it's been so long like we remember I
8318s I I feel like sometimes we we
8319s selectively remember like certain things
8321s that we're like oh this is a good moment
8323s but like there's so many more that I
8324s just didn't remember yeah it was good to
8326s see it all in that in that one video I
8328s was like I remember that remember that
8330s um so uh including the update 2 the
8333s trains in nuclear that was a wild ride
8335s cuz SN and I didn't know what was going
8337s to happen cuz we filmed on a train we
8338s didn't know how that was going to go we
8340s were planning on going to a nuclear
8342s plant we didn't know how that was going
8343s to go like also for the record in Sweden
8346s it's illegal to film uh nuclear power
8348s plants because they're like protected
8349s buildings and you know you're not
8351s allowed to come near them with a camera
8353s so we just like showed up and like hey
8354s can we film and like yeah we can escort
8356s escort you well well here I'll give you
8358s that here's the real plan right the plan
8360s was we're going to go there and we're
8362s like we're going to get denied so we'll
8363s film in the opposite direction that was
8366s the plan we're going to be like it's
8367s over there but we can't show you right
8369s that was the plan that was the fallback
8370s plan and so we went there and we like
8373s there's got like a reception area and it
8376s was just closed and all the lights were
8377s off like there's no one here whatever
8379s and then so we started to leave and
8380s someone walks out and turns out that
8382s lady was like the head of marketing and
8384s PR person the only person who could have
8387s authorized us to do something so she was
8389s like you can stand here you can film in
8390s this direction whatever and and then
8392s yeah then it worked out and we actually
8393s got to include it yeah it's nutty wild
8397s wild wild yeah yeah yeah I think uh for
8400s me it's been like all the yeah for I
8404s always look back at like all the videos
8405s we made and like oh so stressed making
8408s that especially the CERN trip oh that
8411s was the most you had like a ton of
8413s issues with luggage yeah that was a good
8415s time have to go back to the airport at
8417s 9:00 p.m. pick stuff up yeah you know
8419s the the thing with like the what what's
8421s the theory with like you have a present
8424s self you have like a past self and like
8426s you tend to remember uh trips like
8429s there's the whole mind thing where if
8431s you went to a trip like your perfect
8433s vacation but you would forget it after
8435s you leave uh or you would have like a
8438s okay like a lousy location but it be in
8440s your favorite spot or whatever it is
8442s like most people would always pick their
8443s favorite spot because they would always
8445s R I would choose that too yeah and and I
8447s feel like that's the say for me too with
8448s like a lot of a lot of memories that
8450s we've like a lot of these moments that
8452s we had when we were doing stuff for work
8454s that I was just like I remember in the
8456s moment I was that was not a good time it
8458s was awful after the afterwards it just
8460s feels good so yeah I I completely agree
8462s and and I think the my my easily my
8466s favorite things with it were probably
8467s the hardest things that we did so that c
8469s trip was definitely definitely one of
8470s them especially since we had no idea if
8472s we were going to get to see the hyron
8473s collider at all and we were trying to
8475s get in and it was it was a nightmare uh
8477s but and we tried to sneak in we tried to
8479s sneak in well we I feel like we didn't
8480s though cuz like no no we didn't they let
8483s us in they let us in they let us in but
8485s then they said hey you have to get back
8487s out and then we have to line up
8488s essentially a dude just led us through a
8490s portion of the line and we're like all
8492s right cool and then someone came like no
8493s you're not alled to do that and I was
8494s like but he told us we said we're
8495s filming a video but yeah but like those
8498s things were were good memories yeah good
8500s times um and I think I've seen that
8502s you've you've finished phase four I have
8505s I have finished uh satisfactory Early
8508s Access that was really cool mhm yeah um
8512s I will say that after leaving coffee
8514s stain and and not working with
8516s satisfactory it meant that I got to play
8518s the game in like a different way like I
8520s got to it wasn't work anymore I got to
8522s just relax with the game and the game is
8523s just so good like I loved it I just kept
8525s playing it because it's just like it
8527s like I played it on stream cuz I was
8528s just like it's just so fun to stream and
8531s it's like so satisfying to get things
8532s done and uh there were so many
8534s accomplishments that I made along the
8535s way that I didn't think I could in
8536s satisfactory and one of them eventually
8538s was actually finishing phase four and
8540s that was M that was a moment I had a lot
8542s of people watching at that time too so
8543s that was really fun that's that's not
8545s did you get have you seen that we have
8546s reduced the I have yeah I have you know
8549s what I'm glad that I achieved it my way
8553s that's okay that's okay I'm again I'm
8555s not I'm not the one who always want the
8557s easiest road I don't mind if the my
8559s pot's a little harder you know so it was
8561s good is a 1.0 away replay angle uh
8564s replay yeah angle yeah um so I'm
8567s currently planning to continue my save
8569s so I've done a lot of preparation for my
8572s save I've used priority power switches
8573s to isolate all my factory parts and then
8575s I've turned them all off so my my
8577s factory is off now um and then uh what
8580s I'm going to and I've backed up update 8
8582s and so what I'm going to do is I'm going
8583s to check 1.0 see if anything has been
8584s swallowed by Um mountains or anything
8587s like that if so go back to update 8 move
8590s things and then like go back to 1.0 and
8592s then I'll just have to redo some recipe
8594s stuff uh and then I've also colorcoded
8596s and put signs up for every one of my
8598s miners with their with their outputs and
8601s resource they are so all I have to do in
8602s theory is find a replacement node plug
8604s it into the same conveyor belt and then
8606s I'm good to go so hopefully hopefully
8609s I'll be able to continue my save um but
8612s at the same time I'm also interested in
8613s restarting because obviously there's
8615s narrative related stuff that would be
8616s interesting and I'd also like to see
8618s what the experience is from the
8619s beginning as well yeah since things have
8621s changed because that's I'm at tier six
8623s and I'm I've been like I am not
8625s restarting because I spent so much time
8627s getting to this point and now I'm like
8631s yeah so I'm I'm interested both ways but
8633s at the very least I absolutely want my
8635s current factory working in 1.0 okay yeah
8637s regardless of whether I started you had
8638s that one since like update one right
8643s like yeah years yeah yeah yeah I feel
8645s like there's a little bit of like a
8647s bragging rights when you can actually be
8648s like yeah I was here since update one
8650s and I actually have been able to like
8652s since my very first factory and and get
8654s through it and I think it's a a little
8656s bit Testament to us too that like we
8658s that the game has been playable like you
8661s can actually do that all the way and uh
8663s and not only that um it's I didn't have
8667s a
8669s point
8670s uh oh no I'm forgetting it oh no he lost
8674s the angle yeah I lost the angle um
8677s Circle thank you thank you no I guess
8679s it's not coming back oh well here what
8681s it is y um I'll forget it I remembered
8685s as soon as someone stops talking yeah
8686s yeah yeah as soon as you leave the
8687s stream
8688s like no it's I remembered it go for it
8691s also uh that save file is uh the save
8694s file that I recorded a lot of b-roll and
8696s footage for coffee SN videos in as well
8699s so uh that's the same save we used when
8701s we did um we did a stream on Epic things
8704s is that that save that's that save oh so
8707s wait really oh that's so funny yep damn
8710s so yeah so a lot of memories Ty that say
8712s I want to keep it I forgot about that
8713s entire
8715s thing I just remember I remember
8717s everything except for sentences I just I
8719s just remember the moment when you ran up
8720s and we got attacked by Hogs and it just
8722s go like oh look at the
8723s [Laughter]
8726s gamers uh yeah so so like I'm also
8729s curious like since you left cof like
8731s what has your been have you watched have
8733s you watched any videos that we put out
8734s or yeah yeah I watched like what's your
8736s what's been your perspective like when
8737s you're not like I mean I think you know
8740s most things that we revealed but like
8742s what has your been your like from
8744s outside looking in like uh it's been
8746s it's been fun and it's been weird as
8748s well yeah um I assume so yeah yeah like
8751s I think in the beginning there was like
8753s a part of me that like it stung a little
8754s when I would watch the videos it was
8755s like H you know like uh leaving behind
8758s uh this thing um but uh Then I then then
8762s I sort of got used to it and then I was
8764s like ah I settled into just being a
8765s Community member and it was kind of just
8767s really fun and then I just got hype for
8768s the updates and uh and just been
8770s enjoying it since and uh I think I think
8773s you've been doing uh a great job with
8774s the videos as well and the production is
8776s like really good too I think it's way
8778s better than my production ever once so
8780s um I think everyone has been in pretty
8782s good hands with with the both of you got
8784s the formal here's the formal signup of
8787s course yeah so super super glad you can
8789s join us and be here for This Moment Like
8790s I said before it it felt weird not
8792s having you here with since you've been
8794s such a big part in like uh both the
8796s YouTube channel and the the streaming
8797s that we've done and all that stuff like
8799s it's uh yeah it's like it's it's one big
8802s journey and like
8804s while you don't have to be there for the
8806s entire thing I wasn't there from the
8807s very very first beginning but like you
