Sorry, we meant @GoofinBoot! Not @Goofinbot. We know you're not a robot. Maybe. Anyway, congratulations - please expect a DM from us shortly. 😁
As the quality of this crop-based #SoTShot competition was so high, our team couldn't select a mere four winners. Pat yourselves on the backs @FangWyte, @frokisbr, @Notharian and @XzXAlphaWolfXz1, you'll also be proudly flying the Golden Hour Sails! DMs inbound.
We looked up and down, then up and down some more, and @dedo_deed, @Fishhook_cook, @named_badly and @Goofinbot's snaps were chosen as our team's pick of the Vertical Crop - DMs on the way!
Thanks to everyone who entered. A new #SoTShot theme will begin on June 14th!
Harpoon appreciation post.
@Cmiglis Hey, thanks for raising this. Please forward this information to use through an official report:
Time flies, like a fat parrot on the scrounge. While you're waiting for it to bring you some news on Sea of Thieves' June update, shade your eyes and gaze moodily back the way it flew from, like we did before writing this fact-packed May round-up:
Hello there.
What level of Renown have you reached so far in Sea of Thieves Season Two?
@SoT_Support: We are aware that some users are experiencing Greybeard errors when trying to matchmake in game. We are investigating the…
@shmiddlerslist I'm sure rest is needed! Congrats on reaching Pirate Legend, when you are back on the seas please continue to share your journey! #BeMorePirate
With the arrival of the Community Hub, we're happy to award the first four Hats of Unfeasibly Glorious Fame to @NovaS_Soul, @CaptOvercast, @FilkinsLee and Reddit's Professional-Date735 - DMs on the way! Hats will be awarded whenever new highlights are added to the Community Hub.
Introducing the Sea of Thieves Community Hub! Including the best #SoTShot entries, creator highlights and examples of #BeMorePirate excellence, this repository of roguish undertakings will be regularly updated, so make sure to swing by often.
What's your favourite Title to be known by while sailing the Sea of Thieves?
@MarcMRicart @SoT_Support Hi Marc. Did you reach Pirate Legend status during Season One and not receive the rewards?
@julie__foerster Hi there, please submit a Support Ticket so that our team can help you directly.
@prescott_mahon Hi there, please submit a Support Ticket so that our team can help you directly.
Each of the Ashen Lords once held a prominent role in Captain Flameheart’s sizeable army. Red Ruth was an alchemist and tactician whose experiments led to the creation of the infamous Cursed Cannonballs, rediscovered by Wanda and used by Skeleton Ships to this day. #TriviaTuesday
The deadline for the Vertical Crop #SoTShot theme is less than 24 hours away! Snap and trim your towering scenes and showcase them with #SoTShot and @SeaOfThieves before 12pm BST tomorrow, June 9th, for a chance to win the Golden Hour Sails. 📸 @AT0MAC
A photographer with a penchant for kegs, you may know @MrFawlout best for placing way too many explosives on a Rowboat, but did you know his pirate's full name is Captain Evidyr Fawlout? Plenty more insights in our newest Community Spotlight, right here:
Equip your ship with extreme feather-power thanks to the latest @primegaming drop! Grab yourself the Bear & Bird Cannons and Bear & Bird Cannon Flare simply by connecting your accounts and redeeming at the link: