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9 days ago - /u/Draco9990 - Direct link

Originally posted by Ozzy_chronik

I was in a cue for about 30 mins the other day, got up to go for toilet and when I came back I had a 4 hour penalty.

I was pissed

No offense but that is partially a problem - you weren't ready to play the game therefore you shouldn't have been in the queue.

You can always leave and rejoin, no?

9 days ago - /u/Draco9990 - Direct link

Originally posted by Ozzy_chronik

The matchmaking is that bad you kinda don't wanna leave the cue in my opinion.

Instead of giving penalties when people don't pick a god in time how about they force players in with a random choice if the timer reaches zero, that way the match continues, everyone wins. Then they don't have to hand out penalties for stupid reasons.

Random choice if the player is not there is a terrible idea in a moba - it's not a FPS like Paladins where it doesn't matter as much.

You're rewarding players for not being there on time. What if you had to leave for a longer time and the match loaded you in, and now your team has to play as 4 instead of 5 players. Would you want to be in a team like that, or a game that encourages such behavior?

9 days ago - /u/Draco9990 - Direct link

Originally posted by Ozzy_chronik

Just add a mechanic so people can join matches that are already started with no win/loose effect. Plenty of games do it and it works just fine. Way better than sitting in a lobby waiting like a spud

That's also another awful idea in a MOBA - again, that works for other games but there's a reason why you don't see it here, in LoL, or other examples.

By doing that they would:

a) mitigate the consequences of allies leaving therefore implying that leaving is not as bad

b) Increase player frustration of joining a match in progress on a losing side, or on a winning side where the game is like 1 minute from being over

c) Decrease team synergy if people picking end up picking bad or trolling themselves.

All of this to avoid a simple solution - if you aren't gonna be there to pick a god, you shouldn't be in the queue.

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