@SkipperJimi At least you're honest. 7/10.
@ronniedark007 Are you only able to undertake Merchant Voyages on the Tea of Thieves? 6/10.
@BlackeyeThe2nd As long as the colour scheme is red and unsafe steel, Rusty Bucket is a 10/10. Would come and chat to you while our crewmate siphons your supplies.
@Commodus How often do people sing at you versus how many think you're Vin Diesel? 7/10, good conversation starter.
@Gato_Pub It's all fine until the claws come out... 6/10.
@PawneeStorm Simple, effective, wouldn't trust you with Gunpowder Barrels. 8/10.
@EpiKeckler Reliable, as reliable as a non-committal 7/10.
@ErebosofShadows At least fans of Greek Mythology will be suitably fearful. 7/10.
A warning to all who place kegs in their crow's nest 💥
Clip courtesy of Sea of Thieves Partner, @Spammals. Discover all our Partnered content creators through our Partner Directory!
@BrysonTube 10/10 for the Brig alone.
@NateDrescher We feel this. 10/10.
@stephen_caillet Making the most of your misfortune. 9/10.
@katlikestacos Astounding alliteration. 10/10 for The Naughty Nugget alone.
@Rare_Gamer An absolute dream of a name. 10/10.
@Capt_Ballzonia Capt B of the Capt B? B/10.
@FOXD11E Sailing as pirates without borders? 7/10
@LootinLizalaroo Would make us doubt your intentions. 9/10.
@rare_fanatic We hear a really cool person suggested that name so it's a solid 1000/10.
@SumoCrafts Would distract us with hunger during a fight. 9/10.
@OwletinSoT You're a clue.