over 1 year ago - Rocket - Direct link
the 'lb' is the instruction, means "load from batch". In other words, it will load a variable off a batch of devices.

the 'r1' is the register to store the result into

the 'battery' is the type, being a "prefab id", which is a type identifier. In this case, it refers to all Station Batteries.

the 'Charge' is a variable that exists on batteries. Different types of objects have different variables you can read. Charge is the total energy.

the last input 'Sum' is the method to use when taking all the batched devices. Should they be added up? Averaged? The Maximum? or Minimum?

As recommended, if you want to know the total charge of all the batteries on a network, you might be best to use "Ratio" and the method "Average". This will give you the average ratio (0 being totall empty, 1 being totally full) across all of that kind of battery