@WideHelmsman @YerOldCaptain @Fishhook_Cook @xboxuk Evening.
@PurplChicken @YerOldCaptain @Fishhook_Cook @xboxuk 😱
@YerOldCaptain @Fishhook_Cook @xboxuk Hi.
@SeaClues Well, that's not ominous at all.
@logan_leith Keep some kegs handy.
@AShinyRayquaza 👹
@Thor_von_Blitz It's all fun and games until someone drops the Chest of a Thousand Grogs overboard.
@roscosmos1376 We've finally found the karaoke party boat. What shanties are we singing?
@jake_robbo69 A winner is you?
@JustJobiwan This is why you stay on the ship to defend it.
@betta_rdr2 Well whatever's happening, it seems fun.
@LootinLizalaroo We're curious, what did you see?
@Fishhook_Cook @xboxuk That's fine, you can look all you want.
@Capt_Logun Now add hours just thinking and talking about Sea of Thieves.
@dimpl0 Some would be liars.
@AntonioZolina Aw, and what game would that be?
@bruinsmemes Prove it.
@Jyden73745685 Welcome aboard! It's a fine start.
@ImWetShelly Happy to have you here.
@HLariash How many hours not on a Rowboat?