8809s know satisf is as much to me as it is to
8812s you when in terms of like what we've put
8814s into it and and made and everyone at
8815s coffee thing really um like a big labor
8819s of love yep like like I've I've sort of
8821s said this before as well is that like I
8823s I was I spent nine years at coffee stain
8825s you know and so I was at I don't know
8827s how long satisfactory been developed for
8829s eight years or something like that I was
8830s there for SE seven of them or you know
8832s whatever their length is minus one um
8835s and uh you know to me like I I I I still
8839s cherish that whole time that I have and
8843s and and all the accomplishments that I
8844s made along the way or that we all made
8846s made along the way that's all still
8848s there that's all still valid and then
8849s just me leaving at the end to me doesn't
8851s spoil it you know so I I I'm still
8853s really really proud of all that and and
8855s I'm actually also proud of leaving sort
8857s of when I did because I've been doing a
8858s bunch of things that I'm really happy
8861s that I've been doing so um to me it's
8864s it's all good and I'm just watching you
8866s guys finish the game it's super sick and
8868s it's it's happening now so I don't know
8870s it's just all it's just been all good
8872s yeah cool where can people find you
8875s under a rock um yeah no uh if you want
8878s to find me because I am still on the
8880s Internet by the way and I don't mean
8881s like actually find you my address is
8884s yeah um no I am still on the internet
8886s I'm still doing things I make content I
8887s do streams I make uh YouTube videos I do
8889s Dev Vlogs for my I'm so I'm working on a
8891s game and I'm gem balls everywhere jmb a
8895s WLS uh twitch YouTube Twitter whatever
8898s and uh yeah I make uh variety
8901s videos uh on games I do variety streams
8905s Dev Vlog stream Dev streams Dev Vlog
8907s videos yeah been a buch Safa
8910s videos yeah yeah lots of satisfactory
8912s stuff cuz I was trying to finish the the
8914s game yeah um and uh I've done like IRL
8918s streams and stuff in the past so like
8919s some Trav things so like you never know
8920s it's a mixed bag if you want to hang you
8922s can uh come hang Good Times yeah yeah
8925s well thanks for coming Jay no worries
8927s thank you very much for having me I
8928s really appreciate it it's a it really is
8930s super nice to to have come back for
8932s there's plenty of people that are really
8934s happy that see you all again people have
8936s been asking me about this like why you
8938s get you got to get Jace back on the
8939s stream I'm like I mean uh yeah I mean we
8943s are okay so I'm not going to lie there's
8945s a thing I want to say real quick yeah is
8947s that uh my community on my Discord yeah
8951s I told them that I was working on my
8952s game today and watching the stream and
8954s I've been in the voice chat with them
8955s all day but I've been
8958s here so I don't know how they felt about
8960s not that high you baed uh yeah um yeah
8965s so yeah it's been good ultimate awesome
8968s well best of luck the launch everyone
8970s and I'll see you all later bye guys
8972s thank you man than for coming see you oh
8974s boy we are 35 minutes away is it 35 yeah
8978s holy [ __ ] 35 minutes away
8981s from releasing the game my back's
8984s hurting it it is tricky cuz like we have
8987s to we can't you have to sip proper on
8989s these couches because of the mics uh
8992s they're
8993s super you got to get up on open it like
8995s I proved in the beginning when I was
8996s sitting over here yeah yeah yeah exactly
8999s um so I am feeling it too um but yeah if
9003s you're just joining us right now welcome
9004s to the releas stream we are 35 minutes
9007s away from well I don't know why the
9009s timer is doing that but we are 35
9011s minutes away from the full release and
9014s it feels really strange because we have
9016s been planning this release for uh like
9019s from from marketing perspective or like
9021s Community marketas perspective we have
9023s been planning this release for more than
9024s a year now
9027s um like we launched the road map video
9029s in January talking about the like
9032s revealing that we're not we're not doing
9033s more updates at one point was the next
9035s thing uh where I also set up the whole
9037s laser thing which I'm really proud of
9039s that that joke was set up in January by
9041s the way folks okay um and uh yeah we've
9044s been just like this has been one of the
9047s few times when we make these like
9050s marketing campaigns or what you want to
9051s call it like I don't really see it that
9053s way but making content for our releases
9056s where we actually had the game sort of
9059s finished and and like in a good state so
9061s we can actually make content and
9063s actually know what we're doing when we
9064s when me and Jay went to uh to CERN and
9068s film we're filming for update 3 that was
9070s not done at all and we just just got a
9072s list of like these are the potential
9073s things that might be an update 3 and we
9075s just filmed a ton of stuff that didn't
9077s make it into the the game uh for
9079s instance the the the the big alien bug
9081s thing uh that was maybe was going to
9083s happen if they didn't happen um so uh so
9088s yeah it it feels really strange that
9090s we're actually at this moment right now
9092s like doing the dev stream uh counting
9094s down there's like almost 30 minutes left
9096s uh before it actually hits where yeah
9100s it's finally happening I'm kind of
9101s curious personally because uh I mean
9103s with when I arrived I don't remember a
9104s time here that was not like 1.0 Centric
9106s workwise at least internally uh so just
9111s arriving here and then just wondering
9112s what's going to happen now from now yeah
9115s well if if you're curious what's going
9117s to happen uh from now on is that we're
9119s we're going to keep working on
9120s satisfactory so satisfactory is not like
9122s one and done once 1.0 comes out we are
9124s planning to do more work on it we
9126s haven't fully announced anything yet but
9129s we have some ideas now on what to do uh
9131s we'll talk about that in the future the
9133s near future um but yeah there's there's
9135s more satisfactory coming um we also have
9138s fixas coming up that we are
9140s we we've committed I mean we officially
9142s said it now I guess but we are committed
9144s that we're going to fix fix
9147s miss you can roll it technical no no no
9151s uh so uh we're going to we're going to
9154s fix fix Miss so fixas is like same
9156s quality of 1.0 essentially so that's the
9158s least thing we're going to do but we
9159s also have some ideas of what we can do
9162s and uh we'll see like which direction we
9163s take it and how big of a change we plan
9166s to do um but yeah like satisfactory is
9171s like in 1.0 is going to be in 1.0 state
9173s so it's like it's going to be we have to
9174s handle the game a little bit differently
9177s going forward because when you're in
9178s Early Access we have a little bit more
9181s like I wouldn't say freedom because you
9184s we still have some some form of
9186s obligation commitment to yeah to commit
9188s to like cuz we always felt that like the
9190s game still needs to be of a certain
9192s quality even in early axis um and we
9194s can't just do go will and alen and
9197s experiment and stuff like that so um but
9200s there have been like a bunch of tech
9202s depth that we've really tried and hunker
9204s down and like really solve for 1.0 and
9206s fix a lot of bugs I'm sure there are
9208s plenty of bugs that you guys are curious
9209s about and asked me about and we haven't
9211s really made a video on that because it's
9212s really hard to um it's really tricky
9215s because we could make a video talking
9216s about like all the things that we fixed
9218s for for 1.0 that have been like Legacy
9220s issues and whatnot um but the the truth
9223s is that like sometimes certain things
9226s can break again and you've seen that
9228s happen so like it can go a little bit up
9229s and down but we have gone through a lot
9231s substantial list of Legacy issues and we
9233s also had many meetings where we like
9236s trying to nail down like what do we need
9237s to have in the game for us to be able to
9240s call it 1.0 and like what are the sort
9242s of you know do we have to have a
9244s full-fledged you know train system like
9246s maybe we don't need that maybe the train
9248s system we have is good um of course it
9251s would be nice if we had you know be able
9252s to set multiple uh signaling chains or
9255s rerouting and whatnot but you know for
9258s its worth like the the train system
9259s works there a couple of bugs and those
9261s are more important to fix rather than to
9262s like ad hoc new like systems into it uh
9266s and this is like a balancing act too
9267s because I think in certain aspects are
9269s also like we could do more uh with what
9271s we have for 1.0 and in certain aspects
9273s we have such as with the quality of life
9274s stuff that we felt we needed to fix and
9277s we needed to leave it in a good enough
9279s State
9281s um so uh yeah I don't know I don't know
9283s I don't remember where this tangent
9285s started from I think it's just like it
9287s feels surreal to be this close to to
9289s release
9292s um and uh and it's I'm I'm glad that
9295s you're all here with us for this moment
9297s because uh it's been years in the making
9299s and we wouldn't be where we are without
9301s you guys um half an hour yeah 30 minutes
9306s just hit the mark or about to hit the
9308s mark um because yeah the community I I
9311s want to take a little moment to talk
9313s about the community because the
9314s community have been really supportive
9316s and like really I think we've had a
9318s really good balance of being able to
9320s get proper feedback from people and also
9322s joke about stuff I'm really happy that
9324s we're able to make the type of content
9325s that we made as well because I think a
9328s lot of studios are a bit afraid of doing
9331s the type of stuff that we
9333s do because like the toilet flush
9335s announcement for instance was something
9336s that I think uh some people were very
9338s like worried that like people would take
9340s it in the wrong way and I'm so pleased
9342s that like every single person that I saw
9344s take those news on like got the joke
9346s well 99% of the people got the joke
