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I think it would be preferable if aspects would release a patch or two after a god releases. Hun Batz is on the strong side and that is being exacerbated by the aspect. Vulcan is also strong yet is getting buffs to his damage while the aspect supports build is being nerfed.

I wish we could get a patch or two to balance the vanilla kit before the aspect is introduced. That would also give each god release a sort of second wave of hype.

What so you think about the concurrent god and aspect releases?

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7 days ago - /u/Draco9990 - Direct link

Originally posted by -Srajo

Makes sense theres 0 chance they are getting good data from a god release with aspect release.

They could also add aspects with the god releases just for already existing gods in the future. Like instead of hunbatz aspect add the ares aspect or a new mulan aspect and after rama add hunbatz aspect.

Why wouldn't they get any good data? That's just silly - they have shown that they can track god's based on the build they do, something like an aspect is not a problem for them lol.

If anything, it gives them direct info on how to buff/NERF a god or their aspect immediately next patch