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I've played Smite for 8 years, out of those 8, I've been in masters for 5 of them besides this year thanks to Hi-Rez's great inclusion of the variance system and complete garbage of a matchmaking system. Way too many of you are inflated in regards of elo's and it truly f*cking shows.

I genuinely feel like I need to vent and get this off my chest because for some odd reason, some of you queue rank and I don't honestly f*cking know why cause most of you can't put in the bare f*cking minimum to want to win yet you have no problem facerolling that F7 key cause your hoping to get a 50 minute game deicide like a selfish prick.

    • You literally have zero reason to not buy wards. If you're playing support, mid, or jungle especially. Matter of fact, it doesn't matter your role. You should be placing wards. You dont ward, you dont get objectives. You dont get objectives, you dont win the game. You get ganked? Tough f*cking luck cause your team isn't warding.
    • You get 25 gold from Totem in Solo as well as 70 gold total from jungle shrine. In case you can't add that up, that's 95 gold. That's 5 gold short of buying two wards or 25g from 1 sentry. You have no excuse. Quit being a cheap f*ck.
    • They give you vision. They tell you enemy rotations, enemy camp timers, where the jungler is, if an objective is up or being attempted, if an enemy backs and you can fight with odds in your favor. How are you going to f*cking catch someone out of position if you can't even f*cking see them!?
    • This is ESPECIALLY important for your early to mid game, cause if you f*ck that up. Odds are your going to sit in your base all game behind in gold, behind in XP, and you'll probably lose at 30 minutes or less arguing who is the bigger idiot for being in that position. Odds are you contributed to that.
  • My Mid isn't ganking or rotating!
    • Your mid probably can't rotate because your jungle and support have refused to show presence. People fail to realize the EASIEST way to win a game, is rotate as 3 if possible as in mid,jungle, and support.
    • If your mid has to out clear 2-3 people, they can't rotate. It's just that simple. If they do attempt to rotate, they'll probably get caught out on the way there or too busy clearing the creeps and at that point, it's too late. And that isn't their fault, if you want to pass blame, then you can blame support or jungle.
    • This can be applied to any lane but it's usually most common in mid.
  • "Don't tell me how to play! You're being toxic!"
    • First off, shut the f*ck up, stop being a bitch, & drop the ego. Plain & simple.
    • If someone is trying to give you advice, consider it. Too many times have I had people not know what to build. Here are some key points to consider

Supports: you don't buy meditation or any other starter item outside of Guardian's Blessing. Your first relic/active will typically be shell or heavenly agility (Sprint). When you start you get 4 pots pref health and hog. Otherwise you get to lane late. If the opposing lane out clears, or is a "Kill lane"; take the safer choice. Do purple buff, save your hog, then go to "Alpha" (Big Harpy by duo) and hog that. You'll hit level 2 on the first wave. You also shouldn't be buying ANY of the chalices. Only chalice that you MAY buy is oracle and that's a big IF