9348s there were a couple but like all media
9350s that wrote about it like they all nailed
9353s the like but that is Testament again to
9355s again how persistent and how just
9357s supportive I guess is a word the
9359s community has been in terms of just
9361s being there for the long ride and then
9363s indulging in just making the jokes the
9366s memes the funny moments just like yeah
9368s having the uh because the toilet trailer
9371s was in one way kind of a payoff for an
9374s ongoing meme that's been around since uh
9376s how long since yeah Jay started that
9379s Meme I think uh where we talked about
9381s toil flush DLC uh and then for those who
9384s don't know we decided to not make it
9386s into DLC it's like actually part of the
9388s game so you are going to be able to
9389s flush the toilet in the hub I'm not sure
9391s if that maybe maybe people still think
9393s that that was a joke that we made for
9394s announcement trailer but you are
9396s actually able to flush the toilet in the
9397s hub uh it's fully functional and uh it's
9400s like a it's a part of the Hub and it's a
9402s part of satisfactory now it's part of
9404s history please close the lid before you
9406s do can you close the lid on this yeah
9407s yeah I see people I thought it was a
9408s joke no no no it's really can totally do
9410s it it serves it serves a
9416s purpose um so really excited about that
9418s stuff what are you looking forward to
9420s after after today I'm looking forward to
9422s sleeping food yeah sleeping we're going
9424s to have Burgers after this by the way we
9425s get we're going to uphel hold the uh the
9428s tradition of eating burgers after stream
9431s even on release day I'm not sure if they
9432s knew that when they booked this but uh I
9435s don't think I mentioned it at least no
9437s but we are doing it so really excited
9440s that a joint that's very love like very
9442s loved by uh most off here so it's like
9445s yeah was going of given anyway so um
9447s we're going to take a little bit moment
9449s to talk about uh not the patch notes um
9453s but I mean we're going to talk about the
9455s patch notes because we do have the patch
9457s notes uh also fun fact I'm not sure wait
9461s I need to actually have the correct data
9463s when I say this but uh so the way that
9467s production for 1.0 has gone is
9469s essentially that we've had our updates
9471s going running I think if you remember
9472s the road map video I kind of explain
9474s this but we've had our general
9475s production going like with making
9477s updates and like working towards making
9479s you know the stuff that goes into these
9480s updates and then we've had people
9481s working on 1.0 like side by side side by
9486s I don't know I don't to say in the
9487s graphics they were Ted down but at the
9489s same time we've were working on updates
9490s we've been working on 1.0 so there's
9492s been a lot of like while working on
9494s updates we were also working on 1.0 so
9496s like we've worked on 1.0 content for so
9498s long um
9501s and uh one of her producers who
9502s mentioned that like he was doing the
9504s patch notes uh for 1.0 and it's like
9509s impossible uh it's like I think I think
9512s he said it were 50 pages yeah the amount
9515s of texts yeah uh like in the original
9518s we're not going to have that actually
9519s but like he mentioned that like yeah
9520s going through all the change lists that
9522s we have when we're committing stuff on
9524s on for working on this game um if we
9527s just collected all the changes and and
9530s combine them into one single document it
9531s was like 50 pages just a box of screws
9535s yeah uh and some of these they're on
9538s bullet point by by the way but uh uh so
9541s I wanted to take a bit moment of to talk
9543s about the patch notes that we are going
9546s to publish uh if I can find
9548s [Music]
9552s them I'm looking in the wrong
9555s chat um because we needed to the Pat
9559s will be a little bit different 1.0
9560s because we couldn't do like the
9561s traditional like bullet here are the
9563s bullet points we actually had this issue
9565s last time where we hit the limit on Epic
9567s oh sorry on on Steam yeah uh like
9570s there's a limit on how big your patch
9572s notes can be and uh we hit that uh which
9574s was a first for us and that was update 8
9578s and update 8 was also a long longl
9580s lasting one uh where is
9584s the
9587s thing say something interesting while
9589s look for this something interesting I
9591s was trying to buffer something but uh
9594s I'm kind of balling with the idea of
9595s what to do with the Lego from now on
9597s just what kind of content to make out of
9599s that yeah we can't leave that unfinished
9601s I really I really hope that wasn't
9602s insane for um like assuming or claiming
9605s one p p was missing but L you couldn't
9608s find it either right the um you it is
9610s gone
9612s yeah uh thank God for that so I'm say I
9615s am not I am not the problem for once we
9618s are both the problem
9621s the missing bag of pie both can someone
9624s c one of The Producers can somebody
9626s message me the patch notes because I
9628s cannot access them uh in the channel
9631s they it's like password protected
9633s apparently the PS are so secret that we
9634s can't even we can't even read them
9636s internally so if someone is able to send
9638s that to me that would be great right are
9639s they keeping stuff from us too
9641s apparently are there spoilers we don't
9642s know about imagine if there are that
9644s would be sick that would be sick cuz
9647s again I am already stoked for um
9649s everything coming like everything we all
9651s know at this
9652s point uh but if there is even more stuff
9654s holy moly yeah there there uh I mean
9657s there's that's that's been sort of the
9659s issue in making content for for for this
9662s in particular because there is so much
9665s stuff uh and there's going to be a lot
9666s of stuff that I didn't mention in like
9668s the content that I made because there's
9669s a lot of tweaks that working on this big
9672s of a game there are often times few
9675s people at the company know everything
9677s like I think I I don't think I can count
9680s like potent we could potentially count
9681s the amount of people that know
9682s everything working on this game is like
9683s on one hand yeah um even that's kind of
9686s fall off actually yeah and like even
9688s then it might be tricky uh oh Hannah
9691s savior oh if this is what it is I a she
9695s just sent me a clown meme H can't
9698s believe this [ __ ] uh no but like the
9700s it's such a huge game and it's like I
9704s constantly uh when I talk to people uh
9707s what is this doing whoa I've never seen
9709s this
9710s before wow wa uh
9715s anyway if you can only see what I see uh
9718s no but like
9719s so so so very few people know everything
9722s and I often time when I talk to people I
9724s often hear like who I didn't know you
9725s could do that and and even when I've
9727s made the videos people like Cain
9729s messaged me like whoa I didn't know you
9731s could do
9732s that so like it's a big game mhm and
9736s even though you know people are
9737s constantly play testing it and and uh
9740s and building stuff for it there's still
9742s things to
9743s discover uh all right so but let's let's
9746s just quickly go through sort of a list
9747s of things that are coming in 1.0 how do
9750s I get rid of this teams thing the game
9752s is out in 20 minutes man surely they can
9754s wait uh no we got to we got to summarize
9759s yeah we got to summarize so if you're
9760s just tuning in this is the countdown
9762s stream for 1.0 where we're going to drop
9764s 1.0 in a little bit less than what's the
9767s time 20 minutes yeah exciting
9770s um and in 1.0 there's going to be a lot
9772s of new stuff that you haven't seen yet
9774s um there's going to be a lot of nice
9775s book fixing a lot of optimization and
9777s there's going to be a lot of new content
9779s that you've all been waiting for and one
9780s of the new content that people have been
9781s asking for for a long time is New
9782s Factory building so tier n is going to
9785s be available in 1.0 and very exciting
9787s the Final Phase of project assembly uh
9790s and by the way we've also sort of sort
9793s of readon some of the narrative that we
9794s re raled up into this point um
9797s characters such as Kina parks and Steve
9799s are are well sort of Karina Parks is
9801s still mentioned in the game uh fun fact
9803s but uh they're not as they don't play as
9806s big of a role as the originally were
9808s going to do um was cerium still named
9810s after Kina Parks yeah so it's I think
9812s that's still the case here so uh that
9814s that's still the same I just wanted to
9816s make that video to sort of set the like
9818s make sure that it was on page that like
9820s okay we don't expect like what you've
9822s heard before yeah anyways so tier 9 is
9824s going to be the main thing in in uh in
9826s 1.0 like that's the main new thing and
9828s it's all about finishing assembly and
9830s project assembly is part of the Save the
9832s Day program which something we've not
9834s talked too much about before is like the
9835s whole Narrative of the game so there
9838s you're finally going to get some form of
9839s conclusion to the game uh which might be
9842s strange in a factory building game but
9843s that's there is one sort of sort of sort
9846s of you'll understand what I mean when
9848s you play the game um finally and uh yeah
9853s so so a lot of new stuff in in in tier 9
9857s is related to the uh Quantum Tech that
9860s I've showcased in a te video a while ago
9862s and that's two new buildings the
9864s converter and Quantum encoder converter
9866s essentially converts all the you can
9868s convert resources into other resources
9870s which is something that solves a big
9872s problem that we've had in in the game
9873s for a long time where uh if you run out
9875s of sulfur for instance uh it's easier to
9879s sort of build your own uh chains than be
9881s able to use that uh there's a Quantum
9883s encoder which is a new production and
9885s the converter does many things other
9887s things I'm just going to glance through
9888s this and the quantum encoder is takes
9890s part of like the big complex building
9892s parts so like you use the converter in a
9894s lot of those chains and the quantum
9896s encoder has uh two requirements or like
