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Khepri's aspect is cool, but I feel like it potentially needs better/different damage scaling. (It feels a bit lackluster?)

Also wouldn't it be cool if his ultimate ability was changed to something else for his Aspect? Something offensive vs. defensive?

My proposition for Khepri's Aspect Ultimate: "Scarab's Curse" (instead of Scarab's Blessing)

Instead of Resurrection, Khepri offers the ultimate Sacrifice: the god who dies does not revive and they instead explode dealing true damage in a radius around them. 700 True Damage if an enchanted friend dies. 1000 True Damage if Khepri ults himself and dies. Sacrificial Beetle.

This would change his playstyle/attitude and make him into more of a threat on the battlefield, an aggressive "kamikaze" beetle. Enemy players at low health would risk dying if they kill the enchanted player, and Khepri himself would become a fearless martyr battle beetle. (with a bigger damage bonus if he enchants/sacrifices himself)

Khepri's hitbox is huge and he is always in the line of fire. I feel like giving him an aggressive tool to become fearless in battle could be a great idea to implement with his Aspect. Resurrection is amazing for Support, and a Sacrificial/Martyr Beetle could be an interesting switch for other roles.

(The damage numbers may be off the mark, but you get the idea)

If True Damage seems too OP, another thought is Damage Over Time with an Anti-Heal effect.


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about 1 month ago - /u/Draco9990 - Direct link

Everyone's focusing on how you shouldn't reward allies for dying but I think the bigger problem is that you should never be punished for playing well and getting a kill. It's the same problem devs had with Perse upon her release - why should the enemy team be punished for successfully outplaying her by risking dying to a ghost of her?