about 12 hours
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Join the Battleground of the Gods: SMITE 2 is Now Free-to-Play!
Step into the all-new SMITE 2 Open Beta and experience the next evolution of third-person action MOBA combat—now powered by Unreal Engine 5. If you crave challenging competition, intense gameplay, ability-driven team fights, and godly mythological themes, it’s time to see why over 40 million players are hooked on SMITE. Become a God today!
What’s New in the SMITE 2 Open Beta?
- 45 Gods — Including the brand-new God Aladdin (and his mighty Genie).
- 6 Game Modes — Featuring brand-new Joust, Duel, and Assault alongside an updated Conquest map with fresh objectives.
- 20 Aspects — Transform your favorite Gods with game-changing playstyle twists.
- Countless Improvements — Months of Closed Alpha feedback have shaped SMITE 2 into a more refined, optimized experience.