9899s One requirement is that needs the new
9902s matter which is excited photonic matter
9905s uh which is using every recipe in that
9906s and it also produces a byproduct which
9907s you needs to solve for all recipes in
9909s that and it's interesting
9912s problems um we've got conveyor lifts
9914s Mark 6 something that people have been
9916s asking about for years
9919s and what belts belts yeah belts uh did I
9923s just say lifts no we only have lifts you
9926s can only Transit them vertically yeah
9928s yeah yeah um oh the unhinged builds that
9931s come from that yeah so you're finally
9932s going to be able to take advantage of
9933s the 1,200 um uh resources per minute
9937s that you can output from a Mark 3 minor
9939s that's happening and uh some people also
9943s asked from the videos is like but what
9945s if you overclock the cuz I mentioned the
9948s particle accelerator takes like 6 coal
9949s to be able to produce 30 diamonds but
9951s then how are you supposed to cuz that's
9953s more than if you over collect at 250
9955s that's more than 1,200 and I'm not going
9958s to give you the answer but there's a way
9960s okay exciting uh but there are going to
9962s be some I think recipes in the game
9964s still that you can't take full advantage
9968s of uh due to some limitations uh but at
9971s least from The Mark II minor resource
9974s like thing you're going toble to take
9976s you'll find a way it's you guys talking
9978s about
9979s uh we got the blueprint designer Mark I
9981s which is really exciting because a lot
9983s of people have asked us for a blueprint
9985s designer bigger blueprint designer and
9987s we decided to go this route uh instead
9990s of just taking the default blueprint
9991s designer and increase it we decided to
9992s go with adding a mark 2 and you're going
9995s toally get access to the Mark 1 in the
9997s same place that you do now which is like
9999s tier four it's four yes none of us in
10003s the room play the game okay it's four
10005s four confirmed and then you'll get
10007s access to the Mark I later in the game
10009s uh um so so and it's a 5x5 uh 5x5
10014s by5 blueprint designer um so it's a bit
10017s biger bigger it might not sound like a
10019s lot but having just that one extra
10022s Foundation length uh actually does a
10024s huge difference uh and everyone who's
10026s been play testing it has told us that
10028s like now they're able to do stuff in the
10029s blueprint designer that they weren't
10031s able to do
10032s before I got the highlights out of that
10036s uh there's a new fuel type called fonum
10038s which uh you saw in the video as well
10040s the the ball looking thing you might
10044s remind you of something else ball of su
10046s no relation uh it's purely coincident if
10049s it looks like something else and with
10051s this you're going to be able to create
10052s plutonium waste which will finally sort
10054s of this this is wrapping up a big loose
10056s end in the game where you can finally
10058s sink uh plutonium waste into producing
10062s fonum and then with fonum you can make
10064s fonum fuel rods which you can then use
10066s in nuclear power plants and these do not
10068s produce any waste they are the worst
10070s fuel type in the game as in they they
10071s burn the fastest but they are you're
10074s finally going to be able to like close
10075s the loop sort of um for
10079s that um so and then we have all the new
10082s alien Tech stuff so uh in the last video
10085s I finally revealed the uh alien
10088s technology this has been in the game
10089s since Dawn this is a dawn of time
10091s they've always had like this work work
10093s in progress
10094s Mark um not anymore not anymore now
10097s they're usable and they are by far the
10100s most usable items in the game in my
10102s opinion okay it's up to everyone okay
10104s but the the dimensional Depot which I'll
10106s talk about first is the way to um to
10110s essentially get a central storage area
10112s if you've played Minecraft it's similar
10114s to the Enders uh what's it called Enders
10118s nether uh nobody in here plays Minecraft
10121s for 40
10122s minutes uh the the chest where you can
10124s essentially access uh environments so
10127s like with the dimensional Depot you can
10128s upload your your production parts and
10130s you can access them wherever you are on
10132s the planet and there's it's a bit
10133s limited so you can't have like infinite
10136s access to it Ender Chest thank you Chad
10138s yeah there were some people in chat who
10140s played Minecraft at least imagine that
10142s um so um yeah you're going to be able to
10145s take advantage of being able to access
10147s stuff and I've always thought that this
10148s has been one of the biggest gripes when
10149s playing the game is that like when
10152s you're just running on the building
10154s you're constantly being like ran out of
10156s this thing now I got to run back and
10157s it's always like one thing it's always
10160s like I'm R of plates and I got to back
10162s to the base just to get plates and then
10164s you run back to base and you get plates
10165s and you're like go back to where we were
10167s building and then like I forgot this
10169s thing I need concrete and go back and
10170s forth constantly twoo few plates yeah
10173s like this this sign this is by far the
10175s the biggest like in my play style at
10177s least the biggest uh gripe I've had and
10181s it really made it so much better it may
10183s seem like I I've seen a lot of
10185s discussion online where people feel like
10187s this will eliminate some of the fun with
10188s a game in limit like Central Storage
10190s eras and stuff like that I think you'll
10191s still find use cases for that I think
10194s there's still some some fun things you
10196s can do with that and having a central
10198s storage area is still nice I still have
10200s that in my safe file I still have a
10202s central storage area
10204s um so so I I just think that you'll play
10207s the game a bit different I think you'll
10210s you know you'll set up your Bas a bit
10211s differently but they're still
10213s usable uh and also there's the limits to
10215s dimensional Depot as well so like it's
10216s not like it's infinite uh in the end
10218s game you it's going to be way smoother
10221s but there's still a limit to it and it's
10223s you're also limited by the amount of the
10225s limited amount of myospheres on the
10226s planet and then we have alien production
10228s amplifier which is the alien
10229s overclocking no not Al overclock it's
10231s it's the power amplifier augmentor sorry
10234s I just jumped ahead uh or maybe I didn't
10239s they okay they've combined it into one
10240s thing here I think okay um which is use
10244s case for Summers slops you can put these
10246s in the uh Power augmentor building that
10248s you've seen in the last video video the
10249s big laser machine big loud laser machine
10252s finally yeah um and with that you're
10254s going to be able to uh improve your your
10257s factory
10258s production uh by increasing the you're
10261s going to be able to boost your power
10263s essentially uh very
10265s juicy and then alien overclocking which
10267s is the internal work name for it but uh
10270s uh Alien amplification I think is the
10272s name where you can um overclock your
10276s buildings even more essentially you can
10278s use spend some Loops to able to to get a
10280s bigger output with the cost of much
10282s bigger uh like huge power consumption
10285s power consumption yeah I think it's like
10286s four times in some a lot of cases
10288s something in that um which goes hand in
10290s hand with like why you need the power
10292s augmenters because you'll need more
10294s power so but you'll need to figure out
10296s how to spend those and and one fun fact
10298s I believe is that the amount of meros
10300s spheres and Summers Loops have changed
10302s on the map so we have changed like the
10303s ratio and we've reduced the amount of
10305s Summers loops and we increased the
10306s amount of subersive
10307s spheres uh
10310s um and
10312s uh the there's also like a couple of
10315s factory cosmetic stuff we've had added a
10317s couple of new buildables I think a lot
10318s of people were wanted way more cosmetic
10321s stuff um but you know we'll that's maybe
10326s for the future you know like that's
10327s maybe something but we've added a couple
10328s new things we've added two new barriers
10330s we've added a new fence um we've added
10333s so you can add like materials to all
10335s your buildings so instead of just having
10336s the regular old uh Factory color sets
10340s that we have you can now also have cool
10343s finishes such as like Chrome and bronze
10346s and cerium is one of them um so make
10349s them all shiny and stuff really nice and
10351s they can be used on like almost all the
10353s buildings um so it's not just like for
10355s walls and and floors and stuff like that
10357s it's actually very in fact almost every
10359s video I've made I've used the uh the I
10362s can't remember it's it's like um oh the
10366s iron
10367s colorish silver the the cool like uh
10371s carbon fiber color it's it's called
10373s carbon fiber something I think in the
10374s game uh on concrete which I always
10377s thought looked pretty cool so it's not
10379s just like dark in color concrete it's
10382s actually with a different
10385s finish um and now we're at the and
10390s there's also new windows I forgot to
10392s mention that and I didn't say this in
10394s the video but I did show it in the
10395s b-roll there are now stairs inside of oh
10397s yeah
10399s yeah how about that so confirming that
10402s once and for all because I I saw there
10403s was still a little bit of Doubt when I
10405s put the video but there are new stairs
10407s in the game okay uh and they're pretty
10410s baller not going to lie they're pretty
10411s useful and you can make like I people in
10414s in in at cof have made like huge like
10417s spiral staircases that go super high up
10419s and it looks super cool uh so really
10422s looking forward to that
10424s um and yeah that's mostly the Cosmetic
10427s stuff and now we're starting getting to
10429s the balancing changes which as you may
10431s not know we' made we've made yeah number
10435s changes um and uh I'm not going to go
10439s too deep into this the patch notes do
10440s mention a lot of this stuff uh like how
