about 1 year
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The latest update post on steam outlines the changes, being a celestial simulation.
Previously there was no simulation for the sun. It was just a light slapped onto the sky that rotated in one fixed direction. A rudimentary geocentric model.
Now we have a heliocentric model simulation using Kelpers laws of planetary motion. This means the position of the sun is based on your celestial bodies position in the solar system.
In addition, “north” in the game is an arbitrary direction that simply points towards “0,0,1” in the game world. It is like a grid north, it’s not necessarily where the body rotates around. It was never intended as a real value in the game and was added to the display simply as a convenience.
Previously there was no simulation for the sun. It was just a light slapped onto the sky that rotated in one fixed direction. A rudimentary geocentric model.
Now we have a heliocentric model simulation using Kelpers laws of planetary motion. This means the position of the sun is based on your celestial bodies position in the solar system.
In addition, “north” in the game is an arbitrary direction that simply points towards “0,0,1” in the game world. It is like a grid north, it’s not necessarily where the body rotates around. It was never intended as a real value in the game and was added to the display simply as a convenience.