New God Release: Ishtar, Goddess of Love and War
Passive - Mark of VengeanceWhen Ishtar drops below 75% Health, she marks the Enemy God that most recently damaged her for 10s. Each time Ishtar deals damage to the marked God with a Basic Attack, she gains a stacking Attack Speed buff. If Ishtar receives a kill or assist on the marked God, she gains a Movement Speed buff. This passive has a 20 second cooldown.
Imbue ArrowsIshtar imbues her arrows with heavenly light, enhancing her Basic Attacks in one of three ways for 5s. The three varieties include Strike Shot, a lobbed explosive arrow, Spread Shot, a volley of five arrows, and Storm Shot, a fast-paced long range snipe. Ishtar cannot hit Structures during the duration.
Strike ShotIshtar lobs bolts that explode in an area, dealing bonus damage. These shots may also be fired over walls.
Spread ShotIshtar notches additional light arrows and fires five shots in a cone. Only the center arrow triggers Basic Attack item effects.
Storm ShotIshtar enhances her Attack Speed and fires quick, long-range shots that deal reduced damage.
Rolling ThunderIshtar calls down four strikes of lightning in a line, damaging Enemies within their area. Ishtar may aim which direction the strikes travel. If an Enemy is hit by more than one strike, they are mesmerized.
JoltIshtar draws her blades and charges forward, striking all Enemies in her path. If she hits an Enemy God, she stops and roots them for 1s as she backflips off of them. As Ishtar is in the air, she fires her bow, dealing damage in an area around the affected God. This shot may Crit and trigger Basic Attack item effects.
Blades of RetributionIshtar becomes CC-immune and summons five swords of light, firing them out in a cone in front of her. Each sword damages and cripples enemies for 1.25s. When the swords reach their destination, Ishtar may recall them to her location within 3s. If an Enemy is hit by both the initial fire and the recall, they are stunned for 1s. Each sword hit after the first deals reduced damage, resetting before recalling.
Rose Warrior Ishtar
Ascended Ishtar
Ishtar Masteries
Event Updates
- Siege 4v4
- Classic Conquest
- Egyptian Clash
- 5v5 Conquest
New God Skins
Crow of Torment Hades
Bun Hatz Hun Batz
Cthuwu Cthulhu
Searing Seductress Sol
Fairy Dust Nu Wa
Shadow Dancer Shiva
Kuku Puffs Kukulkan
Dapper Baron Samedi
Bad Apple Discordia
We also have a ton of changes landing on the the Battlegrounds of SMITE! Balance for Gods and Items will be available, as well with our newest addition to the roster of SMITE, Ishtar! The Goddess of Love and War is the first bow-wielding hunter in 5 Years, so make sure to check her out! You can learn about everything in the 9.8 Update with the
Update Notes, Here![]