10444s certain Milestones are unlocked earlier
10446s and how like fuel gens have their own
10449s Milestone now and like the fuel gens
10453s are what was the change again it's like
10456s they take less uh input sorry I was so
10460s did you hear the shout from downstairs I
10461s was trying to ignore it yeah no I
10463s couldn't so I just got completely I'm so
10465s sorry what we saying for like the P
10466s minut fuel something yeah the change to
10469s fuel generators where like they consume
10471s less fuel now or like oh yeah yeah so so
10474s you'll need to build more or to get the
10476s but you do you get more power out of
10477s them or something like that right oh
10478s yeah this was the oh yeah I remember
10480s this mishap uh yes I think
10483s you do need to build more they require
10487s less fuel to Output the that they do so
10489s you can build more now with the am like
10491s if you have like a few generator set up
10493s right now you're going to be able to
10495s build more with the same amount of like
10497s fuel that you put into them yes yes yeah
10499s yeah exactly words thank you yeah
10501s exactly so they they they we haven't
10503s like
10505s it is does it count as a Nerf or a buff
10508s I'm not sure in this case actually
10509s because it's a little bit of a both
10510s right change yeah it's it's a big change
10512s a cough so stuff like that so so we'll
10514s drop these patch notes um in the uh on
10519s socials and whatnot you can find them
10520s out um which I've forgotten we need to
10523s link that in the we need to solve that
10525s we have socials yeah [ __ ] um and yeah
10529s there's a ton of new parts there's a
10530s bunch of new recipes there's new alt
10532s recipes I've avoided talking too much
10535s about recipes and ALT recipes uh because
10538s I think it's more fun for you guys to
10539s discover that and and go through it also
10541s because some of these numbers change
10543s less than 10 minutes let's go that and
10545s there are quite a few of them so yeah uh
10548s Dr can now use all fuel types not all
10550s fuel types but most almost all fuel
10553s types instead of just batteries so
10554s batteries have uh like the the
10557s significance of batteries have been
10558s removed uh reduced
10560s rather um and yeah drones fly
10563s differently depending on what fuel type
10564s you can do so the the better fuel type
10566s like the more complex the fuel type it
10567s is to produce the better drone the
10569s faster drones will fly oh my the
10571s expanding SC this is this one is Juicy
10573s you want to take this one oh is that I
10575s can't read from here zoom in talking
10578s about oh yeah oh the most dramatic
10581s actually it might be for some people
10582s because uh it's probably the most early
10586s Game feature of 1.0 maybe maybe uh the
10588s fact that the biomass burner now has a
10590s conveyor belt input yeah yeah which is
10592s going to make that quality of life in
10593s the beginning of the game very and maybe
10595s later who knows very very very quite
10597s nice and I think that will it's it's
10599s like a small thing changed in the early
10601s game but that will have a huge just the
10603s fact that you don't have to again
10604s harking back to the uh dimensional Depot
10606s just not having to make as many uh round
10609s trips back to completely feed to
10611s continues to feed them yeah this is
10612s going to be super nice uh one thing also
10615s we'll see a little bit how this plans
10616s out but when I was play testing this at
10618s least uh I think uh placing manifolds
10621s for for bass generators you might notice
10623s that like they might not be as as good
10626s uh because of how fuel generators like
10628s cuz you need to fill up for a manifold
10630s to make sense right and in the early
10632s game sometimes you'd rather have just
10634s like put in 10 fuel in that one putting
10635s 10 in that and 10 10 and so on and so
10637s forth uh like fill up fuel D because you
10640s won you'll get more power if you just
10642s have an even flow so like in I think in
10644s the early game I think what my
10646s prediction and I may be wrong about this
10647s but my prediction is that we'll see a
10649s lot more load balancing for this
10651s particular thing because I think
10653s manifold is like the overall like uh
10655s preferred method of of routing things uh
10658s so I predict that you will see more load
10660s balancing for biomass generators in the
10662s early game and then you'll move over to
10664s manifolds as the game goes on but who am
10667s I what do I know I haven't even finished
10669s the game
10671s um let's see here yeah there's a bunch
10673s of small tweaks as well to to some of
10676s the here's the thing yeah so fuel JS now
10679s produce 250 megawatts instead of the
10680s previous 150s that's the thing we
10682s touched on
10684s previously uh and there's a bunch of
10686s stuff with like mam changes such as like
10688s programmable Splitters and geothermal
10690s generators they're no longer be needing
10692s supercomputers so they're going to be
10693s accessible earlier on uh and the gas
10696s mask is also available in the maam uh
10700s instead of being in tier five so it's
10702s going to be accessible earlier which is
10703s going to be trying we're trying to
10704s mitigate the whole nois being able to
10706s destroy gas pillars oh yeah uh do you
10710s want to talk about this one oh yeah hard
10712s Dy rerolling and saving yeah so each
10714s hard drive you get um now only gives you
10717s two ultra speed instead of three but as
10720s a change um like it's still a buff
10723s because if you don't like those two
10725s options you can now roll each and every
10727s hard drive one
10729s so you do technically end up getting
10732s four options the thing is if you do
10734s choose to roll your hard drives you
10735s can't then go back to the previous two
10738s so it is kind of a short in dark about
10741s like okay I don't like my two current
10742s AES that I can pick from uh but if you
10745s do up to roll and those other two
10747s options uh end up being worse or also
10750s unattractive then uh well yeah tough
10752s luck yeah yeah but yeah two options and
10755s one roll option for a new two new two
10757s new options yeah
10759s and they should also only be able to
10760s present uh recipes that you can
10763s produce by that stage of the game H
10769s maybe maybe maybe no that's how it works
10771s yeah um so yeah those are some most of
10775s the new features coming in 1.0 we also
10776s have a bunch of qual out of life stuff
10778s uh such as being able to build straight
10779s convey belts making 9° turns this is a
10783s this is a banger of a feature yes elus
10785s is nodding behind
10787s the uh yes it's so good uh being able to
10790s just like drag and drag from one input
10793s to the output and just get like straight
10794s proper convey belts um and uh they you
10798s can get most of the use cases in there
10799s you just need to learn like a little bit
10801s like when when to pull from what and
10803s like what order to drag things um so
10805s that's really nice if you also if you
10808s hold control when building uh Railways
10810s you can now get them to to become
10811s straight so it'll be straight in the
10813s same axis at at as
10816s like as as their connection point so
10819s they'll still slope down and up
10821s depending on the curvature of the
10822s terrain um but uh that is also
10826s huge
10829s um oh wait I didn't know this wait this
10834s is new to me okay apparently you can
10836s free place signal now so you can place
10838s them wherever you want on the railway
10839s instead of just at like the intersection
10841s points that's actually pretty dope I
10843s have yet to place a single yeah a single
10845s I have and I didn't notice that so I
10847s would have know huge holy [ __ ] damn I'm
10852s I'm actually wow that's pretty cool Chad
10854s is anyone else here a true and tested
10855s conveyor belter why have trains when you
10858s can just have a million belts running
10859s across the because it's fun to set up
10861s the signaling system they it seems
10863s complex but it's really fun yes it is
10865s complex yeah but it's really fun when we
10866s get it work nah uh that's dope uh I've
10871s also just don't F
10874s no um once you're used to it you're just
10877s here's another thing that I didn't know
10878s I actually don't know what this entails
10880s but like when you're dismantling
10881s blueprints you can also now change the
10883s uh build mode to completely dismantle
10884s all parts of the blueprint instead of
10886s only a single element wasn't that in the
10887s game
10889s already maybe that's not going I am
10891s going to be real and uh yeah I think I'm
10894s allowed to say this is this not enough
10896s today chat or maybe I'm maybe I'm wrong
10898s it's not I've played internal for so
10899s long that I just don't remember less
10901s than four minutes maybe it's not maybe I
10902s maybe I just played Ro I think so too
10905s yeah internal has been like the life or
10907s yeah there's a bunch of to like the
10909s build system there's the clearance
10910s system has actually been updated as well
10912s so like they're a bit tighter um there's
10913s the guidelin system where I've showus in
10915s this video where you can get clear
10917s guidelines now that are just having
10918s green green lights
10921s um and uh they also show like Direction
10924s and stuff like that and uh then it talks
10927s about narrative which we mentioned
10929s before there is a narrative now in the
10930s game we won't talk too much about that
10931s that's up for you guys to discover yes
10934s uh there's a ton of stuff in the world
10936s I'm not going to go through these and
10937s again to touch on the super quickly
10939s again every single one I think of AD
10941s lines have been changed from the
10942s beginning of the game every single line
10944s worth checking them out um and yeah
10946s we're 3 minutes away from release and we
10949s haven't even gotten to the end of the
10950s patch notes uh there's so much else
10953s coming on WE has to do with like
10955s optimization achievements bug fixing uh
10958s Network optimization there's been a lot
10960s of work gone into uh working out the uh
10963s The Kinks with the networking that code
10966s uh conveyable system has been completely
10968s remade for networking for instance um
