over 4 years
ago -
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New Update Now in The Experimental Branch!
Here's what's new in Alpha 10 - Version 0.10.2:
- Ship-to-Ship battle music implemented.
- New music! Hot On Our Tail and Entering the Storm.
- Modified and Improved AI behavior related to task priorities and task execution.
- Added some indication to the highest zoom in starmap to see visited star system clusters.
- Wall-mounts can now be constructed on wall corners - Limited to 1 per wall corner.
- Wall-mount graphics have been modified and improved.
- Vent graphic has been modified and improved.
- Red wall piece has been modified and improved.
- Thermal regulator graphic has been improved.
- Shuttles belonging to other factions now have a faction icon above them.
- Fixed bugs.
Joining Experimental is done as follows
On Steam
- Open Steam Library
- Right click Space Haven
- Select Properties
- Go to tab 'Betas' at the top.
- Select 'Experimental' in the drop-down.
- Use GOG Galaxy and open the preferences for Space Haven, next to the play button
- Choose Manage Installation
- Choose Configure
- Select "Experimental" from the beta channels.
NOTE! Joining experimental is completely optional, and you should only do it if you are willing to risk that some new bugs are introduced, which could affect your game play and potentially break your save.
Test it out and let us know if something is broken! :)
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