about 2 years ago - Splitgate - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s back on point which is what these guys
8s should be doing that points just taking
9s it's there somebody step on it thank you
11s sir there's so many different angles to
13s look at this between the portal walls
15s even that billboard in the center room
17s a lot of stuff happening there
20s it doesn't get appreciated as much as it
21s should
22s now this goes for that last rock in his
24s day break and you know this has been a
26s very interesting approach this comes
28s with a shoddy triple kill what's gonna
30s say this is going to be an interesting
32s approach this game
34s it's very hard to break this spot but
35s since it's king of the hill you you kind
37s of coordinate that four-man move right
39s okay maybe two come from the back one
40s comes down the stairs and one goes on
42s the front side well if you're going
44s through a rail gun everybody can all get
46s blasted line up together
49s late game kind of power weapon and and
52s uh hill control there's one off the
54s railgun looking for the second has that
55s there's the killing spree looking for a
57s third finds that one can he get the four
58s he does
60s kaleidoscope comes through for agony
63s they are just looking dominant
66s yeah fire rate diff
67s are just controlling everything
71s at this point this three cap has been
74s absolutely nuts their ability he just
76s wiped the whole team and they win
78s daybreak
85s [Music]
92s you