10970s through the steam post real quick to see
10971s what yeah exactly um save system has
10974s been optimized so like saving should be
10976s way faster uh the rendering as well like
10980s and and like objects that are saved into
10982s the safe file are also optimized so yeah
10985s there's there's so and dedicated servers
10988s hav't touch that dedicated servers are
10989s also gotten a lot of love a lot of fixes
10991s for dedicated servers B not only Ben but
10994s also and all
10996s people um
10999s and uh we're finally going to fully
11001s support dedicated service now by the way
11003s dedicated service have up until 1.0 been
11005s experimental so they have not been
11007s finished uh so now we're fully
11009s supporting them 2 minutes oh my goodness
11013s oh my goodness you want me I can I can
11015s push the the thing so don't worry about
11017s it um and uh yeah it's insane this it's
11024s insane how much work has gone into this
11026s one like update and I think think for a
11028s long time I think when you work on it
11030s for so long we we we feel like it's not
11033s too much new really but like now that we
11036s actually started collecting it's Earth
11038s shattering like we actually go through
11041s the patch notes when was the last have
11042s you have you played u8 recently at all
11045s gone back no I can't properly play I
11048s can't without straight conveyor bels and
11049s I can't with a dimensional Depot so I
11051s like just refuse I took a couple of
11053s hours just no more than a couple hours
11054s so too little time to just boot you
11057s eight up
11059s it's insane yeah yeah it's it's night
11061s and day there's yeah there's so many so
11064s many changes yes uh and not only that
11066s but like I I really feel like the
11068s quality is so much better in 1.0 oh yes
11070s oh yes uh I'm I I feel really happy and
11074s proud of of what the team has put
11075s together in terms of quality for the
11077s game and I am really excited to see and
11080s hear how it's going to go once it goes
11082s out into the wild and uh finally get
11086s everyone to play it's it's scary
11089s I think I'm feeling the pulse now just
11090s thinking about
11092s like all the buzz all the oh God yeah so
11097s in 30 seconds roughly you guys are going
11100s to be able to play yeah is freaking out
11104s I'm freaking out as well I can't believe
11105s we've gotten to this point with less
11107s than 30 second count the amount of
11109s seconds on both of your hands yeah yeah
11111s so much work is kind that's that's kind
11113s of dope yeah it is yeah so I hope you'll
11116s all enjoy uh uh 1.0 I hope you all enjoy
11120s playing
11121s satisfactory um and we can't wait to see
11124s everyone like make content and stream
11126s and and see what you build and like
11127s Community highlights are going to be
11128s nutty so without further Ado everyone
11131s it's a launch angle thanks for hanging
11133s out with us it's time to
11138s [Music]
11156s [Music]
11163s [Music]
11170s [Music]
11175s to
11176s breing let
11180s to we can
11189s [Music]
11212s [Music]
11219s [Music]
11223s to bring
11230s [Music]
11240s [Music]
11254s [Music]
11296s ni
11298s let's go everyone holy [ __ ] I can't
11301s believe it I'm going to remove the
11302s countdown here it is out it is available
11305s well it's downloading hopefully for some
11308s people but it is now finally coming out
11311s uh satisfactory 1.0 it's uh wow and
11314s actually I now I feel it I I felt
11316s nothing up at this point I just been
11317s dead inside but holy [ __ ] I can't
11320s believe it 1.0 side so real quick if you
11323s don't see anything happening in Steam on
11324s Epic don't worry uh on Epic you might
11327s need to refresh the browser or like the
11329s the the client or whatever and it should
11332s update and on Steam it's the same thing
11334s like you might need to refresh steam or
11335s restarted and then it kick off um but uh
11340s yeah that We snuck in a little bit of
11342s extra thing at the end there um yeah so
11346s satisfactory is coming to console I
11348s guess is is the thing I want to say here
11349s we've uh uh We've we've dreaded this I
11353s was like it's it's it's a huge
11356s undertaking be able to bring this game
11357s to console but we are doing it uh
11359s together with our friends at fish Labs
11361s uh we have been working on porting this
11363s game to console uh we don't have a
11365s release date or anything like that yet
11366s we actually don't know fully when if
11368s like if it can be this year or next year
11371s or something like that but we are
11372s working on it and uh we are working on
11375s going get I'm so excited for this uh we
11378s are excited to to be able to bring
11379s console for satisfactory uh for
11382s PlayStation 5 and Xbox uh uh the Xboxes
11386s I don't know the anyways
11388s so super exciting one thing I also want
11390s to mention in regards to this is that
11391s you're also looking into getting proper
11393s uh control of support uh if you've been
11396s with us on the uh Dev streams you know
11399s that this has been a topic that we
11400s talked about and it is a huge
11402s undertaking being able to to um bring
11405s control support to
11407s satisfactory um and we are going to
11409s bring control support for PC as well so
11411s it's not just for console we haven't
11413s fully finished that yet um and so that
11415s will be sort of an update in the future
11418s um so it's coming but with control
11421s support comes a ton of like work that
11425s goes into you know we've had to update
11428s menus like all all widgets and like all
11431s the UI elements in the game have to be
11433s um accustom with controller support in
11436s mind um and uh but we are doing it we
11441s are doing it it's it's super
11443s exciting
11446s um and uh uh yeah we're going to hang
11449s out for a little bit longer actually
11450s because uh we're not going to end the
11452s stream just yet because uh I know that
11454s you're all probably going to Dish the
11456s stream now and just jump back into to
11458s satisfactory um but uh yeah we're gonna
11461s hang out a little bit more uh Mark is
11463s going to join us our game director but
11466s uh he's not
11469s here it's probably on me not to telling
11471s him that he needs to show up
11476s uh um
11478s so yeah how are we all feeling chat are
11480s we excited are we happy can't can't
11482s believe that we're finally
11484s here uh how big is the download for you
11487s all because it will vary a little bit I
11489s think uh we have reduced the general
11491s like size of the of the game in total um
11495s so I'm not sure 11 gigs on Steam for
11497s some people 13
11499s 10 I think the game is around like 13
11503s gigs in total now um I lus is just
11506s shrugging his head I don't know
11508s uh a lot of people s l gigs so and and
11512s the and the team is celebrating and we
11515s we've tried like soundproof this room as
11517s much as we possibly can but not and we
11519s haven't heard like almost anything from
11520s the bottom floor but now we can actually
11522s hear them which is pretty exciting so so
11524s good job everybody I can't believe we're
11526s here super excited time to party time to
11529s get time to get
11533s wasted
11534s um so yeah as I mentioned before we are
11537s coming to console uh if you didn't hear
11539s the news or didn't see it um we are
11541s coming to console and it's really
11543s exciting and we've been working on that
11545s for a long time together with fish Labs
11546s uh who's doing the porting and um
11550s control sport is also coming if you
11552s didn't hear that so super exit obviously
11555s otherwise you'd have to play on console
11557s with I don't know you you'd find a way
11560s um anyways there's a fly in here is
11564s annoying um what else is what else is
11567s there to say I don't know it's just what
11569s was that yeah fig
11573s [Laughter]
11576s figure uh okay Chad I see you like
11580s where's 1.1 what is this what is this
11582s [ __ ] I can't believe this we haven't
11585s even it's not been out for like 10
11587s minutes and we're already complaining
11589s about where's
11590s 1.1 oh boy 20 oh it's getting there it's
11594s getting there uh crossplay for console
11596s we don't know yet exact we haven't
11599s decided I think um it there's a lot of
11602s work that goes into that so we're not
11604s sure if we can support crossplay 4
11605s console
11607s um uh so to be to be announced there's a
11610s lot of stuff with consoles that we can't
11613s talk about right now mostly because I
11614s well the the biggest reason is because I
11616s haven't prepared for it okay like I just
11618s prepared for this stream mostly so I
11620s don't want to give give away anything
11622s any faulty information anything like
11624s that but we will follow up with more
11625s information in regards to consoles um
11629s they're we don't have a release date
11630s like I said
11631s before um and uh hope I mean it might be
11636s this year but I don't think it will but
11637s maybe who knows um oh God we're back who
11641s knows we're back we're doing it again
11645s um so
11647s yeah error occurred oh no it's missing
11652s the executable wait a second
11655s okay um just okay if you're running into
11657s issues when you're downloading uh make
11659s sure to um what's it called resolve
11662s files on stee and epic so on Steam you
11665s go to properties and there's like a
11666s setting under properties there where you
11667s can go like uh is it called resolve
11670s files or is it called reconfigure I
11673s can't remember it's called you can like
11674s reconcile files and make sure and verify
11676s them and it's the same thing on Epic you
11678s right click on the thing and you go to
11679s the little dots and uh you can valid uh
11682s validate
11683s them verify that's the
11686s word uh
11688s um get get that verification going we
11691s have a different type of ver
11692s verification in the
11694s game where is Mark Mark you're supposed
11698s to be
11701s here we lying on
11704s you
11707s um had I had a bunch of stuff planned
11709s with Mark when he's here but he's not
11711s here so it's really hard to like keep
11714s going anyway um
11718s yeah what lenus you take his
11721s place yeah lenus is joining in I'll
11725s stall for time yeah how are you
11727s feeling uh maybe is that Mark I think
11731s it's yeah how are you feeling um amazing
11735s yeah like so nervous so great that it's
