about 3 years ago - Frost Giant Studios - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

11s my name is austin huddleston and i'm the
13s lead server engineer at frost giant we
15s have this laser-focused vision of making
17s this next rts game together um i know
20s for a lot of us myself included games
23s like warcraft 3 and starcraft 2 were
25s like such big parts of our lives
28s [Music]
30s that it's it's really kind of awesome to
32s get to work alongside some of the people
34s who made that happen um and at the same
38s time it's sort of blows my mind to be
41s able to be a part of
42s trying to write what is hopefully the
44s next chapter in that story frost giant
46s has done a really good job of like
47s setting myself up to
49s uh to do my best work i think the the
53s flexibility around work from home is a
54s big part of that
55s the office where we can collaborate is a
58s big part of that and just like
60s the people on the team are another like
63s huge uh part of that as well
66s there's like a lot of
67s we have some really really incredible
70s people who work here and so there's a
71s lot to
73s there's a lot to teach myself obviously
75s as i'm like doing my work
77s but there's also a lot to learn from the
78s people who i'm working with we got a
80s great team culture we had a hot wing
82s eating competition not too long ago and
84s that was a lot of fun the hot wings
86s contest was sort of kevin's
88s idea and he spent a lot of time
90s organizing it we had plenty of milk
92s plenty of ice cream and just
94s had just rounds of
98s hot wings brought out and we all got to
99s choose if
100s like to what level we wanted to go we
102s started with one went all the way up to
104s 10. uh i made it all the way through 10.
107s i just
109s yeah that was hard but i did it i made
111s it um
125s [Music]
130s it was funny seeing everybody
132s in their different reactions to eating
133s those hot wings um
136s that was that was really funny
138s so for me working at prostitute one of
140s the
140s probably the best part about it is the
142s game itself um there's like no shortage
146s of really challenging really interesting
148s problems to try and solve um
150s i think games in general uh
154s like is a really fascinating type of
156s software to develop uh
159s typically that it has to be
161s networked has to be real time has to
162s pull in all these different types of
164s technologies and have it work in one
166s portable package
168s um
168s and
170s so games in general already like a
171s really fascinating space to work in
174s but rts games like sort of kick that up
176s to the next level uh in that like a lot
179s of the solutions that may work for other
182s genres that uh like a lot of the cookie
185s cutter solutions that you would apply to
187s other genres just don't apply to rts
189s games um
191s and so there's there's just no shortage
193s of really tough problems to solve that's
195s what
196s makes my job so awesome is i get to
198s solve tough problems every single day
200s hi i'm mary kessel and i'm a rigger
202s slash technical artist i've worked in
205s the industry for over 20 years
207s but i've never worked on rts so i'm
209s super excited i started just a
212s generalist and then i slowly evolved and
214s really identified with rigging and just
217s tech art as the years evolved when i
219s first interviewed for frustrate
222s i just got a really good vibe from the
225s people and they were all team players
228s and just really
229s genuine hard-working and
232s just really cared about making this this
235s game they all have families that was a
237s big plus for me
239s um
240s just really uh collaborative group
243s and that was a plus and um
246s flexible hours uh nice hybrid schedule
249s that was awesome and i'm working with
252s such amazing i was just blown away with
255s the talent here and i was excited to
257s work with him
259s i was a teacher for the art institute
262s for a few years
263s and for lmu and i worked part time as i
267s would work full-time in the day and then
269s in the evenings i would teach when i
270s first started working i found out that
272s one of my students was here and
275s it turned out that michael tuna was one
277s of my students and
281s i actually remembered him and i said i
283s had a lot of students so if i remembered
285s a student i knew they were really good
287s and
288s um very motivated actually when i first
291s interviewed i was a little hesitant
292s because um it was blunder and unreal and
295s i hadn't used unreal for a good time a
298s long time
300s and um blender was totally new but when
302s i started researching it and
306s and conversing with jesse
308s i was just blown away at what
311s the capability of a free software like
315s compared to the standards in our
318s industry so um i was just really
320s impressed and
321s since i've been here
323s it's just
325s amazing what we've done with it
327s like so far to build our whole pipeline
329s we had um some fun
332s side events like the chili cook-off
336s i participated as well as my son was
338s there
339s um
341s but i didn't get too far
344s i went to like a fourth level but it was
346s it was fun an informal way of getting a
349s note to know the team and
351s and just relaxing and seeing how daring
354s everybody is we have a life outside of
356s the work we work hard when we're there
358s but we also understand that that um
361s we need time to rejuvenate and be with
363s our families too
365s if we're not in person we're slacking
367s and we're just
369s always communicating and no matter how
371s busy we are we always have time to kind
373s of
374s crack a joke or something
377s we just we just have a good rapport um i
380s knew that from day one i feel like
381s everybody's always willing to learn and
384s willing to listen and
385s everybody just wants everyone to win
388s which is really great that's how it
390s should be everywhere
400s you