almost 4 years ago - El Oshcuro - Direct link

New This Month
Stationeers. We all know it’s a special kind of survival game. And for the longest time, we’ve wanted to deepen that experience with food perishability mechanics – and at last we have.

There’s a range of new fridges to keep things fresh and, by popular request, we’ve added a suite of heat exchangers to the game... plus new rocket modules for collecting and storing gas, as well as (believe it or not) a complete modular synthesizer, a basic logic tutorial to get your automation game going, and lots more.

So whether you're a seasoned Stationeer, or a new recruit, come see what’s new!

Food decay
It’s been on our Wishlist for a long, long time: perishable food. And at last, we decided the time was right – to go bad.

All food now perishes, depending on what type of food it is, how hot or cold the atmosphere around it is, and what gases are present.

It’s a new system, so we’re starting out slow. But as we deepen the system and add supporting content in updates to come, we’re going to be tying these mechanics to the core survival loop (fertilizer, anyone?).

We’re really, really excited about this one and where it’s going – so come have a play around, get acquainted with the in’s-and-out’s… and get your bases ready for some entropy fun to come.

Heat Exchanger
Anyone familiar with our atmospherics system knows this is a game changer: a passive heat exchange system that’s less magical, more practical – and easily adapted to whatever crazy thing you’re trying to accomplish in our universe.


New Logic Tutorial
As we’ve been looking at our new player experience, it’s become obvious that an introductory logic tutorial was much needed. So we’ve put together something simple, that we hope provides new players with a springboard into some of our more complicated systems.

There’s a world of automation, IC and control waiting for you – so give it a whirl, and dive into some deeper Stationeers device-wrangling.

Step Sequencer
Many moons ago, our audio programmer observed that the Stationeers logic system would be perfect for creating a modular synthesizer. Since then, we’ve been tapping away in spare moments. And now we’re proud to present to a fully working step sequencer, for creating epic sunrise sonatas, dope disco beats, or whatever.


Because we could! And we loved the idea. And what could be more ‘Stationeers’ than having to create your own soundtrack?

Until next time, Vibeoneeers.

Hotfix - Version 0.2.2833.14070
  • Changed Fridge(Large) to eject heat into the surrounding atmosphere.
  • Fixed Fridge(Large) not providing cooling to items in it's slots.
  • Tweak cooling power of Fridge(Large). Now provides the same amount of cooling as a Wall Cooler.
  • Tweaked cooling of Fridge(Large) to transfer only enough heat energy to hit target temperature, rather than entire cooling potential.
  • Fixed Fridge(Large) not using the correct amount of power when cooling/heating. Was only using base power draw even if heating/cooling.
  • Fridge(Large) now has heat leakage when the fridge doors are open. This'll cause an increase in power usage, as well as an increase in the fridge's temperature if the ambient temperature is high enough to overcome the fridge's cooling.
  • Added new network channel.
  • Updated damage network updates to it's own channel, this should alleviate an issue with a packet buffer overflow error when trying to reconnect to servers.
  • Updated Add gas command to be network enabled, command is now replicated back to clients after it's been run.
  • Added set contact command, This command allows server admins to set the minimum required signal strength to contact and call down a trader.
  • Fixed items spawning decayed item at the in-correct time before it's fully decayed.
  • Fixed Unable to interact with deviceLFO output screw.
  • Fixed Errors on using smart rotate with StepUnit & Stopwatch.
  • Fixed Error on Client joining game with existing DeviceLfo already built.
  • Fixed MusicMachines returning incorrect Itemkit.
  • Fixed Render distance too small for StructureRoundLight and StructureRoundLightSmall.
  • Fixed Potential issues with Dedicated server performance when building music machines.
  • Fixed StepUnit assignments on StepSequencer not syncing correctly for clients.
  • Fixed Dismantling SoundCartridges with drill returns Debugkit.
  • Fixed tooltips showing the name of the item in your hand rather than the item being looked at when trying to swap items between hand and world
  • Fixed duplication bug of selling decayed items to traders not actually removing it from your inventory
  • Updated the Fridge Big which now uses internal atmosphere which heats up and cools down instead of a multiplier.
  • Swapped out the steel ingots for empty cans in Borznac scenario So soups can easily be made.
  • Fixed an issue with food and hydration stopping when returning to a game after exiting to main menu.
  • Fixed missing key on Small fridge that was causing a naming error.