11738s finally out yeah the last there is look
11741s at that I took I took his spot and then
11743s we yeah you can get in you take the good
11745s spot okay all right bye lenus
11748s oh okay you mean you're like yeah scooch
11750s over oh hi
11752s Mark do I sit here yeah you want to
11755s close to mik yeah there we go perfect
11757s hey how's it going good congrats mood
11759s seems to be great down there good I I
11762s haven't heard anything throughout the
11763s entire stream and then like at when we
11766s launched I heard like the countdown yeah
11769s uh super exciting no it's amazing super
11772s cool it's did you see any stats like the
11775s view counts and stuff uh no so it's like
11777s I think on total it was like over 80,000
11782s people watching wait what at Peak yeah
11784s across both
11786s platforms so I think the entire category
11788s of like what the [ __ ] so that and that's
11792s counting the so category on on assuming
11795s that people are watching other people's
11796s streams damn all right yeah and that's
11799s actually hi
11800s everyone I felt like I've been streaming
11802s for like there maybe 50 people here or
11804s something like that actually higher than
11805s the oror current user total damn all
11807s right cool well glad that you all tuned
11810s in for this
11812s [ __ ] exciting times yeah but what's the
11816s general feel for 1.0 that cuz I I don't
11818s know I I feel like it didn't hit me
11820s until like when I pushed live on trailer
11823s yeah and I saw the reactions to to to it
11825s I I felt like for me the Dismal of the
11827s early X is really and I still remember
11829s the first time that I saw that draft I'm
11830s pointing to lus now cuz he made that
11832s trailer uh but that really hit me then
11835s as well and now it kind of hit me again
11836s cuz I you don't really feel like like
11837s we've also done like 10 updates for this
11839s game so it feels kind of like same old
11840s [ __ ] m in a way but uh I mean it's still
11844s not really real life thing but we've
11845s also worked on it for such a long time
11847s yeah but I think the game is like in a
11849s better state has ever been we spent so
11852s much time Buck fixing I think we fixed
11853s like over a th bucks between yeah update
11856s 8 and now yeah uh that's actually
11858s confirmed number I think we had in the
11859s patch not or in like the press release
11861s as well and that's even only the books
11864s that we actually kept track of so and
11866s there's still going to be B in there
11867s like I still see [ __ ] sometimes and I'm
11869s like yeah but that uh I mean it should
11871s play better than it's ever played we got
11873s all the new content that's that's the
11876s general Vibe I've gotten when I've been
11877s playing is that like it just feels
11880s polished like it feels so much more
11882s polished and I I feel like we've had a
11883s pretty good level of polish for being in
11886s ear laxes you know like I always felt
11888s like we we've tried to uh always uh not
11892s put out stuff that's like broken and
11894s like stuff has been unfinished but you
11897s know it's we want it to be unfinished in
11898s a state where it's playable and good and
11901s like yeah you can see the intent yeah
11903s it's supposed to be representative of
11904s the what we want right exactly and
11906s sometimes that's also kind of nip Us in
11907s the butt cuz you kind of you want to try
11910s things but you want to still deliver
11912s quality mhm cuz sometimes when you want
11913s to try things out you kind of need to
11915s just try it in a shitty way so we always
11916s test internally of course but yeah I
11919s think we've been lucky at that as well
11920s that we never really had to go back to
11922s something that we worked on a lot to
11924s like actually change it or remove it
11927s this only happened like a handful of
11929s times
11930s yeah but it's super exciting and uh
11933s should we talk some about the the new
11935s stuff that we we talked we talked about
11937s the new stuff you already talked about
11938s yeah we talked about it like definitely
11940s everything that we reveal like
11942s everything that I've revealed we talked
11944s about it on the YouTube yeah okay we've
11946s revealed everything like oh yeah oh
11947s everything yeah Y what do you mean did I
11950s forget something cuz like there might
11951s have been okay there might have been a
11952s few small things but I think that's sort
11954s of up to to people to discover on
11956s themselves and and bring it up um but I
11959s I don't think I've missed anything I I
11960s did miss the thing that I just wrote in
11962s the patch notes with the how you can
11964s place signals on Rails
11966s Forever Wait what that's that was in the
11969s patch notes wait is that new is wait is
11971s it not I don't know well I didn't even
11973s know that was it man we we changed so
11975s much [ __ ] between like the last time
11977s like I actually forgot what was in this
11978s update yeah right cuz apparently the
11980s blueprint dismantle thing was also not
11982s in 1.0 like you can dismantle the entire
11984s blueprint was that on an update 8 oh was
11987s an update a wasn't it right that might
11989s have snuck in the patch notes but I'm
11991s pretty sure that's an update a I'm
11992s pretty sure that was an update cuz I
11994s think we talked we like didn't we just
11996s reveal that at some point as well yeah
11997s yeah man I don't even remember I'm sorry
11999s yeah it's been such a because we we
12001s actually worked on this update since
12005s like update 7even I think so I think
12008s when it comes to like the alien power
12010s augmentor and stuff like that like
12011s development for that was started around
12013s the same time that we worked on
12014s blueprints yeah so that's how long is
12017s that ago that's a long time ago too long
12020s so like I mentioned before I lost track
12022s yeah and then we also had like closed
12023s beta in between and stuff and then we've
12026s slowly been like stopping development
12028s right so it's just been fixing fixing
12029s fixing yeah cuz we're not allowed to
12031s touch any more uh things at some point
12033s yeah so I'm just going to address sorry
12035s I I have seen you chat I just been
12036s trying to wait for for the team to get
12039s back to me and give me like new some how
12042s to fix it so we did see the the issue
12044s with the on Steam and it's been
12046s corrected now now so you should be able
12048s to get the download again going
12050s potentially um there was some issue with
12052s the build that we pushed on Steam and it
12055s should only affect steam so uh for once
12057s you epic people are in the in the clear
12061s or not in clear you you get the upper
12063s hand uh but it has been corrected so so
12067s wait for the download to happen again
12068s refresh your steam client and whatnot um
12071s and apparently you can also rename the
12072s executable because the executable is a
12074s bit different in in 1.0 uh it you might
12077s get like the I'm not sure if that was
12078s just our internal build so if that
12079s actually happens for people live where
12081s you get like to pick like the old
12083s version versus the 1.0 version when you
12085s start steam oh I don't actually know
12087s yeah that's happened okay so I'm just
12088s going to say that in case it happened to
12090s people but it shouldn't been the case
12092s but but I'm just going to say this uh
12094s sometimes when we've played uh 1.0 it'll
12096s you'll get like a little popup in Steam
12098s that says like which version would you
12099s want to play do you want to play Early
12100s Access or do you want to play 1.0 and
12102s there's only one version so you need to
12103s pick like the 1.0 version uh and then
12106s you can set it to be all always this
12107s option every time you B the game so like
12109s there's something with executable name
12110s but we've uh we we've solved that uh
12113s another really important thing by the
12114s way chat if you if you've installed mods
12117s uh you need to uninstall them uh either
12119s with the mod manager or by removing the
12122s the folders I can't quite remember
12124s because I even sometimes when people
12125s delete the mods they still load um so if
12128s you're getting crashes that has anything
12130s with mods in the name of the crash
12132s report or anything like that that's
12133s because of mods you need to completely
12134s disable them mods do not work in 1.0 so
12137s uh we need to uh let the modding people
12139s uh solve that before we can uh before we
12143s can play with mods again it's
12145s unfortunately um yeah that's a quick
12149s recap maybe we can can can one of the
12152s moderators in in each uh chat just P pin
12155s a message saying that so people know uh
12159s we have we have resolved that issue and
12160s and it's going to be pushed out
12162s again anyways 1.0 Good Times yeah
12165s there's like I said there's a lot of
12167s stuff that's for a long time like it
12169s feels like hasn't been in the game for
12172s forever hard keep track as well because
12174s there's a lot of small things and a
12175s little small fixes and stuff yeah small
12178s changes so it's really hard to keep
12180s track also with the patch notes they
12181s were like so long so we have to kind of
12182s condense everything to like overarching
12185s topics yeah cuz I heard there were 50
12187s pages of patch like bullet points when
12191s just I have no clue we tried the only
12194s version that I've seen is like the
12195s really boil down version where you kind
12196s of just came over a lot of things CU if
12198s you really go for every single little
12199s point it's uh it's way too much yeah
12202s yeah because there was a really long
12203s development track right and even even
12205s the things like the straight belt thing
12207s yeah is kind of like that's like a side
12210s thing I think it was actually Nick who
12211s at some point just came with that like
12212s he had done it and everyone was like
12214s yeah might just push
12217s it it's like a side development thing
12219s almost and that's actually often what
12220s happen is like some of the best stuff in
12222s these
12223s updates uh is like the things we kind of
12225s do on the side not like planing in in
12227s the content stuff
12230s Echo we have we had good quality audio
12233s up this point it might be it might be
