Original Post — Direct link

We are deploying a hotfix to address a few issues the team had in process.

  • Thor Aspect Now Reflects the Following - Heal 5% +0.1% per level to 4% + 0.075% per level and slow 40% to 30%.
  • Fixed an issue where Thor Aspect was not cleansable as designed
  • Fixed an issue where cancelling Anubis Ability 1 would still proc poly/hydras
  • Fixed an issue with Typhon's Fang Passive. It will now be re-enabled.

Edit: Additional hotfix items

  • Fixed an issue where Beads weren't preventing getting pulled from Awilix's Ultimate
  • Fixed an issue with Magi's Cloak where Bellona and Zeus would proc unintentionally
External link →

Originally posted by MynameisFoygoox

What is the Thor aspect scaling with?

Also, are you not supposed to be able to cancel channeled abilities for hydra/poly procs anymore?

Max HP.

It was specifically he could cast his A01 but cancel it so quickly it didn't take the cooldown/cost. You can still cancel it to get poly/hydras, but it should now go on cooldown properly.