New Release: Queen of the Banshees
Passive - PhantasmalCliodhna can walk into walls once every 16s. While inside a wall she can move freely and use some of her abilities. Every 0.5s she loses 0.15% of her health, stacking in intensity up to 40 times. She cannot enter a wall while below 25% Health or crippled. While inside a wall and for 5s after exiting she gains 10% Physical Ability Lifesteal.
Banshee's WailCliodhna wails at enemies before her, causing damage 3 times, with the final hit being the strongest. The final hit will also cause enemies to be silenced and deafened for 1.5s. While channeling this scream Cliodhna is immune to knockups. While inside a wall Cliodhna will cause a spectral face to appear and wail in her stead that damages enemy gods in a wider cone.
Flickering VisionsCliodhna fires a distorting bolt of energy that explodes on contact with a living soul. Enemy gods hit by this explosion lose the ability to perceive Cliodhna for 4s. If Cliodhna attacks or is hit she flickers back into vision before fading back out. As long as one enemy god is debuffed Cliodhna gains a Movement Speed Buff.
Lurching ClawCliodhna dashes forward, damaging enemies she passes through. At max range, if she cancels this dash, or upon refiring the ability she will unleash a claw swipe that deals heavy damage. Cliodhna can cast this while inside a wall, resulting in the dash traveling further.
Tearing The VeilCliodhna tears the veil between life and death, unleashing banshees in a line in-front of her after a brief delay. When it first opens it deals heavy damage before dealing rift damage rapidly to targets in the area and slowing them. Enemies hit by subsequent hits take less damage. This ability has 2 charges. Cliodhna can use this ability while inside a wall. When used this way the veil is weakened but not fully torn, instead activating when a target gets too close.
Banshee Queen Cliodhna
Ascended Cliodhna
Cliodhna Masteries
Game Mode Updates
Conquest Update - The Winter Deadwoods
- New Art - Snow and Ice have covered the Conquest Map!
- New Mechanics - Lanterns are scattered across the Map, destroy them to unleash a winter's fog that provides stealth to all who linger within!
New God Skins
Beast Seer Artio
Halloween Hysteria Baron Samedi
Crimson Steel Ares
Wiseguy Cupid
Omniscient Oracle Zeus
Screamy Chibi Izanami
Cybershadow Merlin
Deadly Doll cliodhna
Cosmic Fortune Ganesha
C.A.T. Force Hercules
Kittykarna Khumbakarna
You can also find a WIDE variety of Balance Changes in this update, including changes to Tiamat, Raijin, Charybdis, and Sylvanus! Jump into the Battleground and see all of the amazing new content now, in SMITE!