Greetings, Spacefarers!How are you all doing? Darkness falls upon Finland, it's raining every other day and it's getting colder and colder. It's starting to resemble space over here.
This means it's great to sit inside and develop Space Haven further and implement new features! August was our month off, and we spent it recharging our batteries. It was much needed after a very hectic time.

You are all probably very eager to hear what we've decided to implement for Alpha 10.
We have started planning and implementing a research tree, something we want to expand on with time. Last week was spent planning the research tree, it's structure and visual presentation. We also started implementing the first version of the research tree.
We have created a research facility, which you can build to start unlocking that sweet new technology. You can see a couple of research facilities in the gif above. Put your best researchers on the job and see technology get unlocked faster.

Above is a work-in-progress small part of the research tree.
We decided to go with a visual presentation seen in the screenshot, a research tree from left to right with various branches taking their own paths in the tree. The modules currently require certain amounts of research points, classed into three different tiers. These research point tiers represent how hard it is to unlock a research item, and these will be tied to a character research skill.

Above is a work-in-progress research item information window, which will show you information when you select a specific research item.
The research modules have been implemented in a way where it is possible to insert more than one facility, item or other improvement in the same research package. This will allow for creating research modules with many items in them, unlocking all at the same time once research has been completed.
The research tree will be the main new feature in Alpha 10, it will require quite a bit of time and resources to implement but we hope to be able to add some additional things into Alpha 10 as well.
We will report more on the research tree and other possible new stuff in the coming weeks! Stay tuned =)
Community Highlights
Small and dangerous by OT4E.
Ship by Skharr
HSS Atlas by KittenTechA huge shout out also to PsioniCM, who created a Captain's log 95 pages long with screenshots and log text of his adventures in Space Haven. Give it a read below!
"And, there it is, a blue planet, hidden from the sensors by meteors and asteroids, with green forests, and white clouds. A place we can call home, if we want to land there" you want a chance to get your own ship in the updates post them in our Discord server #screenshots-and-videos channel, or here on Steam! =)
Join Space Haven Discord: can also post them here on Steam: bugs here: Space Haven here: Support: Haven subreddit: is good to be back, spacefarers! Do join some of our channels above and come chat with us.
Thanks for reading and see you in the next update! =)