@SeaOfThieves: September 30th | October 1st
Live, Laugh, Loot.
Do you remember, the 31st day of September?
This is us begrudgingly adhering to your September and its 30 days. Next year we're stealing a Tuesday from August. #BeMoreSeptember
September 30th | October 1st
September 31st | October 1st
Spooky season.
From 'Shrouded Islands' through to 'The Sirens' Prize', which Sea of Thieves Adventure has been your favourite so far and why?
Our special 24-hour livestream in support of @NoKidHungry has begun. As two teams compete to complete their recipe books, donations will fuel a third group devoted to mischievous subterfuge! With guaranteed shenanigans, why wouldn't you tune in?
@radahzim Congratulations, your entry for the #StyleOfThieves Cosplay theme has been shortlisted! Your entry, along with the other finalists, is now up for public vote on Twitter, which you can find here: Good luck!
We've honed your homages down to our top six outfits for the #StyleOfThieves Cosplay theme, and now it’s time for your vote! Drop a like on your favourite(s), and the three with the most likes by 10am UTC tomorrow, Oct 1st, will be crowned the most creative costume connoisseurs.
@Taaaaamas Congratulations, your entry for the #StyleOfThieves Cosplay theme has been shortlisted! Your entry, along with the other finalists, is now up for public vote on Twitter, which you can find here: Good luck!
@Slappa1993 Congratulations, your entry for the #StyleOfThieves Cosplay theme has been shortlisted! Your entry, along with the other finalists, is now up for public vote on Twitter, which you can find here: Good luck!
@DreadedDripp @RareLtd Congratulations, your entry for the #StyleOfThieves Cosplay theme has been shortlisted! Your entry, along with the other finalists, is now up for public vote on Twitter, which you can find here: Good luck!
We want to make sure #StyleOfThieves celebrates members of our community who earn their votes legitimately – so be assured that votes on shortlisted entries are monitored for signs of bot activity or purchased likes, and winners' gamertags are checked before prizes are awarded.
#StyleOfThieves Cosplay Finalist Radahzim from Twitter
#StyleOfThieves Cosplay Finalist Taaaaamas from Twitter
#StyleOfThieves Cosplay Finalist PansaR from Discord
#StyleOfThieves Cosplay Finalist DreadedDripp from Twitter
#StyleOfThieves Cosplay Finalist Baron Roar from Discord
#StyleOfThieves Cosplay Finalist Miha from Twitter