Version 0.2.2827.14044
  • Changed ModularRocketFuelTank is now fully insulated. Expect it to stay this way until the addition of insulated rocket fuel tanks.
  • Added Ability to read gas quantity, temperature and ratios from rocket fuel tank.
  • Added Admin command setdecay, It will set the global decay multiplier of food for the server.
  • Added You can now use Shift + C to auto-rotate devices, pipes and cables to the previous rotation (MouseInspect Key + Quantity Modifier Key)
  • Increased water bottle's storage capacity by 50%. This means you start off with more water, as well as having to refill your bottles less.
  • Added carrying over of damage states when stacks are split or merged.
  • Hydration loss rate is now 60% of original.
  • Added mod-able functionality to the Stationpedia including page creation, images, exclusions.
  • Updated language files to latest stable version.
  • Changed Doubled solar panel repair speed.
  • Added Food Decaying Feature. All Food consumables (Including seeds) will now decay and turn to into an un-eatable pile once fully decayed. There's processes which can slow down the the process of decay such as having the atmosphere cold enough to slow down and or having gas mixes in the atmosphere which would slow down the process even more, such as Carbon dioxide or Nitrogen. Each Food will decay faster or slower then their pairs, this also all depends on the conditions of the temperature and the atmosphere. Temperatures that're too cold will speed up the decay process such as being in a vacuum.
  • Changed the big and small fridge to be isolated from atmospheric heat transfer (but will still receive heat from the sun)
  • Added a tooltip on things that can decay/rot to display the remaining time before it decays.
  • Added Sounds to Fridges.
  • Added Collision Sounds to Wreckage.
  • Added SolarPanel Moving sounds.
  • Updated All wreckage now uses the "Wreckage" Slot type for easy sorting using the Sorter.
  • Added Logic tutorial.
  • Updated H2 Combustor machine with a waste output pipe allowing players to remove unwanted gas's from the machine.
  • Added Fridge Small Recipe to the Electronics Printer which allows the user to pump gas into the Fridge and depending on the conditions allows the decay to slow on consumables.
  • Added Fridge Big Recipe to the Electronics Printer which when turned on and powered slows down the decay on consumables without the need for the user to input their own gas.
  • Added support for Cyrillic letters in Stationpedia search bar.
  • Added videos to Logic tutorial.
  • Added Localisation hooks for music machines.
  • Added A more detailed tooltip to StepSequencer8 and LfoVolume Devices.
  • Added TEMPERATURE CONTROL guide page to Stationeers (written by Barsiel)
  • Added LogicStepSequencer8 to Creative (for making musical sound loops). Build using ItemKitMusicMachines. Connect 8 StepUnits to the left StepSequencer logic input, Put in a sound cartridge, select a speaker output and write to the Time variable on the sequencer. You can get time from the handy new stopwatch device.
  • Added DeviceStepUnit to Creative. Each step unit holds data for Pitch 0-127 (C-2 to G8) and volume (0-127) these values map to the standard general midi note and volume assignments.
  • Added Stopwatch to Creative. Activate button starts and pauses the timer, onOff button resets the time back to 0.
  • Added more mod support for the stationpedia, including the ability to change the HomePage buttons.
  • Added ItemKitMusicMachines for building StopWatch, 8StepSequencer and StepUnit.
  • Added ItemSoundCartridgeBass, ItemSoundCartridgeDrums, ItemSoundCartridgeSynth, ItemSoundCartridgeLeads.
  • Added Gas Insulated Tank Connector.
  • Added Liquid Insulated Tank Connector.
  • Stationpedia updates - community suggestions (Redsti, Pavlik, Risu, BigfootMSR, Moomoobeef, DominicTorrento, mirro)
  • Added Recipes for Insulated tank connecters and the heat exchanger kits.
  • Added Stationpedia entries: decayed food, and explanation of decay system to guide page 'Hunger, nutrition and decay'
  • Added Pipe Heat exchanger, Variants Gas to gas, gas to liquid and liquid to liquid.
  • Added DeviceLfoVolume. Build with ItemKitMusicMachines. Set the output of a StepSequencer8 to LfoVolume to add pulses to your music. (make sure to write time and bpm to Lfo Volume so its in time with the sequencer).
  • Step sequencer explanation for Stationpedia (under sequencer unit entry)
  • Added PassiveSpeaker. Build with ItemKitMusicMachines. Passive speakers are cooler than Klaxons and the best place to route your sequencer audio to!
  • Added Medium sized shelf.
  • Fixed Rocket becoming lost when having multiple fuel tanks.
  • Fixed issue with shelf 'closing' preventing items from being added to it.
  • Fixed Solar Panels causing fps drops when moving.
  • Fixed HeatExchanger computing incorrect calculations when one of the PipeNetwork atmospheres are zero.
  • Fixed Hydration and hunger not resetting to player preferences after tutorials or scenarios.
  • Fixed cooler gas mixtures at low molar counts overshooting and becoming warmer than an atmosphere that was originally warmer with. Heat transfer now only allows atmospheres to hit equilibrium temperature, not move past it
  • Fixed StepSequencer sometimes not playing sounds when attack and release knobs increased past 0.
  • Fixed blastdoor recipe tier error in autolathe.xml
  • Fixed a possible null reference error On the H2 Combustor when activated and no waste pipe output is connected
  • Fixed Rocket silo not serializing the quantity on Save-Load.
  • Fixed Spatialization bugs with rocket launch and landing sounds when looking away from rocket.
  • Fixed Tooltips on sleeper.
  • Fixed potential null error at the end of tutorials.
  • Fixed Harvie occasionally getting stuck in Harvest state.
  • Fixed Stacking of import/export sounds causing them to be very loud when multiple devices import/export simultaneously.
  • Fixed Microwave finished sound playing too early.
  • Fixed StructureWindTurbine rotating backwards.
  • Fixed Gas Mining Modular Rocket part missing after loading a save.
  • Fixed smart rotation on Klaxon Speaker.
  • Fixed StepSequencer Attack Knob not working.
  • Changed You can now read time off StopWatch directly with a logic writer.
  • Fixed Issue with Medium shelf not dropping it's kit when deconstructed.
  • Fixed Issue with H2 Combustor not dropping it's kit when deconstructed.
  • Fixed client crash when using rich text tags in custom names, rich text tags are now disabled.
  • Fixed pressing start on a manufacturing computer when connected to a depowered fabricator, will make the fabricator play the assembling noise.
  • Fixed ShuttleLandingPad lights being switched on when landing pad turned off or incomplete.
  • Added DuctTape sounds for repairing SolarPanels and other players suits.
  • Added Moving and interaction sounds to Satellite Dish.
  • Added Sounds to LandingPad.