about 2 years ago - MrFreake_PDX - Direct link
Originally posted by Bostonian:
Originally posted by Elitewrecker PT: Might there be an ftl inhibitor in the system you were in?

There is, and I own it, furthermore, I own the 3 colonize ring world segments in the system. In fact, I am the one who restored those segments, colonized them, and have own them without interruption.

BTW, it's happening again. And again it's in this ring world gated system. I am trying to move my fleet one system over. System B is owned by Federation mate, who has possession of both the system and its planet. No enemy is in the system.

Instead of going one system over directly, my war fleet wants to go a gated system owned by the Unbidden, then fly about 40 miles instead of flying 10. And an Unbidden fleet is right now in hyperspace heading to that gated system.

3.3 did have some changes made to pathfinding, and this seems like it might be an unintended consequence of those. Please submit a bug report[forum.paradoxplaza.com] so our devs can take a look at this.
