Team up against @GeorgePeterVO (the voice actor for Neon Trails Ne Zha) and the devs for today's SMITE The Voice Actor!
Earn Viewer Points, ask our guest your questions, and try to beat us in some SMITE games!
Games start in 15 minutes over at
Looks like SMITE forgot where it left its boots!
That is right, the #MidSeason Update is REMOVING ALL BOOTS from SMITE!!!
You can get all of the details in the Update Show, LIVE now:
Be ready Support Mains, there is a new buff on the Battleground designed for you!
🟢 The Green Support Buff 🟢 will sustain your laner's buff, provide health, and more! You can learn about it in the 8.7 Update Notes now!
Morgan Le Fay will show-off her skin debut with the all-new Court of Midnight Event, and she's bringing Hyperspace Loki with her!
Buy All when the event launches with the #MidSeason Update to get instant-access to the Unlimited reward: Might of Neptune Poseidon!
No morning is complete without a terrifying and delicious breakfast!
🍳 Sunny Side Up Bacchus is serving the most important fights of the day! Keep an eye out for this mouth-watering skin in the Brunch Time Chest, coming with the #MidSeason Update!
The Battleground needs a class in proper combat!
Teach your foes a lesson with the new Doomsayer Sensai The Morrigan!
Class will start with the Sensai Chest, appearing with the #MidSeason Update!
"I can do anything I want. I'm the chief of police."
Hopper Apollo's jurisdiction has expanded from Hawkins to the Battleground of the Gods!
"Join us! We have work to do..."
The Mind Flayer Sylvanus is looking to expand his domain and take over the Battlegroungd! None can escape his influence.
Hopper, P.I. Apollo's motto is punch first, ask questions later. Once we get out of this mess who's up for a triple-decker waffle extravaganza?
Summer is in full swing, and the Battleground Party is dressed for a day at the Beach!
You can swim in style with:
🌊 Danger Noodle Kukulkan
🏖️ Sandcastle Slasher Da Ji
Don't forget the sunscreen when these skins drop later in July!
A shadow is cast over the Battleground, and something lurks within.
You can confront the darkness with the From The Shadows Chest, featuring:
🐦 Shadow Sparrow Jing Wei!
If you are excited about all of the stellar new Stranger Things content, or the wild new balance changes, you can try them out starting Friday, when the PTS opens with the #MidSeason Update!
See you there Divine Deities!
If you're looking to stock up on Gems, don't forget to grab them at a discount before our Gem Sale is over!
Spice things up with up to 33% off on Gems through June 25!