12237s that
12240s like I'm not sure if the echo is because
12242s of the between the two mics or yeah it
12244s might be um or it just like reverted
12249s back now both wait what my God
12253s interesting what time is it it's 20 pass
12258s video is pixelated now what's going on
12261s stream is just breaking down people are
12263s is it because we're uploading the no
12265s it's
12266s not they're just trolling
12270s yeah is it double or all
12277s wait what is the
12279s problem what's going
12281s on that I'm doing it live hello hello
12285s hello
12286s sounds fine to
12288s me do you guys have like two streams on
12291s at the same time or something cuz I
12292s don't hear
12294s anything all right anyways fixed okay I
12296s didn't do anything so if it's fixed then
12299s it wasn't broken okay I just want to
12301s say um maybe everyone had two streams
12304s open at the same time um anyways yeah
12308s good times I'm not I'm sure it's kind of
12310s like stumped yeah yeah um it's been a
12316s long day as well
12318s console it's it's now we can finally
12321s talk about this CU this has been a pain
12324s in the ass to keep secret yeah uh and
12327s everyone got the leak at one at a time
12329s no they didn't but it's fine it's fine
12331s never got leak no no no no ech is it c m
12336s no no no no no don't be silly I'll just
12339s I'll just do is this my mic yes we'll
12342s just do this um partly broken
12347s weird all right we won't I guess we can
12350s talk about everything regarding that now
12352s yeah we can talk about that because
12353s that's been going off for a long time as
12355s well so that's like a side development
12356s track we actually got other people
12357s working on that they're like specialized
12359s in it yep uh they're really good at it
12361s but it's been like a hassle as well with
12363s like even just the the control scheme
12366s and stuff like translating it well to
12369s controller so eing
12377s now that it's just
12382s more I'm pretty sure it's like cuz I'm
12385s pretty sure it's just um mic placement
12389s but yeah like I said it's it's been
12391s actually maybe I can [ __ ] scoot this
12395s anymore I can just s and hold
12398s it
12400s um I think it's that my mic is picking
12403s up so I'm just going to increase the
12404s expander um
12407s yeah what were you saying about yeah
12409s it's like a super long process I'm
12410s actually not the best person to talk
12411s about it because I've not um worked a
12414s lot directly with the with the whole
12415s console port and everything yeah uh
12418s mostly because I've been busying with
12419s like the 1.0 and stuff but we have a lot
12421s of our developers have been busy like on
12422s the side and stuff cuz we have like an
12424s Outsource uh Studio mhm we've been
12426s working on it really hard for a long
12428s time now
12429s actually
12432s uh and yeah the whole controller support
12435s and everything that's like a tricky
12436s thing that's why it's like always been
12438s like a a bit all over the place with
12441s satisfaction controlers Sports is we
12443s have so many like inputs and stuff all
12445s over the place like the whole hot bar
12447s just for building is the whole screen is
12449s filled right with buttons and the the
12451s the the controller doesn't even have
12453s that many buttons no so they have have
12455s to had to do some smart solutions to
12456s actually make that work and I'll make it
12458s fit and everything but have we we
12459s haven't removed any like functionality
12461s right no I don't think so I think it's I
12465s actually wouldn't be able to say what
12466s with complete confidence I think we can
12467s probably talk more about that later yeah
12470s and and probably talk more with like
12471s people like Pontas who actively worked
12472s on that from like the UI side to like
12474s get that all working correctly yeah but
12476s from what I've seen they've tried their
12478s hardest to make it all work and I'll
12479s keep it
12480s there but some things might be a lot of
12483s like might be a bit harder to access and
12484s stuff but some things actually are
12487s probably uh even be nicer on Console of
12490s course like it's just a bit of a give or
12492s take always when you want to do that
12497s cool
12499s um I think we're going to start rounding
12502s off soon uh here because the are they
12505s the beer is cool oh my goodness uh but
12510s just to reemphasize again is that like
12512s if you are running into issues with
12514s downloading the game uh please restart
12516s steam either restart steam some people
12518s also say that you can rename the
12519s executable but you don't you shouldn't
12520s need need to do that uh just restart Ste
12523s steam or epic I mean it should be fine
12524s on Epic CU you but restart steam so that
12527s the game will refresh again or re-upload
12530s um so so that like you can get a fresh
12533s download again um and should be fixed we
12535s did push like some there was some issue
12537s with the build that we pushed um but we
12540s have resolved it since and
12544s uh yeah and and if not we'll we'll keep
12548s working on this guys so like don't worry
12550s about it we'll we'll get it running soon
12552s enough um or maybe we hang out for just
12555s a bit so I can just get comfort
12564s yeah they are but we can't really yeah
12566s yeah yeah show them uh you can show them
12570s uh but people can't see it because they
12572s can't yeah camera's on
12573s me uh I've had to mute mute your mic for
12577s now just you know
12579s poter
12581s nice um and also want to mention this
12585s too because when when it comes to
12586s Dedicated servers um this is also a
12590s thing that usually happens when we
12591s update the game is a lot of people don't
12593s see the update for dedicated servers
12595s immediately so in some cases it takes a
12597s little bit longer for the dedicated
12599s servers to like roll out on Steam but
12601s you can download an instantly if you use
12603s the steam command um so uh just bear
12607s that in
12608s mind
12613s um if you rename the executable it fixes
12616s it so so a quick and dirty fix
12617s apparently is to rename the executable
12620s what do you rename it to just Dan
12624s just
12627s Tommy Factory
12629s game I don't know we'll hang we'll hang
12632s out a little bit longer just so I can we
12634s can give you
12636s live dooby dooby
12642s doop live live information
12646s okay yeah I I've have gotten
12648s confirmation that the bills have been
12650s corrected on Steam so you need to
12651s restart the the executive uh the client
12655s steam client and it should be fine just
12658s delete
12659s steam that's that's that's the way you
12662s should do it yeah yeah
12667s yeah restart works now yeah cool start
12670s seeing some vos.
12673s exe yes I started seeing some people
12676s running into the fix now it should be
12679s fine uh and it may take some I'm not
12681s sure how the the steam back end works so
12683s it may take some time for for everyone
12685s but if you if you get the new patch
12687s that's coming out now the this is the
12689s day one patch the literally minute one
12692s patch it should fix it so we have we
12694s have uploaded everything correctly now
12696s on Steam so it should be
12698s fine or if not you can also rename the
12701s executable
12703s apparently so yeah
12706s when's the coffee
12709s stain uh I already lost the comment the
12712s coffee stain uh downloader yeah let's
12715s let's start let's make our own steam
12718s think they're so cool we'll make our
12723s own works I'm getting conflicting
12726s messages
12727s here fixed maybe some for some we we'll
12733s get
12733s there 1.01 out now people were asking
12737s about this like when's 1.1 coming out
12738s yeah
12740s now instantly it seems like things are
12744s getting back in
12747s there I'll fix it myself all
12751s right fix after restarting steam all
12753s right
12754s cool things are things it looks yeah it
12757s looks like we're finally getting
12759s there 1.1 let's go 1.01 let's
12763s go all right it seems like things are
12766s are rolling off so we're going to close
12769s off the stream call it a day yeah call
12771s it a it's been a long I don't feel like
12773s my I don't feel like yesterday ended for
12775s me I've been just been working I went to
12777s bed working
12780s uh that was my my time anyways thank you
12783s so much everyone for tuning in to the
12785s release stream it's been so much fun to
12787s uh to be able to do these like do the
12791s content that we make and be able to set
12792s this this stream up this stream was a
12794s little bit of a an extra thing that we
12795s don't usually do um but uh yeah I'm glad
12800s that uh we we got we got here eventually
12804s and like I said before if you're having
12806s issues with the build right now on Steam
12808s uh either restart the client and refresh
12811s so you get a new download because there
12813s is a new patch the L first minute patch
12816s wouldn't be a proper Cofe release unless
12818s we had one little bit of a hiccup but it
12820s should be fine so so uh either restart
12823s stream you can also apparently rename
12824s the executable
12826s um that should also solve it and
12829s uh yeah hope hope you'll have fun with
12832s 1.0 I can't see I can't wait to see what
12834s you make with this I can't wait to see
12836s if if like the community highlights are
12837s going to be very different in the future
12839s uh based on like the stuff that you make
12841s and like what kind of new meta is going
12843s to emerge from the game you know if
12845s there's power Towers they going to be a
12847s different format going to be power I
12850s don't know that's the thing right I
12852s don't know so I can't even come up with
12853s it that's kind of what I'm excited how
12855s they're going bre game um so thank you
12859s so much for everyone for tuning in um
12862s and we'll see each other very soon
12864s remember that we stream every Tuesday on
12866s Twitch at 4m. C which is an hour be well
12870s at one and a half hours before at this
12872s moment um so some of you us people might
12875s not be able to join in as much but uh
12878s yeah do check us out on Twitch and uh
12881s yeah any final thoughts
12884s no all right
12887s nothing all right cool thanks so much
12889s everyone for tuning in hope you all have
12891s fun with 1.0 and
12895s uh yeah take
13043s [Music]