@CptDrasuk Is this a Veil for rats?
@Winniiexx: Something I've never seen or been apart of, but it was super cool seeing the server come together to grind Athena and work t…
@Winniiexx What caused the change of heart? Regardless, this tale warmed ours. Cheers! 🍻
@ColourMeFun (Additional request for a Bilge Rattata)
@ColourMeFun Sea Squirtles are something we didn't know we needed until today. Where's the rest of their squad?
@Hendriettee @procedural_ttv @MaxAmmoNL Well done! We hope it was a memorable battle with the beast.
@betta_rdr2 @scalmanati We're looking forward to many more screenshots!
Twitch Drops are now live! Tune in to Partnered Sea of Thieves streamers this weekend to add more Twilight Hunter accoutrements to your pirate’s collection.
🔗 Link accounts: 🔴 Check channels:
Today also saw Legend of the Veil - the new, repeatable Pirate Legend Voyage - added to Ramsey's stock. Continuing the tale of the artefact featured in current Adventure 'The Shrouded Deep', it sees the Pirate Lord rally his loyal Legends to help restore the Veil's lost power...
Time to summon the Megalodons: the next Sea of Thieves Adventure, 'The Shrouded Deep', is now live! Work alongside Merrick, Belle and other pirates to call forth the Shrouded Ghost, beat Flameheart to a powerful artefact and earn unique rewards, from now until May 12th.
Eager pirates can explore the changes arriving with today’s update by setting their spyglasses on the release notes here:
The Sea of Thieves servers are now offline while we start collecting offerings and tuning up our instruments. We’ll let you know when you can take to the seas and begin the hunt anew...
Following this Adventure, pirates will once again be able to encounter the Shrouded Ghost in the wild and earn associated Commendations. Additionally, the Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost Commendation will award a unique figurehead to pirates who attain (or have already attained) it!
There’s something stirring in the waters… better head to shore and cash in that loot, as the Sea of Thieves servers will be taken offline in roughly one hour (10am BST) for the start of your next Adventure, 'The Shrouded Deep'!
Attention Pirates, it’s almost time to track down a legend... The Sea of Thieves servers will be offline from approximately 10am BST tomorrow, Thursday 21st, while we set up our summoning circles for The Shrouded Deep! https://t.co/N8VgWLPysv
Sea of Thieves' third time-limited Adventure 'The Shrouded Deep' is all set to surface tomorrow... so before going in, why not remind yourself of where things stand in the wake of Adventures so far? It's story primer time!
To answer a common query on 'The Shrouded Deep': as this encounter with the Ghost is on-demand, it does not advance progress towards Shrouded Ghost Commendations, out of respect to pirates who have earned the Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost Title through encounters in the wild.
Fashioned from Gunpowder Barrel parts and festooned with wicks and fuses, the soot-stained Barrel Bombardier Costume conforms to no safety regulations whatsoever. Available to purchase from the Pirate Emporium at your own risk.
Attention Pirates, it’s almost time to track down a legend... The Sea of Thieves servers will be offline from approximately 10am BST tomorrow, Thursday 21st, while we set up our summoning circles for The Shrouded Deep!
The Hungering Deep update first introduced pirates to ‘Merry’ Merrick, a grizzled old salt whose wisdom (and drum) allowed pirates to summon the Hungering One back to the Sea of Thieves. Since then, other Megalodons have appeared - some more elusive than others… #TriviaTuesday
@Kharjo19 Just a few👀