about 3 years
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The Festival of Giving is live until 10am GMT Dec 27th. Grab a free flag from Larinna, set out on a Gilded Voyage, unlock Wreath of Winter items and earn bonus rewards by having other crews cash your loot! βTis the season, after all :grog~1:
Acquiring a new Gilded Voyage during this year's Festival of Giving will remove any older Gilded Voyages you still have in your inventory. If you do still have a Gilded Voyage from a previous Event, we strongly advise completing it before picking up a new one.
Acquiring a new Gilded Voyage during this year's Festival of Giving will remove any older Gilded Voyages you still have in your inventory. If you do still have a Gilded Voyage from a previous Event, we strongly advise completing it before picking up a new one.