Welcome to the RuneScape Returns Update!

The RuneScape Returns Event!
All former RuneScape Crossover Skins will be available in the RuneScape chest along with the BRAND NEW RuneScape crossover skins and bundles! You are able to directly purchase the new skins, or you can roll them from the RuneScape Chest! Any three RuneScape crossover event purchases will unlock the Black Plate Bellona Reward Skin!
New God Skins
Sandwich Lady Amaterasu

General Graardor Ymir

Black Plate Belona

Infernal Warden Chiron

Plague Minister Set

Carnage Sobek

Devil Tamer Loki

Galactic Gentleman Yu Huang

Dark Messenger Ne Zha

With more guests from Gielinor arriving on the Battleground of the Gods, who knows what chaos awaits! Choose your favorite character from Old School RuneScape and dive headfirst into combat with the new RuneScape Returns Update, live now!