  • Jungle: Rotate with your mid. Stop trying to do everything on your own. Help your mid clear & Rotate together to gank a lane. It's not hard. Work with your support as well. Work as 3. Especially control mid camps (Double harpies) to stay ahead. Same goes for supports. What f*cking good are you as a fat ass when you're just a walking CC health bar? You're not going to solo anyone. Focus on set up and peeling.
    • If you see that the enemy team has a mage solo with no teleport, look to gank the solo early. Even if you don't kill them, they don't have teleport. That puts them behind and your solo ahead. Look to invade their blue time to time. If you get your solo ahead, they can also rotate mid.
      • Don't buy toxic blade or hydra's lament on serqet. That is very f*cking stupid
  • Stop ganking the lane that has not been successful for the thousandth time.
  • ADCs(Hunters) and Solo laners
    • STOP f*ckING BOXING 24/7. Did you get your ass handed to you the first, second, third, and more than likely the 4th time? Still going at it? Congratulations, you're an idiot! This especially goes for ADC's. You gain more working towards your mid to late game then you do getting solo'd and having tanks sit in your face all game.
  • Don't know what to build?
    • Here's some cookie cutter builds that are in the meta so you don't f*ck up. Are there different builds? Sure but if you've gotten this far and don't know them then why go against the grain and do your own thing? It's probably idiotic.
    • Guardians: Guardian's Blessing, Shoes of Focus, Gauntlet Of Thebes, Sovereignty, Relic Dagger, Heartward, and Midguardian. These are your core items 9/10 times. Maybe you want to get a heartward instead if they're heavy in magical. Maybe get mantle instead of hearward.
    • ADCs: Hunters Blessing, Devo Gauntlets, Ninja Tabi, Atlanta's bow/Ichaival, Qins, Silver branch bow, Odysseus bow. These are the items you should be building. Stop f*cking go crit on cupid.
  • Did you get a kill or maybe 2? Gold Fury? Fire Giant Up? Creep wave pushed to the enemies tower? Do that instead of chasing or jerking it in the corner.
  • Too many f*cking times have I seen where people will get a kill, everyone on the team is still full health, full mana and fire giant is up 20+ minutes in the game. Go do that. You have zero reason to be lingering around for the next 45-60 seconds while you just wait for them to come back. There's only two possible outcomes. 1) You get fire giant, 2) You kill the 4 other players who tried to stop you in a 5v4
    • Speaking of chasing, There's ZERO reason for BOTH frontline to base chasing a target together. If you're both chasing, who's protecting your ADC or mage? Are you two fat asses going to carry the game?
  • The enemy team is at fire giant but there's still two towers in Duo and gold fury is up! I don't know what to do! D:
    • Here's an idea! Go take the towers, go do gold. Every second you just sit around spamming your space bar jumping around is a waste of time and at that point you may as well just F6 cause you're not doing anything proactive. Make do with what you got and if an opportunity presents itself, make the best of it. You're probably behind in gold anyways.
    • Same can be said for gold fury. Enemy team doing Gold? Okay, then do pyromancer. it may not be worth as much but it's still something! Push down solo lanes tower while you're at if that's still up.
  • "I don't know how to play XYZ"
    • TOUGH f*ckING LUCK
    • Learn your damn roles. Go queue casuals, go watch an SPL player or one of their guides. Have the balls to ask someone you know.
    • Everyone has strengths & weakness and favorites. That's all fine and dandy but guess what? You're not going to get what you requested every damn game.
    • What's that? Your 0-5 jungle and now your impact is useless and you don't play jungle and you just told your team 15 min in? Learn to open your mouth and speak up to see if anyone is willing to trade with you
  • Stop hugging the enemies tower line.
    • Congrats, you're waving your big dick in front of the enemy ADC, Solo, or mid and exerting your dominance showing your ahead. Awesome.
    • You know what else you can f*cking be doing? Invade camps, warding deep, rotate to an opposing lane and relieve pressure or set up a gank. Look to do gold fury, pyro, fire giant. Do something PROACTIVE instead of just waste your lead.
    • YOU GOT A MAP. Do you need Dora the explorer to show you it or maybe you're just blind? sh*t, I'd be impressed if you were and got this far in reading.
    • You can use your HUD editior and adjust your map to make it as big as f*cking possible so you never got a f*cking excuse to say "Oh I didn't see them"
    • Only got a left eye? you can move that sh*t to the left half of your screen.

I'm too tired and irritated to write anymore but the point is conquest and rank are not hard in itself. It's as hard as you make it to be. And too many times people don't know what their doing

One more thing that is irrelevant that I want to get off my chest and this ones for you Hi-Rez. Stop babying people.

You got a mute button and a profanity filter, that's more than enough. You lazy f*cks really need to throw in a shadow ban feature, chat gag, and "This person MAY have done something wrong?

Fun Fact: If you're shadow banned, you can't type ANYTHING. Can't ask for picks, can't say who has beads or aegis, nada. zilch. nothing. I know this from calling too many trolls or fools idiots.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Draco9990 - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Behave, this is a warning.

over 4 years ago - /u/Draco9990 - Direct link

Originally posted by StopBeinFuckinStupid

It was more of a tongue in cheek with my username as a joke then anything else rather than hostility.

i forget that some of you need to throw in a /s for clarification.

Hopefully /u/LPEbert acknowledged that

Thanks for the warning 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

I understand that it is supposed to be funny, but be careful to not cross the line into being just offensive, it's a thin line